
Daryl Dixon

Executive chairman of Dixon Advisory

Employers now have less power over super.

Time to review salary sacrifice

For those wanting to lower tax bills and build up retirement assets, making tax deductible super contributions is now much easier.

Active funds have higher fees, so they need to consistently outperform the market to earn their keep.

Index funds v actively managed funds

For a combination of reasons, index-following managed and exchange traded funds have become increasingly popular with both individual and institutional investors.

Investment returns will grow more slowly than during the post-GFC recovery.

Lower returns ahead for investors

So far, financial year superannuation fund returns have been good with the prospect of double digit returns if world share markets don't tank in June.

The downsizing provisions will help some retirees, but the impact on the age pension is an issue.

Downsizing provisions are a mixed bag

While far from ideal, the budget initiative to allow older Australians to deposit up to $300,000 each in superannuation when they downsize their home is welcome.