Bridges to the future of energy

Bridges to the future of energy

In this speech in Istanbul, Turkey, Shell's Chief Executive Ben van Beurden emphasises the importance of taking a global perspective on the challenge of tackling climate change.

The hyperactive child who never gave up

The hyperactive child who never gave up

Johari bin Brahim used the skills he acquired from Shell LiveWIRE Brunei to launch two businesses and has just won a $24 million contract. He tells Inside Energy why he’s not stopping there.

The Paris agreement: can it survive?

The Paris agreement: can it survive?

It is crucial that the Paris agreement remains in place, says Shell’s Chief Climate Change Advisor David Hone. It underpins the need for the ongoing energy transition to also deliver a world of net-zero emissions.

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A record-breaking offshore lift

After decades supplying oil and gas, some North Sea platforms are nearing the end of their lives. See how the 24,200-tonne Brent Delta was lifted and carried to an industrial recycling centre more than 700 kilometres away. 

Inspiring the next generation of female engineers

Katie Clasen is an Operations Support Engineer in California, USA. A commitment to community and innovation were among the values that inspired her to join Shell. “My voice is now part of the global conversation about how to address future energy needs in a sustainable way”.

Read Katie’s story