Showing posts with label Wizard's Tower Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wizard's Tower Press. Show all posts

26 July 2010

Wizard's Tower Press and Salon Futura

One of my favorite people in the science fiction community, Cheryl Morgan, is one of the people launching a new publishing company, Wizard's Tower Press.  From their own description of their primary publishing purpose:
We concentrate mainly on making out-of-print works available once more as e-books, and helping other small presses exploit the e-book market.

We will also publish a small number of limited-print-run anthologies with a view to encouraging diversity in the science fiction and fantasy field. 
In addition to that, though, Wizard's Tower will be launching a nonfiction webzine, Salon Futura, which Cheryl will edit.  This is great news, because in my own experience working with her, Cheryl has been a thoughtful, intelligent, and persistent editor, which is an ideal combination of qualities for an editor to possess.

Salon Futura needs submissions.  Read their guidelines and submit!  They pay money, and you need that, I know you do!