Showing posts with label Emma Goldman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emma Goldman. Show all posts

01 May 2011

Emma Goldman on the Haymarket Massacre

It's May Day, so worth spending a moment to remember the Haymarket Massacre, the fight for an 8-hour work day, the struggle for workers' rights, and other events quaint and distant from our present utopian bliss now that we are ruled by a socialist President.

Here's Emma Goldman, from the first chapter of her autobiography, Living My Life:
That night I could not sleep. Again I lived through the events of 1887. Twenty-one months had passed since the Black Friday of November 11, when the Chicago men had suffered their martyrdom, yet every detail stood out clear before my vision and affected me as if it had happened but yesterday. My sister Helena and I had become interested in the fate of the men during the period of their trial. The reports in the Rochester newspapers irritated, confused, and upset us by their evident prejudice. The violence of the press, the bitter denunciation of the accused, the attacks on all foreigners, turned our sympathies to the Haymarket victims.