Showing posts with label Richard Kadrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richard Kadrey. Show all posts

05 March 2008

Live Author, Dead Dreaming, Free Books

First, just a reminder that Lydia Millet will be reading tonight at McNally Robinson in Manhattan in support of her new novel How the Dead Dream, which is very much worth reading. I'm planning on being there, though will probably arrive a few minutes late.

Second, there are suddenly a bunch of free books available for download via their publishers and authors:
  • As many people have noted, Tor Books is giving away a free ebook each week to people who register with them. The current book is Spin by Robert Charles Wilson, which I happen to know is a book Lydia Millet is a fan of...
  • Nightshade Books has a few downloads available, including Richard Kadrey's Butcher Bird, which looks like it could be marvelous.
  •'s Geekdad blog has an interview with Jeff & Ann VanderMeer from which you can download Jeff's novella The Situation (coming soon from PS Publishing).