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Qatar Crisis Cranks Up Pressure On Besieged Gaza

Qatar Crisis Cranks Up Pressure On Besieged Gaza

The Gaza Strip is often seen as a place apart, cut off from the rest of the world and the rest of Palestine by Israel – with the collusion to varying degrees of Egypt – which appears bent on its isolation. But while it is true that the passage of people and goods to and from Gaza is severely restricted,[Read More…]

Not Just Black or Muslim, ALL Lives Matter!

Not Just Black or Muslim, ALL Lives Matter!

United States of America has been the leader of nations for a while. From fashion and food to “war on terror” other nations simply follow the leader. But people embrace American products like McDonald, Nike, iPhone and other American lifestyle by choice. So it is unfair to say that the US gets the world to follow it under the gun.[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

No Pink Wooly Caps For Me

No Pink Wooly Caps For Me

This article was originally published in February 2017 and is even more relevant now. This “Pussy hat Project” group has morphed now into something called “The Resistance”, which invites the discredited Democratic Party and right wing liberals under its tent, and is funded by Hillary Clinton and George Soros. At a time when capitalism is in its worse world crisis ever,[Read More…]

A Comprehensive Study of Air Pollution in India

A Comprehensive Study of Air Pollution in India

Abstract The review article discusses the condition of Air Quality and Pollution in India with relevant references from prominent sources like The Environment Performance Index 2016, The Global Green Economy Index (GGEI) 2016, Ambient Air Pollution Database, WHO, May2016, Clear the air for children: The impact of air pollution on children UNICEF 2016 and many others. It comprehensively studies the[Read More…]

Perils Of Overpopulation

Perils Of Overpopulation

The Guardian,UK. had a  suggestion for the battle against climate change“Want to fight climate change.Have fewer children .”  This was  known already & yet, since this has been extensively researched in a scientific fashion, this makes for a few headlines. And yet, will it make us, the humans ( ? ! )  any wiser ? Highly doubtful..Weare  depleting natural resources[Read More…]

Musings On The Eve Of Hindu Rashtra

Musings On The Eve Of Hindu Rashtra

  You can smell it at a distance, in the burnt out, blackened frames of torched homes and vehicles from yet another communal pogrom. You can see it in the blood stained corner of a railway platform, still fresh from a recent lynching. And you can hear it in the guttural cries of the frenzied, saffron swathed mobs, pledging murder[Read More…]

The Planet Is Warming. And It’s Okay to Be Afraid

The Planet Is Warming. And It’s Okay to Be Afraid

Last Week, David Wallace-Wells wrote a cover story for of New York Magazine, “The Uninhabitable Earth,” on some of the worst-case scenarios that the climate crisis could cause by the end of this century. It describes killer heat waves, crippling agricultural failures, devastated economies, plagues, resource wars, and more. It has been read more than two million times. The article has[Read More…]

Drought affected farmers of Tamil Nadu protesting with the skulls and bones of fellow farmers who committed suicide

A Walk Down Jantar Mantar, The Protest Street Of Delhi: Photo Essay

Jantar Mantar is the protest street of Delhi. People from all over India gather in this street to vent their anger, frustration and despair. Vidyabhushan Rawat takes a walk down the street to document the various protests happening in Jantar Mantar today. Text and Photos by Vidya Bhushan Rawat Delhi witnessed huge protests by diverse sections people affected by the[Read More…]

Hailing The Vision of Rabindranath Tagore: Human Over Mechanical

Hailing The Vision of Rabindranath Tagore: Human Over Mechanical

I was recently reading Rabindranath Tagore’s essay on Nationalism and that was when the enormity, farsightedness and the sheer genius of his thoughts stuck me….and stuck me hard. While we are busy today, coming to terms with a whole new dimension that is being provided to the term ‘nationalism’, while we are busy defining and redefining the ways in which[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

The ANC Cannot Be Reformed

The ANC Cannot Be Reformed

  That matters have come to a head in South Africa is going to prove to be the catalyst for change that is overdue. The myth that the ANC is governing the country for the benefit of all its people has been smashed. It has become a party of the ANC elites who have one agenda, which is using their[Read More…]

Uhlmann’s Trump Problem

Uhlmann’s Trump Problem

It’s all well and good to huff at the current President of the United States, who has managed to get under more irritated skin than an army of dedicated leaches.  The immersion of the White House into the reality television show of Trumpland has set people on edge, lighting volatile fires and driving some commentators, quite literally, around the bend.[Read More…]

The Relationship Between Racism And Slavery That’s Taught In The U.S.

The Relationship Between Racism And Slavery That’s Taught In The U.S.

