Blog July 14
Thomas Woodley | With the recent flip-flop of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) on the labelling and sale of West Bank wines in Canada, it's easy to wonder whose interest the agency serves.
Blog July 13
Krystalline Kraus | Victory for the Grassy Narrows First Nation and surrounding communities has finally come after a decades-long struggle.
News July 14
University of Toronto student union building. Photo: Skewe Too/flickr
Meagan Gillmore | The union representing workers at the University of Toronto Students' Union (UTSU) says recent layoffs violate the collective bargaining agreement and put students' services at risk.
News July 14
Meagan Gillmore | Manitoba unions have filed an injunction to stop a recently passed law that would freeze public service employees' wages, saying it violates their constitutional right to freedom of association.
Blog July 14
Patty Hajdu, Minister for Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, Canadaaddresses the session "Women and the Future of Work." Photo: UN Women/flickr
Patty Hajdu | Last month Canada finally joined 164 other countries in ratifying the International Labour Organization's Convention 98, a commitment to workers' right to organize and collective bargaining.
News July 14
Justin Trudeau participates in discussion at Canadian Labour Congress National Young Workers Summit. Photo: Adam Scotti/PMO
Karl Nerenberg | It has been a long time since the Canadian labour movement has had the opportunity to applaud the actions of a Canadian federal government. And yet recently the Canadian Labour Congress did just that.
Columnists July 13
This photo shows the ice front of Venable Ice Shelf, West Antarctica, in October 2008. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UC Irvine
Amy Goodman | As "Russiagate" becomes a full-blown conflagration threatening to consume Donald Trump's presidency, his denial of human-induced global warming continues to threaten a planet already on fire.
Blog July 13
G8: Lost tourists or powerful leaders?
Krystalline Kraus | It seems that Canada is not done with hosting big tent, government organizing bodies like the G8 and the G20.
Blog July 14
US nuclear weapons test at Eniwetok in 1956. Image: Flickr/International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Thomas Woodley | Canada's recent failure to step up for the UN vote banning nuclear weapons is just the latest in a series of bewildering decisions.
Blog July 13
Burning tire. Photo: Stephanus Riosetiawan/flickr
James Hutt | Lafarge-Holcim, the world's third-largest building supplies company, wants to burn 400,000 used tires a year at its cement plant just four kilometres away from the village of Brookfield, Nova Scotia.
Podcast July 13
Kevin MacKay
Victoria Fenner | Kevin MacKay says there are now five horsemen of the apocalypse, not four. In his new book, he tells us what they are and looks at some big problems and radical solutions.
Blog July 13
A wildfire in B.C. (Photo: B.C. Wildfire Service).
David J. Climenhaga | Why are you allowed to state one obvious conclusion when B.C. is afire, but not when Alberta is burning?