

What is the '80s sound? Nerd heaven for rock guitarists

Rock star scientist: Professor of quantum physics David Reilly checks the sound in the City Recital Hall.

Of the five electric guitars owned by experimental quantum physicist David Reilly, he likes this one the best. The mustard-yellow Fender Telecaster has two pickups, a maple fretboard and country-rock twang. When he's not in the laboratory pondering the mysteries of life, the universe and everything, he likes to lay down tracks on his axe at home, alone. "It's a fantastic way of switching off."

Lorde enchants in pop-up concert on an island

Lorde performing on Cockatoo Island.

"Welcome to Melodrama live...". Projected in acid green on the sandstone cliffs of Cockatoo Island, this was what fans of pop's self-proclaimed witch were greeted with when they stepped off the boat and into the church of Lorde on Thursday.