- published: 10 Jun 2014
- views: 17499
Conceptions of God in monotheist, pantheist, and panentheist religions – or of the supreme deity in henotheistic religions – can extend to various levels of abstraction:
The first recordings that survive of monotheistic conceptions of God, borne out of henotheism and (mostly in Eastern religions) monism, are from the Hellenistic period. Of the many objects and entities that religions and other belief systems across the ages have labeled as divine, the one criterion they share is their acknowledgement as divine by a group or groups of human beings.
In his Metaphysics, Aristotle discusses meaning of "being as being". Aristotle holds that "being" primarily refers to the Unmoved Movers, and assigned one of these to each movement in the heavens. Each Unmoved Mover continuously contemplates its own contemplation, and everything that fits the second meaning of "being" by having its source of motion in itself, moves because the knowledge of its Mover causes it to emulate this Mover (or should).
Hinduism Today is a quarterly magazine published by the Himalayan Academy, a nonprofit educational institution, in Kapaʻa, Hawaiʻi, USA. It is distributed throughout the United States and internationally, currently in 60 nations. Founded by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami in 1979, it is a public service of his monastic order to promote an understanding of the Hindu faith, culture, and traditions.
Hinduism Today was launched in 1979 by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (Gurudeva), published by his non-profit organization Himalayan Academy. Originally The New Saivite World, the magazine was a small black-and-white periodical without a fixed publication schedule. The first issue appeared February 1979, with the goal of giving a voice to Gurudeva's worldwide fellowship in a way that was easy to read, simple to produce, mail and handle. The newsletter was to be a people-oriented paper, not so much devoted to philosophy or teaching since the Himalayan Academy was publishing books on Hindu-related metaphysical topics as early as 1957.
A students' union, student government, free student union, student senate, students' association, guild of students or government of student body is a student organization present in many colleges, universities, and high schools. In higher education, the students' union is often accorded its own building on the campus, dedicated to social, organizational activities, representation and academic support of the membership.
In the United States, student union many times only refers to a physical building owned by the university with the purpose to provide services for students without a governing body also referred to as a student activity center, although the Association of College Unions International (largely US-based) has hundreds of campus organizational members). Outside the US, student union and students' union refer to a representative body, as distinct from a student activity centre.
Depending on the country: the purpose, assembly, method and implementation of the group might vary. Universally the purpose of students' union or student government is to represent fellow students in some fashion.
William Lane Craig (/kreɪɡ/; born August 23, 1949) is an American Christian apologist, analytic Christian philosopher, and theologian. Craig's philosophical work focuses primarily on philosophy of religion, but also on metaphysics and philosophy of time. His theological interests are in historical Jesus studies and philosophical theology. He is known for his debates on the existence of God with public figures such as Christopher Hitchens and Lawrence Krauss.
Craig established an online apologetics ministry, ReasonableFaith.org. His current research deals with divine aseity and the challenge posed by Platonist accounts of abstract objects. Craig is also an author of several books, including Reasonable Faith, which began as a set of lectures for his apologetics classes.
Craig is the second of three children born to Mallory and Doris Craig in Peoria, Illinois. His father's work with the T. P. & W. railroad took the family to Keokuk, Iowa, until his transfer to the home office in East Peoria in 1960. While a student at East Peoria Community High School (1963–67) Craig became a championship debater and public speaker, being named his senior year to the all-state debate team and winning the state championship in oratory. In September 1965, his junior year, he converted to Christianity, and after graduating from high school, attended Wheaton College, a Christian college, majoring in communications. Craig graduated in 1971 and the following year married his wife Jan, whom he met on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ. In 2014, he was named alumnus of the year by Wheaton.
In Hindu monotheism, the concept of God varies from one sect to another. Hinduism (by its nature as a regional rather than a doctrinal religious category) is not exclusively monotheistic, and has been described as spanning a wide range of henotheism, monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, pandeism, monism, atheism and nontheism etc.
The philosophical system of Advaita or non-dualism as it developed in the Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy, especially as set out in the Upanishads and popularised by Adi Shankara in the 9th century, would become the basis of mainstream Hinduism as it developed in the medieval period. This non-dualism postulates the identity of the Self or Atman with the Whole or Brahma, and can be described as monism or pantheism.
