Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

21 January 2009

In Arizona

I just got back from eight days in Arizona, visiting friends and family, taking a reprieve from the snow. It turned out to be a good time to be away -- various friends from New Hampshire emailed and texted me photos of thermometers reading temperatures well below zero (-14, -19 Fahrenheit). I returned to somewhat better temperatures (getting into the 20s during the day) and a lot of new snow that needed to be shoveled.

Here are links to a couple of Picasa photo albums of places we went that were particularly photogenic, at least to me. The first is from the art installation by Dale Chihuly at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. The second is from a visit to the Cosanti Originals workshop (established by Paolo Saleri, who still lives there), where lots of ceramic bells and tiles are made.

Chihuly in Arizona


My favorite photo of the trip, though, is one I took of a friend of mine's son jumping into a pool in Tucson:

And, finally, the view from my bedroom window at home: