Federal Politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is ready to return to Australia at a moment's notice.

Malcolm and the Barnaby and Tony Emergency Express

An anxiety-burdened Malcolm Turnbull has ordered a supersonic private jet to remain on standby at Hamburg airport during his visit to Germany for the G20, its motors running and its pilots on 24-hour alert.

China denies having exceptional influence over North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Why would North Korea's little tyrant lob a missile on Darwin?

​Pity Darwin. Bombed by the Japanese in World War II, blown away by Cyclone Tracy on Christmas Eve, 1974, and forever harassed, according to its local newspaper, by person-eating crocodiles, it now has to be concerned about a missile-obsessed Kim Jong-un of North Korea.

Tony Abbott and a handful of MPs, backed by a core of conservative media commentators, have rounded on the government as ...

Why Australia needs Turnbull to survive

Partisans on both the left and right would welcome Malcolm Turnbull's fall at pretty much any cost. And that's the point – the price would be exorbitant.