Workshop and panellist callout!

We are very close to putting up our draft program for Conflux 13.

We’ve got a few gaps left, though, so this is your chance.

Is there a panel topic you really want to see on the program?

Do you want to volunteer to be on a panel or five?

Do you have a great idea for a guest presentation or a workshop you want to pitch to us?*

Now is the time to let us know. Please email the Conflux 13 Committee on confluxchair[at]

*You might get away with suggesting panel topics in the comments, but if you want to pitch a workshop or prezzo, you really need to email us.


Time to get your creepy creativity on…

This year Conflux is offering an extra creative outlet for those of you so inclined…

Riffing off the theme of  Guest of Honour Ellen Datlow’s 2015 anthology, The Doll Collection, we would like you to try and creep us right out by creating something horrible for our Conflux 13 Scary Doll competition.

Entry will be by gold coin donation. You’ll be able to drop your creepy creations off in the art show room for display throughout the con. We’ll reveal the winner (who will get a tacky trophy and maybe some chocolate) at the closing ceremony.

Looking forward to seeing the depths of nightmarishness you will plumb for this one.


Announcing the Conflux 13 venue!

This year Conflux 13 will be trying out a new venue! We’ll be heading out to the brand new hotel Vibe, located just next to the Canberra airport.

There is paid parking close by, with free parking available on Beltana Road in nearby Piallago if you don’t mind a 5 minute walk. It’s a 12 minute drive to the centre of Canberra.

Vibe are offering rooms for Conflux members at $169 per night, room only, from Thursday 28 September through to Tuesday 3 October. You can book your rooms online: just visit this Hotel Vibe booking link and use the login code TH9414956.

Important stuff: yes there’s a bar. It’s even got a fireplace.

And we’ve tried the coffee. It’s pretty good. And reasonably quick. So their baristas know what they’re doing.

Here’s a map, too:

Any other questions? Let us know! We’ll try & answer them for you in the comments.

See you there!


Conflux 13 Short Story Competition is open!

We are excited to announce that Conflux Inc is once again partnering with the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild to bring you the CSFG/Conflux 13 short story competition!

This year’s theme is (wait for it…)


These bright and bitter threads wind through the heart of many a grim tale and we want to see what you make of them. We want your tales of 4000 words or under, incorporating these three words somehow, in any speculative fiction genre. It doesn’t have to be a twisted fairy tale, but it does have to be speculative.

The competition is open to all Australian residents and members of either the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild or Conflux 13.

Entry is $5, unless you are a member of the CSFG or Conflux 13 or you are aged 16 or under, in which case it is free!


First prize is $200 and a 2018 Conflux 14 membership! Second prize is $50 and a discounted Conflux 14 membership, and third prize is $25 and a discounted Conflux 14 membership.


Stories should be written in English, suitable for a general audience (ie, no gratuitous violence or erotica) and, of course, your own original, unpublished work.

Please submit them in the following format: RTF, double spaced, courier font, with the story title in the top right header.

Make the first page of your document a cover sheet that includes your name, contact details and story title (we’ll remove this before we give it to the judges). YOUR NAME MUST NOT APPEAR ON ANY OF THE OTHER PAGES OF THE STORY.

Get it to us at before midnight on 31 July 2017.


Fees can be paid by direct deposit (BSB: 805022 Acct: 03421621 Acct name: Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild) or Paypal to (For other options or any more information contact us directly at the address)


Announcing our Music Guest: Meri Amber

Conflux 13 is proud to announce its final guest for 2017: musical guest Meri Amber.
Meri Amber is a geek pop singer-songwriter from Sydney. Her sound can be likened to a mesh of bright pop with a smidgen of 90s punk rock stirred in, topped off with a generous sprinkling of pop culture samples and computer game synths. She lists Lily Allen, Mika and Aqua as some of her influences as well as Pokémon, Starbucks and Tim Minchin.

Meri has been a star attraction at previous Conflux events and we are delighted that she will be returning this year with a delightful surprise: Grimm Tales, a brand new EP, launching at Conflux 13!