  “A People’s History of the World is an indispensable volume on my reference bookshelf.” — Howard Zinn Over the course of several months this year, I surveyed four-year college and university History departments at select academic institutions in the fifty United States. To determine whether or not professors thought slavery caused racism or racism caused slavery. I also addressed the same[Read More…]

The Six Day War – The Breaking Of The Middle East

The Six Day War – The Breaking Of The Middle East

The Six Day War – The Breaking of the Middle East. Guy Laron. Yale University Press, New Haven/London, 2017. Between a short Introduction that attempts to construct the underlying social science rationale for the outbreak of the Six Day War and a short epilogue that simply highlights the major trend of the Six Day War lies what appears to be[Read More…]

Bird or Beast: BJP Must Decide

Bird or Beast: BJP Must Decide

My take on the situation in our country today is that the BJP must decide what it is – bird or beast. It must decide what its core ideology is. I am happy to do a Core Ideology Workshop for them and the RSS if they want. The problem is that they seem to be confused in this respect and[Read More…]

The Protectors Of Humanity

The Protectors Of Humanity

  Deep into the pit Surrounding dark sewage and dirt With nauseated stench And Whole body drench With human urination And defecation Manual scavengers clean Risking lives Leaving family bonds Sitting in cozy toilets And air-conditioned rooms Pass our wastage Into long winding drainage We talk of technology Development and ecology But With their bare hands, legs and misery And[Read More…]

A picture shared on Twitter by the activist Ye Du showing Mr. Liu and his wife, Liu Xia. Credit Ye Du, via European Pressphoto Agency

Liu Xiaobo And Liu Xia: A Love That Survived Incredible Odds

A photo shared on Twitter by activist Ye Du was inserted in arecent front-page story in the New York Times. The skeletal like couple (Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia) clinging onto one another will break any heart. In the photo, frail Xiaobo is pictured in his hospital pajamas and delicate Xia with shaved head in her everyday street clothes. The[Read More…]

Intensive Care Unit – 2 ( White nights)

Intensive Care Unit – 2 ( White nights)

Here, white are the nights
Where moonwalk the women in white.
I lie in the nude and close my eyes
And they roll a cool moon down my spine
And laugh like the patter of hailstones
That strum my sun bleached heartbeat strings.

Militarising Civilian Life: Australia, Policing And Terrorism

Militarising Civilian Life: Australia, Policing And Terrorism

It is far from unusual in recent times: a spate of terrorist activity, followed by police seemingly agog, then the call for cavalry, usually in the form of military forces to guard vital installations and furnish the public with a reassuring presence.  Unfortunately, such moves tend to take place long after the horse has bolted, an ineffectual measure in terms[Read More…]

Israel In Palestine As Dysfunctional Judaism

Israel In Palestine As Dysfunctional Judaism

I view Saudi Arabia as a dysfunctional manifestation of Islam.  In the same way, I view Israel as a dysfunctional manifestation of Judaism.  This is not to mean, I hasten to say, that either Judaism or Islam is inherently at odds with the social, cultural or political lives of its adherents or with universal moral values. The point I am[Read More…]

Turkey One Year After The Failed Coup

Turkey One Year After The Failed Coup

  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday there will be no mercy for traitors. Speaking at a rally in Istanbul to mark one year of a failed coup, Erdogan warned to “chop off the heads” of traitors. The opposition says his call for “chopping off the heads” may return the capital punishment abolished in August 2002, in a bid[Read More…]

Prime Minister Washes Off His Hands From The Crimes Of The Cow Vigilantes

Prime Minister Washes Off His Hands From The Crimes Of The Cow Vigilantes

Our PM is a MASTER BLUFFER, a characteristic learnt sitting at the feet of Guru Golwalkar. Modi ji has completely washed off his hands from the culpability of crimes being committed by ‘gau rakshaks’ by saying “All (state) governments should take stringent action against those violating law in the name of cow protection.” Thus it is not the Hindutva gang[Read More…]

An Interview With William Engdahl

An Interview With William Engdahl

The Ancient Greeks knew: “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.” No less a figure than the late Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CIA made use of this saying by recruiting the Muslim Brotherhood to fight a proxy war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, which led to the[Read More…]

What Type Of Poem Am I?

What Type Of Poem Am I?