Forms of explicit monotheism find mention in the canonical Bhagavad Gita. Explicit monotheism in the form of emotional or ecstatic devotion (bhakti) to a single external and personal deity (in the form of Shiva or Vishnu) became popular in South India in the early medieval period. Ecstatic devotion to Krishna, a form of Vishnu, gained popularity throughout India during the Middle Ages and gave rise to schools of Vaishnavism. Ecstatic devotion to Goddess Durga became popular in some parts of India in the later medieval and early modern ages. Vaishnavism, particularly Krishnaism, Shaktism and some forms of Shaivism remain the most explicit forms of monotheistic worship of a personal God within Hinduism. Other Hindus, such as many of those who practice Shaivism, tend to assume the existence of a singular God, but do not necessarily associate God with aspects of a personality. Rather they envisage God as an impersonal Absolute (Brahma), who can be worshipped only in part in a human form.
Dr Zakir Naik, a world-renowned as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion, speaks on very important and informative topic, Concept of God in World Major Religion. He speaks about God as mentioned in the major religions such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and more. Quoting verses and evidences from the religious scriptures of the religions proving his point i.e. there is only One God. PLEASE VISIT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITES www.irf.net www.facebook.com/zakirnaik www.plus.google.com/+Drzakirchannel www.twitter.com/zakirnaikirf www.youtube.com/drzakirchannel
For more resources visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org William Lane Craig was invited by the undergraduate Christian Union at Imperial College, London to give a lunch-time lecture on "The Evidence for God". Dr. Craig presented seven arguments and then invited questions from the student audience. The lecture was web streamed at the time. This is a high definition film recording of the event which includes the previously unseen Q&A; session. Imperial College, London, United Kingdom -- October 18, 2011 We welcome your comments in the Reasonable Faith forums: http://www.reasonablefaith.org/forums/ Be sure to also visit Reasonable Faith's other channel: http://www.youtube.com/reasonablefaithorg Follow Reasonable Faith On Twitter: http://twitter.com/rfupdates Add Reasonable Faith On Facebo...
https://www.patreon.com/evid3nc3 The concept of God, while having the appearance of being a single, coherent belief is often actually supported by multiple pillars of intertwined sub-beliefs. I give an overview of some of the most important sub-beliefs for my personal conception of God here. I will detail how at least most of these sub-beliefs fell for me, under the weight of logic and evidence, in later videos. All excerpts used in this video are either copyright-free or covered under "fair use" in Title 17 § 107 of the USC. Music: "Deus" by Electric Skychurch
Hindu Students Association and Hinduism Today, brings you series of videos to educate Hindus, and non-Hindus on basics of Hinduism. It is our intentions to make this videos brief, and easy to digest. The goal is to assist young Hindu's learn about Hinduism, and to dis-spell common misconception about Hinduism This first video addresses the question, "Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?" A quick answer to this question is very simple, it goes, "Hindus all believe in one Supreme God who created the universe. She (or He, OR whatever your experience makes you see the supreme reality as) is all-pervasive. She created many Gods, highly advanced spiritual beings, to be Her helpers." From What is Hinduism? by Editors of Hinduism Today Swami Bodhinatha Veylanswami : The narrator ...
Talks on Hinduism by Jay Lakhani
An innocent conversation between a child and his father becomes an interesting short video to wonder about who God really is! Sri Sri Ravi Shankar founded The Art of Living as an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization in 1982. Its educational and self-development programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being through powerful breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya and Yoga. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have proven effective globally at all levels of society. What is Yoga? The secret to health and happiness lies deep within every human. Yoga is the science of discovering one's own self - the very source of pure consciousness, peace and bliss. Everyone knows that we don't feel good and w...
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04wyGK6k6HE#t=2h32m29
Abraham, through Esther Hicks, speaks of the most important message of the great teachers. It was my intention to make this video as simple as possible in order to keep the power of the words...although words don't teach. You may forget the words, but you will never forget how they made you FEEL. I've made this video as a fan of the Abraham teachings. It's been a blast since I've started remembering who I am. My infinite thanks to Esther and Jerry Hicks for their invaluable work. Notice: All Abraham material is Copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications, whose website is at http://www.abraham-hicks.com. This Is From The DVD Live Boradcast In Seatle WA 8/26/2012 You Can Find Me On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ShaKyamuni1
Please DONATE to the Islamic Center of TN using the link http://theictn.org/20/donations so we can help to spread the Dawah to Allah and operate his house better. Remember charity does not decrease wealth !
