Monthly Archives: February 2013

The Cambridge Effect

We have always said that the far-right are their own worst enemies  and how true this has turned out to be following their drunken Cambridge embarrassment at the weekend.  One of the many problems that the English Defence League has … Continue reading

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An Interview With The Far Right!

As we clearly haven’t got anything better to do today – or rather we do but we don’t want to do it – we thought we would drop the Infidel-boys a line and ask for an interview to explain their … Continue reading

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Taking The Piss?

As we all know, the collective scrotes of the EDL, SDL and Infibellends all enjoy sophisticated political debate and their choice word of insult against anti-fascists is ‘unwashed.’ As keen observers of these simian shagspots hygienic standards we find this … Continue reading

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Tories In Tracksuits!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit a weekend. We saw 20 odd EDL turn up in Cambridge, all clutching beer cans and arguing with each other to the massed amusements of anti-fascists everywhere – this is when some local ‘chav … Continue reading

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Oh Dear!

Well, it’s been a piss poor showing for the far right today. The EDL were having a ‘regional’ do at Cambridge to celebrate Tommy Robinson’s release from prison but only 22 turned up and neither did he! Here they all … Continue reading

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Mass Moblisation For Manchester!

      Stand Against The EDL In Manchester – Saturday March 2nd   Meet-up: 11am onwards, Piccadilly Gardens, Central Manchester The EDL are coming to Manchester. They aren’t what they were, but they have not gone away. Their leader, Stephen … Continue reading

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EDL: A Summary

Our friends in the Exposing Racism & Intolerance Online group just about summed things up for the EDL this morning.  So with Yaxo in prison and to be released with no doubt harsh conditions and other pending prosecutions, Kev and … Continue reading

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