“What type of poem am I?” I am as formless as the clouds, and as elegiac as the silence, in the itinerary of the noise. I am not a classic written by the author God. The rhythms of my verses are supplied by the parable of their tears. I am not in me, though I abide within myself. I am[Read More…]

Condemn The Criminal Complaint Against AIB And Its Founders

Condemn The Criminal Complaint Against AIB And Its Founders

The PUCL condemns the action of Mumbai Police for registering on 16th July, 2017 a criminal case of defamation and obscenity against the comedy group, `All India Bakchod’ (AIB) for allegedly caricaturing the PM, Narendra Modi. According to the police AIB had on Thursday, 15th July, tweeted a picture of a Modi look-alike standing in a railway station, peering into[Read More…]

Kumar Vishwas Greeted By Protesters In Canada

Kumar Vishwas Greeted By Protesters In Canada

Comedian turned politician Kumar Vishwas received an angry reception from several activists in Surrey, BC on Friday evening. The group of protesters included Sikh and leftist activists, besides supporters of Aam Aadmi Party. Though Vishwas also belongs to the AAP, a section of the local AAP support group is upset with his “right wing ” politics. The protesters were offended[Read More…]

Fight Child Abuse

Fight Child Abuse

K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

India Now!

India Now!

K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

Flood Havoc In Assam: Issues And Concerns

Flood Havoc In Assam: Issues And Concerns

  The arrival of monsoon has again brought the deadly flood havoc in Assam and the rest of the North-East. Over the years, it has been witnessed that during monsoons especially, in between May- July, Assam has to undergo heavy floods, river bank erosions and its severe consequences of loss of lives, livelihood and property. This year’s flood is also[Read More…]

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif attends the closing session of 18th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit in Kathmandu November 27, 2014. A brief meeting between India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart appears to have salvaged a summit of South Asian leaders, with all eight countries clinching a last-minute deal to create a regional electricity grid.
 REUTERS/Niranjan Shrestha/Pool (NEPAL - Tags: POLITICS) - RTR4FUCN

Pakistan Supreme Court To Decide The Fate Of Prime Minister After Damning Corruption Probe Report

The Supreme Court of Pakistan is expected to decide the fate of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif when it takes up the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) report on Monday, July 17. The JIT has charged the ruling family with perjury, having disproportionate income and living beyond their means. Two judges of the court have already declared the Prime Minister as not[Read More…]

Australian ABC Ignores & Censors Horrendous, Australia-Complicit Air Pollution Deaths

Australian ABC Ignores & Censors Horrendous, Australia-Complicit Air Pollution Deaths

  Australia threatens the world as a major greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter but also kills 75,000 people globally each year via toxic pollutants from the burning of its world-leading coal exports. Below is an Open Letter sent to journalists of the ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) over ABC censorship of  horrendous, Australia-complicit, Australian and global air pollution deaths[Read More…]

Baba Ramdev Launches ‘Security’ Business: Should We Be Worried?

Baba Ramdev Launches ‘Security’ Business: Should We Be Worried?

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev has launched a private security firm “Parakram Suraksha Private Ltd’. The aim of the company ensuring security and developing military instinct. According to Acharya Balakrishna, CEO of Ramdev’s Patanjali, “Security is a very important issue either for a man or a woman. Our aim is to prepare individuals for self and country’s security and for this[Read More…]

Attack On Amarnath Pilgrims Sparks International Outcry, But Why No Condemnation On Attack On Minorities?

Attack On Amarnath Pilgrims Sparks International Outcry, But Why No Condemnation On Attack On Minorities?

  The recent terror attack on innocent Hindu pilgrims in Kashmir has evoked an outrage throughout the world. Seven people died and more than dozen got injured in an attack on a bus carrying pilgrims to Amarnath shrine that houses an iced idol of Lord Shiva. Every year thousands of Hindus visit Amarnath from across India. Due to ongoing armed[Read More…]

Physical And Sexual Assault On A Transgender Woman By A Group Of Army Personnel

Physical And Sexual Assault On A Transgender Woman By A Group Of Army Personnel

13th July, 2017, Hyderabad: WSS and THITS express outrage at the brutal physical and sexual assault of a 34 year old transgender woman by a group of army personnel. WSS demands stringent penal action against all the accused, a speedy investigation and trial, as well as complete medical treatment, compensation and legal support to the survivor (name concealed to respect[Read More…]

A Question of Accountability: Cardinal Pell, The Vatican And Child Abuse

A Question of Accountability: Cardinal Pell, The Vatican And Child Abuse

The Catholic Church, much in the manner of a modern corporation, is a sprawling edifice of operations and functions.  To hold part of it accountable for abuses – against human, bank account, or country – has presented a formidable legal obstacle. This nightmare has taken place amidst a broader question: the extent Church officials believe they are accountable to secular[Read More…]

Photo by Lupuca

On the Role of “Pressure” In The Elementary School Realm of the U.S.

  “The Declaration of Independence said governments are not sacred things. The laws are not sacred things. Governments are set up by people to defend rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And when governments become destructive of those ends, it’s the right of the people to alter or abolish those governments.” — Howard Zinn The obligation of the[Read More…]

UID – The Greatest Trick Yet, By The Greatest Prestidigitator

UID – The Greatest Trick Yet, By The Greatest Prestidigitator

  The Italian Kautalya, Niccolo Machiavelli, is supposed to have said that ‘Politics is the art of deception’ (or maybe it was the Indian Machiavelli, Kautilya, himself). Whoever it was, he has an able student in the Indian prime minister (PM) – a prestidigitator par excellence. Now, a good prestidigitator is one who will distract you with some dazzling spectacle[Read More…]

Three Years of Modi Rule And Kashmir

Three Years of Modi Rule And Kashmir

As Narendra Modi led BJP government completed its three years in the office, among many of its shenanigans, what mostly comes to fore, is its handling or rather gross mishandling of the sensitive political issue of Jammu and Kashmir and by consequence, an appalling treatment of Kashmiris. The Sangh Parivar has permeated the issue of Jammu and Kashmir with its[Read More…]

Stand Up To Anglo-Zionist Fascism

Stand Up To Anglo-Zionist Fascism

  The election of Donald Trump as president of United States has sent waves of condemnation and fear throughout Western states. Western “humanitarian” interventionists, political commentators, “progressives” and academics are concern that a “pre-fascist” or a “crypto-fascist” regime is “on the rise” in America.  This is an empty rhetoric designed to mislead people for undeclared propaganda aims and deflect attention[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

Revolutionary Tales Told By Women

Revolutionary Tales Told By Women

Srikakulam (Andhra Pradesh): Aruna Athaluri. Media person. My friend. She was working with a Telugu television news channel when I first met her. Now she is with the Telugu daily, Sakshi. Despite being friends, we had not spent even four hours together during my four-year stay at Hyderabad. Both of us had tight deadlines to meet, almost always. At that time, I[Read More…]

Dangers of Vigilante Politics

Dangers of Vigilante Politics

  The country is experiencing a spate of violence with cases of lynching in different parts of India. The citizen is hapless and government is unresponsive betraying its authoritarian tendencies rooted in its ideology. Over a couple of decades , BJP has grown on vigilante politics rooted in ideology of RSS and Hindutva, a distorted interpretation of Hinduism which is[Read More…]

Chinese Peace Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo Is Dead

Chinese Peace Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo Is Dead

Chinese Nobel peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo has met his end. The end signifies several things- that no state oppression can ever defeat the strong will of the people. Liu stood for a cause and state did its oppressive acts as is the nature of the non democratic states, but he defeated the Chinese policy of restriction to dissidents as[Read More…]

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

  I asked my employer yesterday about the way that he dealt with tragedy in life, especially since there is so much of it always erupting everywhere. He answered that he tries to find something of joy to celebrate in every day and tries to bring something good to others – other people, other animals and other life as a[Read More…]

Come Visit My Home, Be My Guest

Come Visit My Home, Be My Guest

Visit My Home, Be My Guest is a simple campaign directed to change the preconceived notions and opinions that we hold about people of other community, class, caste, religion, sexual orientation, language, region etc. It is easy to spread hatred in the absence of direct contact with each other. The objective is simple and direct, people must go to each[Read More…]

Fighting The Wrong Enemy: Why Americans Hate Muslims

Fighting The Wrong Enemy: Why Americans Hate Muslims

  Two officers sought me from within a crowd at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. They seemed to know who I was. They asked me to follow them, and I obliged. Being of Arab background, often renders one’s citizenship almost irrelevant. In a back room, where other foreigners, mainly Muslims, were holed for ‘added security’, I was asked numerous questions about[Read More…]

Terrorism Is A Tool Used By The Militarily Strong, Not Just By The Weak

Terrorism Is A Tool Used By The Militarily Strong, Not Just By The Weak

Hasan Breijieh is a Palestinian activist and spokesperson for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).  He participates in weekly protest activities against the Israeli military presence in the West Bank (aka occupation), the illegal Jewish colonies turned into townships on stolen Palestinian land (aka settlements) that choke off Palestinian villages around Bethlehem and elsewhere, and the illegal[Read More…]

Islamic Radicalism: A Product of Western Imperialism

Islamic Radicalism: A Product of Western Imperialism

Peaceful, or not, Islam is only a religion just like any other cosmopolitan religion whether it’s Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism. Instead of taking an essentialist approach, which lays emphasis on essences, we need to look at the evolution of social phenomena in its proper historical context. For instance: to assert that human beings are evil by nature is an essentialist[Read More…]