Meri says:

I am extraordinarily excited for Conflux 13. There are a wealth of reasons why. Firstly, 13 is my favourite number (I was born on a Friday the 13th at 1pm… Which is the 13th hour). Secondly, the Grimm Brothers theme caught my imagination in a big way.
Unlike the previous Conflux events I’ve been too, I didn’t have any Grimm Brothers songs I could perform at Conflux 13, so I decided to go create an EP of them! I’m going to be sharing my EP and giving it a fittingly eerie launch as part of the event.
Many know my songs as very upbeat and chirpy, so an EP of truly dark, often cinematic songs was a different direction for me. There’s everything from big instrumental sections, to spoken word poetry to a cappella choral sections weaved in there between edgy, indie-pop style, filk songs.
I simply can’t wait for Conflux, it’s bound to be a highlight of my year!


As a special preview, Meri has shared the first track from the EP: “Saved by Murder”. Click on the link below to hear the song.

Saved by Murder – Meri Amber


Announcing Conflux 13’s International Guest of Honour: Ellen Datlow

We have to keep pinching ourselves to make sure this is real, but (deep breath) Conflux 13 is bringing none other than Ellen Datlow to Australia!!!

Ellen Datlow has been editing science fiction, fantasy, and horror short fiction for over thirty-five years as fiction editor of OMNI Magazine and editor of Event Horizon and SCIFICTION. She currently acquires short fiction for In addition, she has edited more than ninety science fiction, fantasy, and horror anthologies, including the annual The Best Horror of the Year, Lovecraft’s Monsters, Fearful Symmetries, The Doll Collection, The Monstrous, Children of Lovecraft, Nightmares: A New Decade of Modern Horror, and Black Feathers.  Forthcoming are, Hallows’ Eve (with Lisa Morton), and Mad Hatters and March Hares (stories inspired by Alice’s Adventures in in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There).

She’s won multiple World Fantasy Awards, Locus Awards, Hugo Awards, Stoker Awards, International Horror Guild Awards, Shirley Jackson Awards, and the 2012 Il Posto Nero Black Spot Award for Excellence as Best Foreign Editor. Datlow was named recipient of the 2007 Karl Edward Wagner Award, given at the British Fantasy Convention for “outstanding contribution to the genre,” was honored with the Life Achievement Award by the Horror Writers Association, in acknowledgment of superior achievement over an entire career, and honored with the World Fantasy Life Achievement Award at the 2014 World Fantasy Convention.

She lives in New York and co-hosts the monthly Fantastic Fiction Reading Series at KGB Bar.  More information can be found at, on Facebook, and on twitter as @EllenDatlow.

We are beyond excited to bring you this giant of genre fiction. There’s not much she doesn’t know about this industry and we’re really looking forward to hearing everything she has to say. We’re going to be super-professional about it all. But, just know we’ll all be fangirling/fanboying on the inside.


Announcing our MC for Conflux 13: Kaaron Warren

And now for our second exciting reveal: we are very happy to announce that your MC for Conflux 13 will be the multi-award winning writer of intelligent, terrifying and unsettling “ghost stories for grown ups”, Kaaron Warren!

Kaaron Warren has been writing stories since she was five, around the same time she discovered Grimm’s Fairy tales. The chilling thrill of Hansel and Gretel, Rumplestiltskin tearing himself in two; all of these helped her become a writer. She’s been publishing fiction since she was 28, with 4 novels and 6 short story collections to show for it. She still reads Grimm’s, every now and then.

We have it on good authority that Kaaron is, even now, plotting just exactly how she will traumatise us all shepherd us through the shadowy halls of our 13th Conflux to emerge, pale and blinking (from the con bar?), back into the sunlight of a subtly altered reality…

Stay tuned for more exciting Conflux 13 news in the next few days!


Announcing our first Conflux 13 GOH: Angela Slatter

We are thrilled to be able to reveal our first Guest of Honour to you: the supremely talented and intimidatingly brilliant Angela Slatter!

Angela Slatter is the author of the collections The Girl with No Hands and Other Tales, Sourdough and Other Stories, The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings, Black-Winged Angels, Winter Children and Other Chilling Tales and A Feast of Sorrows: Stories, as well as the novellas Ripper and Of Sorrow and Such. With co-conspirator Lisa L. Hannett she has written Midnight and Moonshine and The Female Factory. Angela has won a World Fantasy Award, a British Fantasy Award, one Ditmar Award, and five Aurealis Awards. She has an MA and a PhD in Creative Writing, is a graduate of Clarion South and the Tin House Summer Writers Workshop. She was an inaugural Queensland Writers Fellow in 2013, and the Established Writer-in-Residence at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre in Perth in 2016. Her work has been adapted for the screen, and translated into Japanese, Russian, and Bulgarian. Angela’s debut novel, Vigil, was released by Jo Fletcher Books (Quercus/Hachette) in July 2016, and the sequels, Corpselight and Restoration will follow in 2017 and 2018 respectively.

