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Movie sets are an environmental disaster. Is this the way to fix them?

Most movie sets end up in landfill, but one Australian production team reckons it's come up with a much better approach.

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World building is a big part of the movies, but what happens when they're over? When the director calls wrap and the cast and crew move on, what happens to all those props and sets so lovingly and painstakingly crafted to double as Manhattan, Metropolis or even a small corner of Melbourne?

By and large, sadly, they end up in the trash.

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"The film industry is very slash-and-burn with sets," says production designer Robert Webb, currently on location in outback South Australia for season two of Wolf Creek. "So much of it just ends up in the skip."

The scale of this issue came home to me recently as I was taken on a tour of a big-budget film production. I stood on immense sets constructed of plywood, MDF, polystyrene and cast concrete, sets that looked beautiful and substantial enough to house people.

What happens when you're finished?, I asked the production designer. "It all goes to landfill," he said.

One local company is trying to go about things differently – by embracing an approach to world building that isn't also potentially world-destroying.


"Waste on set is a big, big issue," says film producer Veronica Sive​. "I am a strong believer in changing that."

Earlier this year, Sive's company Sunjive Studios shot a film called The Wheel in Docklands Studios, Melbourne, using sets made from cardboard. The cardboard itself was manufactured from recycled material, and once it was finished with, it went into the recycling. It took less time to construct than traditional plywood methods, and far less time to dismantle and dispose of. And it cost a lot less too.

Given those advantages, you'd imagine cardboard set construction would be fairly widespread, but it's not. Sive can't be sure her film, which was directed by Dee McLachlan (The Jammed), was the first in the world to employ the method, though she's not aware of any others. (Sorry, but those guys who re-enact scenes from famous movies in their living room using cardboard sets just don't count.)

Its rarity isn't all that hard to understand, though. The very phrase "cardboard sets" conjures memories of the famously wobbly 1960s-era Doctor Who. But judiciously used, Sive insists cardboard has its place.

The Wheel is a minimalist sci-fi story set in a world of curved concrete interiors. The production used one real-world location – a water pumping station at Hoppers Crossing – and three built locations at Docklands Studios: one of steel, to allow for stunts; one of plywood on a timber frame (to create a curved room); and a corridor made of cardboard.

Because it was light and easy to move, this last could be endlessly reconfigured to create the impression of a much longer corridor than the one that was actually built, and with the aid of sandbags at its base, it was stable. Well, mostly. "If you ran into it, it would wobble," says Sive. "But that would happen with a timber set too."

The idea of using cardboard came from the director's son, Liam McLachlan, a physics student at Melbourne University and an aficionado of Box Wars, in which participants design costumes and props out of cardboard, then set about destroying them in mock (and sometimes not-so-mock) battles.

Working to Webb's design, McLachlan and his colleagues William Stephenson and Noah Burdekin drafted the corridor using the shareware program Blender. The cardboard sheets (measuring 2.2 x 1.5 metres) were cut on site with a Stanley knife and then assembled using hot glue guns. The construction process took the two of them about six days, with painting on top of that.

Webb admits he took some convincing it was a viable option. He asked for a demo before committing to it, "and I saw the material was quite solid".

But he still had questions: how do I make sure the finish is right, that it looks believable; what happens to cardboard when paint goes into it. Eventually, though, "I found a scenic artist who could turn cardboard into concrete, we experimented, and to cut a long story short I am so proud of it."

(The key to achieving the desired finish, he says, is to prep properly: a base layer of shellac prevents the paint from soaking into, and delaminating and warping, the cardboard.)

In the United States there's a growing infrastructure around film production to make environmentally sustainable practices easier to achieve (see greenproductionguide.com).

As far back as 2004, The Matrix sequels managed to recycle, reuse or redistribute the vast majority of the material used on its California sets. We're not talking token amounts, either. According to a study published by UCLA's Institute of the Environment in 2006, "the sets were large. For instance, the cave set consisted of 90 tons of material, wood and polystyrene blocks. The tenement set consisted of 300 tons of material, representing eight building fronts. The freeway set consisted of more than 7700 tons of concrete, 1500 tons of structural steel and 1500 tons of lumber." As a result of co-operation between the studio (Warner Bros), local councils and others, the report claimed, "97.5 percent of all the set material was recycled".

But according to one industry veteran with knowledge of the matter, the same could not be said of the material used in Sydney, where the bulk of the two Matrix films were shot. "Most of it would have gone to the tip," he says.

In 2014, the Environmental Media Association gave an award to Sony for its efforts in reducing waste on the set of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. "The team from Spider-Man … secured 49.7 tons of materials for donation or for reuse on future productions, saved 193,000 disposable plastic water bottles and achieved a 52 per cent diversion rate from landfills," the award citation noted.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, those efforts also saved the production around $US400,000 ($A518,000).

But everything has to start somewhere, and from little things, big things can sometimes grow.

On day one of production on The Wheel, Sive presented each member of the cast and crew with a black metal drinking bottle with their name on it, and directions to the tap. A small gesture, but Sive estimates those 200 metal bottles had a big impact.

"People were, 'Oh that's unusual', but it shouldn't be, it should be standard," she says. "You're on set for 30 days, and at three bottles a day that's a lot of waste." (It's 18,000 plastic water bottles, to be precise.)

As for the sets, while the cardboard went to recycling, the timber ones are in storage. "They're being reused in the next film we're making," she says.

As for cardboard, Webb is a convert. "I'm massively onside," the production designer says. "Cardboard might not work so well if it's for an outside lot where it might get rained on, but in a studio I think it can and should catch on."

The most important part isn't the construction, he adds, it's the scenic artists who finish it to make it look like whatever it is meant to be. "They really do some of the most essential work on any production."

Webb has, in fact, already gone beyond cardboard. On Wolf Creek, he's creating the façade of a stone house using paper – and some gifted scenic artists.

"All film work is just smoke and mirrors anyway," he says.

And, perhaps, a bit of paper and cardboard too.

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