Tag Archives: BNP

2016? Thank Fuck That’s Over!

Anti-Fascists Fight Against Daesh!  Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! To say that 2016 was a big loada boak is an understatement but boaking buckets aside, the UK far right did have an utterly shite one as well with masses of … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Britain First, Combat 18, Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding, Shane Calvert, Shane Calvert is going to prison ha ha ha! | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Gillett? The Worst A Man Can Get?

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Even old slags like us have been surprised by the ineptitude, fuckbuglery and internecine quarreling of the shitcones on the far right reaches of political reality. Whilst Donnie Fashco aka Trump popularises xenophobia Stateside, Nigel … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Britain First, Fat Lisa, Shane Calvert, Shane Calvert is going to prison ha ha ha!, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Far Right Domestic Abusers

Our list of far right sex offenders has had well over 6k hits so far but not only is the far right infested with sex offenders, there are also dozens of fascists who have physically attacked women, threatened sexual violence … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Shane Calvert, Shane Calvert is going to prison ha ha ha!, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Updated Sex Offenders List

Unbelievable, I only updated this yesterday then got news of someone we missed from our good comrade Lola tonight!   EDL member Mark Hogg was fond of spamming Facebook pages with child porn and at 1 point tried to set … Continue reading

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‘It’s The Pitts!’ Old, Boring & Sad

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit’s going on with fash? In just one week we’ve seen that crap documentary on Channel 4 about 3 shouty fellers wandering round shouting with 6 other shouty types; Hope Not Hate have published … Continue reading

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Far Right Sex Offenders List

10/6/15: Latest updates: Shaun Jones, Liverpool ‘Scouse Nationalists’ jailed for grooming and raping a 12 year old girl http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/jailed-army-cadet-sergeant-groomed-9400037 He is a ‘racial comrade’ of Liam Pinkham who we exposed as a groomer: Robert Ewing, ex-BNP and EDL member charged … Continue reading

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The Vultures Of Rotherham #3

What a depressing and thoroughly expected surprise that the EDL’s demonstration in Rotherham over the child abuse scandal ended up in public drunkeness, infighting, confrontations with police and a breakaway group rampaging through the town causing damage. 1 EDL member … Continue reading

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