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Lendlease's London Elephant leads way on housing in wake of Grenfell Tower tragedy

The charred remains of Grenfell Tower haunt the west London skyline. As police work through the ashes with sieves, searching for the as-yet unidentified dead who burned to death in 1000 degree temperatures, the building has become more than just a graveyard.

It has sparked a national conversation about how the country solves its housing crisis.

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There are similarities to Sydney and Melbourne where housing affordability is politically contentious. But the debate also involves particularly British notions of class given the borough of Kensington and Chelsea – where Grenfell is located – houses some of Britain's most wealthy residents as well as areas of concentrated poverty.

Built in 1974, Grenfell was refurbished 42-years later as part of the council's "regeneration" project across the borough. This included the installation of the now-notorious combustible cladding, double-glazed windows, and heating. A nursery and boxing club were also installed. Critics describe the council effort as "gentrification".

And an Australian company, listed construction giant Lendlease, sits at the heart of the debate about the best way to build and renew social housing in London.

The group is responsible for one of London's biggest regeneration projects to date – the £2.3 billion ($3.85 billion) transformation of the once-derelict Elephant and Castle precinct in the capital's coveted zone one.


The project has been held up in some quarters as an exemplar of how councils, hit by massive Westminister cuts to affordable housing subsidies, can partner with the private sector to produce so-called "affordable housing."

Australian model

Treasurer Scott Morrison toured the project in January and hailed it a potential model for Australia which needs its stock of social housing to increase by half if it is to accommodate the 180,000 people on the wait list.

Mr Morrison released a discussion paper exploring how Australia could look into social impact investing, where the private and not-for-profit sector work together to deliver services previously provided by the state.

This third-sector model was advanced by Tony Blair's new Labour but is facing an existential crisis in a country that nearly endorsed Jeremy Corbyn's socialism. Voters have become increasingly wary about having social housing provided by their councils replaced by the private sector.

Opponents of the model say the creeping gentrification, including the overhaul of Elephant, is nothing short of social cleansing where council estates are replaced with a mix of luxury and "affordable" housing which they say remains out of reach for most.

By 2025, Lendlease will transform a total 11.4 hectares, the equivalent of six Sydney Cricket Grounds, into 3000 new homes – a mix of low-rise apartment blocks, a luxury tower block and a string of carbon-neutral townhouses valued at over £1 million each. About 30,000 square metres worth of retail space will be built as well as a central park the size of a football pitch.

In the process there will be an overall reduction in the number of dwellings set aside for social or affordable housing.

City in shock

Lendlease chief executive of international operations, Dan Labbad, says his industry is taking stock from Grenfell.

"The city, the industry, everyone is just in shock and I don't think the full implications have sunk in yet," he says.

Already, Arconic, the manufacturer of the cladding blamed for the ferocity of the blaze, has stopped sales of the product for all high-rises even in countries where it is allowed, including Britain. For Lendlease, the cladding would never have made it on to one of their buildings under their current safety standards.

"We don't use that cladding in the," says Labbad who argues strict safety standards is partly behind Lendlease's shrinking global footprint.

"We were in forty countries about 10 years ago, we're now down to 10."

"As we developed our global minimum [safety] requirements we realised that we didn't have the control to enforce them so one of the key reasons why we shrunk back was because of safety."

Lendlease which was founded in 1958 by Dutch entrepreneur Dick Dusseldorf. He argued companies needed to not just generate profits but add some worth to society.

"We're listed and we're profit-making but effectively we do it for purpose and that purposeful pursuit has always been at the heart of Lendlease," says Labbad.

Lendlease International House, the first timber (CLT) office in the country at Barangaroo

Lendlease International House, the first timber (CLT) office in the country at Barangaroo Photo: The Moment It Clicks Pty Ltd

Urban regeneration is at the core of that purpose. Having opened the first of the commercial towers at Sydney's Barangaroo development on the western edge of the harbour last year and having been one of the biggest players in Melbourne's Docklands, its bid to restore Elephant and Castle to its pre-WWII glory is arguably its highest-profile project anywhere in the world.

No-go zone

London, south of the river, used to be a no-go zone for some.

"Both sides of the River have an equal disdain for each other that has persisted for centuries," recalls former South Australian Premier and London High Commissioner, Mike Rann, who was born in Lewisham in London's south east.

"For years, south London was cut off by poor transport links as well as the Thames which contributed to its different identity and outlook.

"Kids from west and north London were often told to never dare venture 'south of the river' because locals were considered 'dodgy' or 'spivs'. In return we thought they were toffs and 'would-bes who could-bes'."

Nowadays the area has become a popular area for affluent professionals wanting to live near the city. It is home to the trendy Borough Market with the riverfront dominated by luxury high-rises looming up over the Thames. Like so many parts of London, millionaires rub shoulders with council housing tenants on a daily basis.

To understand the current arguments over the Lendlease project, it is important to consider the history of the area. Elephant and Castle, tucked behind Waterloo, was once known as the Picadilly of the south. But it was decimated by German bombing in the Blitz, and became home to mass social housing instead.

The most notorious estate was Heygate – a set of brutalist blocks completed in 1974, the same year as Grenfell. It appears in scores of films including World War Z and Harry Brown.

Heygate was revolutionary – even futuristic – at the time, doing away with a pedestrian level through a network of raised walkways. These would later become havens for drug dealers and prostitutes but it wasn't always this way.

"Everyone wanted to live at Heygate when it was built," says Norma Lawrence, a 40-year resident in the area.

"I wanted to live there. It was the first place to have stainless steel sinks and central heating."

She says it had a shopping strip and outdoor space sheltered by a canopy of trees but suffered in the mid-'90s when it became notorious rather than desirable.

Intentions undermined

Labour councillor Mark Williams oversees Southwark's regeneration program. He says the project was built "with the best of intentions" but design flaws such as huge barrier blocks that separated the estate from the rest of the area made it unwelcoming.

By the late '90s, Southwark Council made the decision to completely demolish the 1212 homes and start again. But pulling down the concrete blocks proved to be an easier task than building relations with the community, with locals furious that they were forcibly evicted from their council homes. There was more than a decade between the adoption of its masterplan and the date Lendlease completed demolition.

Lendlease was adamant it would do the consultation itself, describing the support of locals as "fundamental".

"You ignore them at your peril," says Labbad. "I've done a lot of [community consultations] in my career but not like the Elephant, that's the deepest."

One of the first tests Lendlease faced was a dispute over hundreds of mature trees the community wanted protected.


Tree conservation was one of Lendlease's first challenges. Photo: Latika Bourke

In response, the company re-drew its masterplan to save 100 mature trees.

"And that's where the idea of the park was created," says Labbad.

"So effectively, the community pushed us to create the park. It's the engagement process before we designed anything that enabled us to evolve the design."

Lawrence agrees the consultation has been genuine.

"They'll always return your call," she says, recalling how her emails were answered by staff even when on holiday.

"How many developers can you march over and tell them your thoughts? I don't think many. And I always do because I can."

She helped select the colour of the bricks used to build the blocks opposite her home and had been adamant that the building should be no higher than 14 floors.

When Lendlease finished building, they invited her up to celebrate completion and "seal the deal" to prove the building would go no higher.

Wansey Street resident Norma Lawrence (third from right) attending a ceremony to mark completion of an apartment block. She says Lendlease has been genuinely consulting locals.

Wansey Street resident Norma Lawrence (third from right) attending a ceremony to mark completion of an apartment block. She says Lendlease has been genuinely in its consultation with locals. Photo: Photographer: Romain Kedochim

Councillor Williams says Lendlease is one of the best developers he has seen in engaging the community.

"It's very clear that they're there for the long haul and I think the residents get that from the relationship they've developed."

He says not one person has turned up to object in the last two planning meetings, in stark contrast to the beginning.

Anger lingers

But Lawrence says this is a misleading metric because with construction so advanced, there's no point in protesting about evictions any longer.

"People are still angry but they did find a good developer. I have not met one person so far from the area who agrees with what's been done."

"Those who don't live here are the supporters."

Caitlyn Badham-Thornhill, a local cafe-owner from Camden, is one those and has felt the brunt of locals' fury.

Caitlyn Badham-Thornhill and her business partner Sophie hope their vegan cafe will be part of the completed Elephant Park regeneration project.

Caitlyn Badham-Thornhill and her business partner Sophie hope their vegan cafe will be part of the completed Elephant Park regeneration project. Photo: Supplied

"We've had a run in with some negativity with regards to the regeneration," she said, citing being attacked by a co-ordinated group of activists on Twitter who held up the cost of their vegan milkshakes and cupcakes as a symbol of gentrification.

"Change is always going to upset someone and we understand that but we are only minding our own business (our very small business) while major chains are being opened all around us," she said.

Two years ago she and her business partner Sophie moved their vegan start-up Cupcakes and Shhht from a stall in Camden Market in London's north to a temporary retail square Lendlease constructed out of shipping containers called Artworks.

The Artworks

The Artworks, a temporary retail venue Lendlease constructed out of shipping containers. Photo: Latika Bourke

The square is tiny but vibrant – packed with eateries, niche retailers and a library upstairs. It is part of Lendlease and the council's joint attempts to support small businesses with subsidised rents in a city blighted by coffee chains like Starbucks.

"The whole inception of the Artworks was can we incubate small businesses not just for The Elephant but for the area," says Dan Labbad.