And, as of today, she has received a further 5 Aurealis Award nominations for best horror story (“The Red Forest”, from Winter Children and Other Chilling Tales), best fantasy novella (Finnegan’s Field), best collection (for both Winter Children and Other Chilling Tales AND A Feast of Sorrows: Stories) and best novel (Vigil). Phew.

We are really looking forward to hanging out with Angela and hearing what she has to say on all the fascinating topics we’re going to throw at her over the first weekend in October. Hoping you can join us!


Conflux 13…Grimm Tales

We are thrilled with our new banner for Conflux 13 – Grimm Tales. Could it be more awesome? Actually, no. No, it could not.

Brought to you by the supremely talented Shauna O’Meara. Prepare for more Grimm news in the next few days!


Conflux 12 – Contest Winners (Updated!)

Conflux plays host to various writing and art contests, and this year’s winners include:

Art Contests

E G Harvey Award

THE E. G. HARVEY AWARD FOR AUSTRALIAN SF ART is an annual award sponsored by the Harvey Australian Foundation. This award is for the best original visual art work in show, produced by an Australian artist in the previous 12 months. Judging will be made from works exhibited at the Conflux 12 Art Show by a panel of non-participating artists. The medium for the work may be acrylic, oils, watercolour, pencil and/or ink, charcoal, mixed medium, sculpture, photography, animation and video-works.

This year’s E G Harvey Award winner, collecting a beautiful trophy and $500 prize, is Russell Kightley for “Quala’s Jungle”


Art Show – Professional

This year’s Art Show – Professional prize was won by Keely Van Order for “Grief Hole: Paradise Falls”


Art Show – Amateur

This year’s Best in Show – 2D – Amateur prize was won by Ian Nicholls for “Tears in the Rain”


This year’s Best in Show – 3D – Amateur prize was won by Alastair Ott for “Steampunk bracelet”



Writing Contests

Conflux/CSFG Short Story Contest

The Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild (CSFG) sponsored this year’s short story writing contest, judged by Guest of Honour Alan Baxter and previous winner (on multiple occasions) Robert Porteous. Submissions were required to be up to 4000 words long, in any speculative genre, using the theme “Red Fire Monkey”.

The winners were:

  • First place – Pia Van Ravestein, “The Repairers”
  • Second place – David Versace, “The Nature of Monkey”
  • Third place – Pamela Jeffs, “Tattoo”

Flash Fiction Slam

In the flash fiction slam, participants were given a random prompt and 15 minutes to write a short 100-200 word story, and recite it before a live studio audience (well, in the convention reception).

The winner, by popular applause, was Rik Lagarto.


Poetry Slam

The poetry contest, run on similar lines, was won this year by Tim Roberts, for his poem “They Know Where I Am” (reproduced below)


                  They know where I am

I hear them: above me,
behind me, weaving patterns
in the air –
I hear their steady, leathery flapping
but no cry or hoot, which scares me more
than the rustling as they perch
in nearby trees.
If I walk faster, then trip, I’ll be easy prey –
not that I’m a hard target now
when they can fly like that in the dark.

Cosplay Contests

A number of cosplay events were held over the weekend and prizes awarded for the best costumes:

Monkey Magic Cosplay

The winners were Rob Porteous, Baby Leon (an actual baby) and Anke Ziergiebel

Star Trek Cosplay

Alistair Ott, Maddy Piggott and a mystery third winner (whose identity the very tired judges forgot to record!)

Star Trek Trivia

Finally, boldly going into the prize rounds for the Star Trek Trivia contests were M. James Richards and Cathy!

That’s it for Conflux 12!

Congratulations to all our winners and we hope to see everyone back for Conflux 13: Grimm Tales!

Tickets for 2017 Conflux event are now available at a discounted price from Trybooking!
