Monthly Archives: October 2012

Game Over?

Crikey Oh Blimey, Mary Poppins! We’ve just been to London and had a right old Chas and Dave Up at the Anarchist Book Fair in the East End town of Cockney! Never mind all that Jock stuff, we’re now Diamond … Continue reading

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This Is The End …

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! At the risk of offending incompetent bugles and clooties everywhere, the incompetent bugles and clooties at the EDL have broken the idiot barrier yet again in their run-up to the ill-fated ‘Walthamstow Revenge’ march. … Continue reading

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Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit a way to start the week!  Mr Tommy Robinson, alias Steven Caxley-Trousers, of the English Defence League has been right royally nicked for all manner of shenanigans and is currently living it up … Continue reading

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Unite The Right? Yeah, Right!

In the long struggle against fascism it is fair to say that fascism’s worst enemy is itself. When they are not busy slagging each other off or, even worse, physically attacking each other, there is nothing they like more than … Continue reading

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What A Weekend! Or Not.

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The various far right grupuscules were all a wee bit busy this weekend. It’s a pity they all can’t agree with each other cos if they all joined together there would be almost 350 … Continue reading

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Sunderland & Others!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The Tory Party are boning up to attack the poorest of society whilst the right wing press call all benefit claimants ‘scroungers.’ These include ‘scroungers’ who have lost their jobs recently through redundancy, scroungers … Continue reading

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So Kev, How’s The PCC Thing Going?

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