Dr Zakir Naik, a world-renowned as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion, speaks on very important and informative topic, Concept of God in World Major Religion. He speaks about God as mentioned in the major religions such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and more. Quoting verses and evidences from the religious scriptures of the religions proving his point i.e. there is only One God. PLEASE VISIT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITES www.irf.net www.facebook.com/zakirnaik www.plus.google.com/+Drzakirchannel www.twitter.com/zakirnaikirf www.youtube.com/drzakirchannel
For more resources visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org William Lane Craig was invited by the undergraduate Christian Union at Imperial College, London to give a lunch-time lecture on "The Evidence for God". Dr. Craig presented seven arguments and then invited questions from the student audience. The lecture was web streamed at the time. This is a high definition film recording of the event which includes the previously unseen Q&A; session. Imperial College, London, United Kingdom -- October 18, 2011 We welcome your comments in the Reasonable Faith forums: http://www.reasonablefaith.org/forums/ Be sure to also visit Reasonable Faith's other channel: http://www.youtube.com/reasonablefaithorg Follow Reasonable Faith On Twitter: http://twitter.com/rfupdates Add Reasonable Faith On Facebo...
https://www.patreon.com/evid3nc3 The concept of God, while having the appearance of being a single, coherent belief is often actually supported by multiple pillars of intertwined sub-beliefs. I give an overview of some of the most important sub-beliefs for my personal conception of God here. I will detail how at least most of these sub-beliefs fell for me, under the weight of logic and evidence, in later videos. All excerpts used in this video are either copyright-free or covered under "fair use" in Title 17 § 107 of the USC. Music: "Deus" by Electric Skychurch
Hindu Students Association and Hinduism Today, brings you series of videos to educate Hindus, and non-Hindus on basics of Hinduism. It is our intentions to make this videos brief, and easy to digest. The goal is to assist young Hindu's learn about Hinduism, and to dis-spell common misconception about Hinduism This first video addresses the question, "Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?" A quick answer to this question is very simple, it goes, "Hindus all believe in one Supreme God who created the universe. She (or He, OR whatever your experience makes you see the supreme reality as) is all-pervasive. She created many Gods, highly advanced spiritual beings, to be Her helpers." From What is Hinduism? by Editors of Hinduism Today Swami Bodhinatha Veylanswami : The narrator ...
Talks on Hinduism by Jay Lakhani
An innocent conversation between a child and his father becomes an interesting short video to wonder about who God really is! Sri Sri Ravi Shankar founded The Art of Living as an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization in 1982. Its educational and self-development programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being through powerful breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya and Yoga. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have proven effective globally at all levels of society. What is Yoga? The secret to health and happiness lies deep within every human. Yoga is the science of discovering one's own self - the very source of pure consciousness, peace and bliss. Everyone knows that we don't feel good and w...
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04wyGK6k6HE#t=2h32m29
Abraham, through Esther Hicks, speaks of the most important message of the great teachers. It was my intention to make this video as simple as possible in order to keep the power of the words...although words don't teach. You may forget the words, but you will never forget how they made you FEEL. I've made this video as a fan of the Abraham teachings. It's been a blast since I've started remembering who I am. My infinite thanks to Esther and Jerry Hicks for their invaluable work. Notice: All Abraham material is Copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications, whose website is at http://www.abraham-hicks.com. This Is From The DVD Live Boradcast In Seatle WA 8/26/2012 You Can Find Me On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ShaKyamuni1
Please DONATE to the Islamic Center of TN using the link http://theictn.org/20/donations so we can help to spread the Dawah to Allah and operate his house better. Remember charity does not decrease wealth !
The Sacrifice And The Concept Of God - Brother Oba
Concept of God in Hinduism | Ahmed Deedat ----------------------------
Sitting on my throne
Reality in life my devil
Surrounded by myself
They are pulling me under
Caressing the invalids
Here I sit and I wait
Small fires of life
Oh the swirl grows, falling off the edge
Small fires of life
Oh the swirl grows, falling off the edge
Small fires of life
Oh the swirl grows, falling off the edge
Buried with myself
I bleed while smiling
The empty eyes that stare
Broken again and again and again
Small fires of life
Oh the swirl grows, falling off the edge
Small fires of life