Craning upwards

After his election victory in 2013, Tony Abbott spoke fondly of wanting to see "cranes over cities." He could have been longing to replicate the London skyline which twinkles red at night from the scores of cranes in all directions,

London's gentrification is happening at a rapid pace with luxury towers and penthouse apartments erected at a rapid frightening pace. There construction boom is one of the reasons London has bounced back from the GFC faster than most European cities while homeowners have seen the value of their property soar. But an influx of foreign buyers and no end to housing affordability problems for renters has led to fears that ordinary people are being left behind.

Britain's planning rules demand that a portion of new developments must be "affordable". This means houses and flats are sold at a cheaper price to not-for-profit housing associations which rent them out at 80 per cent of the market rate, or in some instances at Elephant Park, through provider L&Q;, at half the market rents. But with average rent in London at about £1,500 a month, the term "affordable" is a relative concept.

Where affordable housing can't be included, such as luxury tower blocks with huge strata costs, the developer pays fees to the council, which then reinvests them in social or affordable housing. But developers can get around their quotas if they are able to prove it is financially unviable.

Last week Malaysian developer SP Setia slashed the number of affordable homes in its £9 billion regeneration of the iconic Battersea power station to just 386 out of 4200 homes, claiming its project would not be viable at the original setting of 636.

Southwark Councillor Mark Williams says this outcome would never be allowed from Lendlease or by any other developer operating in Southwark.

"What's happened in Battersea is appalling and there's no justification for reducing the amount of affordable housing."

A viability assessment showed the Elephant Park transformation would be profitable if just 9 per cent of homes were sold at affordable rates. But Southwark Council, which sold the land the Lendlease insisted on a 25 per cent minimum (the equivalent of 750 homes compared with the 1212 previously) as part of that sale, even though its overall target for affordable housing in the borough is 35 per cent.

But the council says this is still a good deal because, if left to planning laws alone, a 9 per cent affordable housing component could have been approved.

Lendlease used bricks matching colours of buildings in the Elephant and Castle area.

Lendlease used bricks matching colours of buildings in the Elephant and Castle area. Photo: Latika Bourke

Labbad says Lendlease sees itself as a "progressive business" wanting to take part in helping ease the housing affordability crisis caused by global liquidity "flowing into cities buying up property".

"The agenda is running away from us," he says. "Gone are the days when the property industry could just play at the affluent end of the opportunity."

"Lendlease has been working hard at that for some time and I think now what's happening is there's a collective understanding growing that that needs to become the norm across the board."

Southwark Council is currently checking if the 116 families who expressed interest in returning to the revitalised area still want to come back. Just two have returned and taken up new lives in their old but unrecognisable neighbourhood.

All residents are given automatic right to return if they choose but many prefer their new homes, like Norma Lawrence's son who has happily re-settled in the trendy suburb of Bermondsey, close to London Bridge.

Residents liked the development but worry it will prove to be too expensive.

"They're all expensive," says 31-year old Thomas Kousiounis gesturing towards the finished block of flats. "I wouldn't be surprised if the landlord puts my rent up," he said.

On paper, Elephant Park is nothing short of a success so far. A luxury tower block was completed in 2016 and sets of low-rise apartments which include affordable housing were finished in 2015. The tower has no affordable housing because the council decided to charge developer fees instead to replace the leisure centre underneath.


Elephant Park is looking like a success. Photo: Latika Bourke

The £20 million leisure centre was paid for by Lendlease through developer fees and profits returns.

But the high-end property market has taken a tumble since Brexit and future profits might not be so lucrative. Labbad says he expects several property cycles over the decade, adding the company could explore rentals rather than sales if needed.

"Getting it done, showing that we can do it on time and on budget, showing that what, the product we're delivering is very different," says Labbad.

But for Southwark Council, the future is unclear. While they stand by their deal with Lendlease, it has served its time. Voters are weary of the third-sector "affordable housing" model.

"Since the deal was signed with Elephant Park we've actually taken a new approach, because we ran a huge consultation with our residents three years ago and the very clear message that came back from that was that they want us to build council houses again," says Councillor Williams.

"In the future we'll only consider it if it results in a net increase in the number of council homes."

So while Lendlease may receive plaudits for delivering quality construction – a reputation which helped it secure its latest contract to build Google's new headquarters in Battersea – Elephant and Castle is unlikely to be repeated again.

In post-Grenfell Britain, it is council housing that could end with a revival. The new leader of the Kensington and Chelsea borough has pledged to build new council homes and will seek funding from Theresa May's government.

Councillor Mark Williams says Grenfell has been a much needed wake-up call about housing policy. "Let's wait and see where the investigation leads to but the national conversation that's started as a result of this is a positive thing and hopefully the government will listen and put the investment into social housing that we so desperately need."

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