‘They are become death … The destroyers of worlds.’

‘They are the Strong Men

They are the Strong Men and we are not

They are the Strong Men who do not die

These are the strong men’ 


‘Murderer of Ukrainians …


… Murderer of Kurdish people … 


… Murderer of your own people in Syria … 

U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks in New York September 3, 2015.  REUTERS/Lucas Jackson  - RTX1QZYY


…Who next?’


About malatesta32

Malatesta aka M. Testa, undercover anti-fascist blogger, has analyzed the changing fortunes of the British far right for nearly a decade. He has given lectures on anti-fascism, published articles in Anarchist Studies and Freedom magazine and wrote Militant Anti-Fascism: 100 Years Of Resistance (AK Press 2015) which the Morning Star called a '‘Potent Primer On Europe’s Anti-Fascist Struggle … a useful source of information about the fight against fascism.’ http://www.akuk.com/index.php?_a=product&product_id=7285
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5 Responses to ‘They are become death … The destroyers of worlds.’

  1. Alan Scott says:

    How is the sequel to Militant Anti-Facism going, the one that will focus on the US, Mainland Europe, and Canada? Any idea when it will come out? THANKS!

    • malatesta32 says:

      How timely, i’ve just sent a proposal to AK in Baltimore and hopefully they will go for it.
      Rather than a sequel filling gaps from 1945-present in USA, Canada, EU etc, recent events have demanded a structural rethink and it is probably going to look like this given the ‘Western Political Xenophobia’ and Muslim’ ‘Totalitarianism.’
      1/ Trump’s domestic & global policies, and the dreadful possibility of a Trump, Putin, &/or Erdogan/Assad – which is terrifying in its global significance.
      2/ Ukraine, Putin & Neo-Nazis; Brexit in UK; the shift over to far right intolerance and insularity in ‘legitimate politics’ esp in France (Le Pen), Hungary, Austria, Greece, Germany …
      3/ Rojave, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and the very real struggle against Daesh; the Kurdish battle against imperialism and the PKK’s struggle now against Erdogan, surely a dictator.
      We need to redefine anti-fascism: street brawls in Dover, UK, are one thing, UK anti-fascists dying in combat against Daesh, and Kurdish radicals being attacked from all sides but still flying the AFA flag.
      That’s the plan!
      cheers Mal

  2. Hi Mal, Have a look at these links:

    First one is from the misogynist cut and paste christian identity ‘currant bun lite’

    Second is from the MEN, and elaborates on the heroism of numer 15 on the chrimbo card list, the NWI POW, Shaun Jones

    I’m sure you could bring to light some more info on the Prisoners Of War who have been incarcerated for Thought Crimes, such as thinking that it is ok to bite an old man’s ear off when he objects to you stealing food from an 18th birthday bash that you were never invited to! Strong stuff. Oh the persecution!

    Come on Mal – if you do requests, the heroic 20 are just crying out for you t write about their exploits in the service of the Reich!

    • malatesta32 says:

      I’m just psyching myself up to do the 2016 Review which takes some effort to go over what has been a thoroughly shit year politically, altho the UK far right have fared very poorly and despite all their bluster have achieved nothing. Dover and liverpool decimated the far-right with heavy manners sentencing, bans and bail conditions shutting them down and of course the utter humiliation of the ‘battle of the luggage department’ and many fash getting a proper kicking when they have tried it on elsewhere. paul pitt was battered and humiliated too.
      to show it is doing something, the state have targeted teeny-terror-tykes National Action Men for attention over silly stickers, posters and hate speech. small compensation but as far as the fash are concerned they are split, splintered and without any kind of leadership figure emerging since griffin. good riddance. our fight however, has escalated into a frightening and global situation. 2017 is going to be rough.

  3. National Action Men – the Combat under 18s! lol.
    From what I can see, there is a joining up of the various Forums (London, Wales, Yorkshire), Narcissistic Acne, Infidels, NF, BuM, with a sprinkling of loony Creators and Christian Identitarians. There is no Fuhrer for them all, but there is a coalescence which hasn’t been seen in years. But when the whole mob could have a unity conference in a wheelie bin, that in’t difficult. I could be imagining this, but looking how at the Daily Stirrer is plugging all of these…

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