

Tools of the Trade: The History of British Restraints

What form of technology is the police? Rees A offers a forensic analysis of the tools of jurisprudence and policing


yu cyaant awsk Clinton McCurbin

bout im haxfixiasham

an yu cyaant awsk Joy Gardner

bout her sufficaeshan

yu cyannt awsk Colin Roach

if im really shoot imself

an yu cyaant awsk Vincent Graham

Automate This! Delivering Resistance in the Gig Economy

In the workplace automation and technology have tipped the balance of power greatly in favour of capital but, as Jamie Woodcock explains, workers are contesting this situation, logging out and calling the shots


Mute Archive FT Issues Release - 1994-97

Mute FT covers

As part of the ongoing Mute magazine archive project PDFs have been released of the early Mute issues printed on the FT press at East India Dock House, London.

Mute issues 0 to 7 (1994-1997) can be found on GitHub https://github.com/Mute-Publishing

‘Total Paranoia’, Mute September 2001 Trilogy Revisited

Vetruvian Man

#mute archive a triple gem! As part of the collaborative bibliographies residency at Anagram Books, Berlin. https://mute-publishing.github.io/archive/index.html

Mute Magazine Print Archive

Mute magazine covers

Mute magazine ISSN 1356-7748 | Sales information PDF http://linkme2.net/w7
Twitter − https://twitter.com/mutemagazine
Instagram − https://instagram.com/mute_publishing


The Mute magazine print archive has its first release for sale as an original, limited edition set of all fifty-one issues of the print versions of the magazine, covering twenty years of publishing from 1994 to 2014.

Demeaning the Future

Universal basic insult

Srnicek & Williams’ Inventing the Future proposes a forces-of-production-based programme leading to guaranteed basic income. But do the wageless workers of an already automated and accelerated world really need this new revolutionary ABC? De-Arrest Editorial Services checks out the wares of competing brands of rocket men, left and right, and urges wholesale product recall 




This – also freely downloadable – anthology documents projects developed over a two and a half year period. Its critical nature emerges clearly through discussion of an ample range of cultural fields... read more of this review at Neural,

Call for Issue 2. Corrupting Desires! Technique, Performance and Control

Email to: cesura.acceso@gmail.com

We are currently accepting submissions for Issue 2 of Cesura//Acceso, to be published in June 2016.

Our central theme will be: Corrupting Desires! Technique, Performance and Control.


Inside Out

Marx famously described capitalism as mad and inverted. Daniel Spaulding re-examines speculative realism through an Adornian prism to disclose a thought of ‘the great outdoors’ beyond capital that is very much immanent to a world not only upside down but increasingly inside out


The Anthropocene in 90 Minutes

In Molecular Red Mackenzie Wark collides Platonov and Bogdanov, to produce anthropocene levels of low-theory. But are these very distinctive soviet thinkers really compatible, and is acceleration really what the world needs now, asks Maria Chehonadskih

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