 Iranian Security Forces Intensify Demolishing Ahwazi Arabs Citizens’ Homes

 Iranian Security Forces Intensify Demolishing Ahwazi Arabs Citizens’ Homes

Members of an Ahwazi Arab family were arrested after Iranian security forces beat them and ransacked their home. On July 11, 2017, human rights activists in Arab Ahwaz region in the south and south west of Iran  reported that Iranian security forces arrested an Ahwazi Arab woman, Zahra Sawari, and two of her sons, Mohammad Sawari and Ali Sawari, after[Read More…]

Fact Finding Report on the Mob Lynching in Jharkhand on Suspicion of Kidnapping Children

Fact Finding Report on the Mob Lynching in Jharkhand on Suspicion of Kidnapping Children

Report By National Co-ordination of Human Rights Organizations (NCHRO) and Bandi Mukti Committee In the early morning of 18th May, 2017, Sobhapur (Dist. – Saraikela, P.S. – Rajnagar, Jharkhand) witnessed the brutal torture and subsequent killing ofSheikh Naim, Sheikh Siraj,Md. Sajjad, and Sheikh Halim by a mob, on the suspicion of kidnapping children (‘bachchachor’ in local language).On the same day,Goutam[Read More…]

Why does manual scavenging continue to exist in Tamil Nadu?

Why does manual scavenging continue to exist in Tamil Nadu?

Co-Written by V. Ramaswamy & V. Srinivasan  “Few object to liberty in the sense of a right to free movement, in the sense of a right to life and limb. There is no objection to liberty in the sense of a right to property, tools, and materials, as being necessary for earning a living, to keep the body in a[Read More…]

Sri Lanka: Violence Is The New Nonviolence

Sri Lanka: Violence Is The New Nonviolence

A Group of GMOA members and the medical faculty undergraduates were on their way to pelt stones on SAITM building in Malabe. On the way, they saw Lord Buddha meditating under a ‘Bo’ tree. They all went to him and told ‘Oh, Most Venerable! We are on our way to pelt stones at SAITM in order to protect the standard[Read More…]

Amarnath Tragedy: Security Lapse or What?

Amarnath Tragedy: Security Lapse or What?

All sections of Kashmir Society have condemned the dastardly attack on a bus ferrying  Yatris to Holy Amarnath cave. Seven yatris were killed  in the cowardly attack and many more injured. While feeling grieved and outpouring  of emotions is a  natural human trait, what is bad and loathsome, is the mention of Islam & Muslims in their condolence messages. Many[Read More…]

Saffron Swastika Hugs The Star of David

Saffron Swastika Hugs The Star of David

  (Modi’s hug of President Ruvi reminds one about the two opposites embracing each other just for the hatred of the third one considered by the both, a common enemy!) Like the North Pole and the South Pole meeting for the formation of the present State Government in J & K, the hug between President Ruvi and Prime Minister Modi[Read More…]

The Implications Of Ramnath Kovind’s Presidency

The Implications Of Ramnath Kovind’s Presidency

  In the upcoming presidential election, the BJP candidate Ramnath Kovind’s election to the post of the President of India is fait accompli. The debate around the presidential election is restricted to BJP playing the caste-card. The Congress fielding Meira Kumar against BJP’s caste-card, merely changes the discourse as to whose candidate is the better or more authentic ‘Dalit’. One[Read More…]

Domestic Violence Survivor Faced Challenges Headlong And Reclaimed Her Power Back

Domestic Violence Survivor Faced Challenges Headlong And Reclaimed Her Power Back

  “Earlier my husband would taunt me for not conceiving and said that I was barren. Then he became angry when I gave birth to a daughter. He warned me that if I ever produced a girl again, he would kill me. My in-laws would instigate him and he would thrash me. Father and son both used very abusive language[Read More…]

Videos Of Police Brutality In Pakistan And Other Stories 

Videos Of Police Brutality In Pakistan And Other Stories 

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where police brutality and violence continues. Three videos show how law enforcement officials regularly transcend their authority and abuse ordinary citizens, with a complete lack of accountability. In the most recently surfaced video, a group of police officers are baton charging unarmed women mill workers in Muzaffargarh, Punjab. Next, three journalists have been[Read More…]

Sri Lanka: Maha Sangha Should Be Banned From Politics

Sri Lanka: Maha Sangha Should Be Banned From Politics

Ivor Jennings, who was primarily responsible for drafting our Constitution upon gaining Independence from the British, handed us a secular constitution. Multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural as Ceylon was then and now is, the Jennings Constitution safeguarded certain rights of the country’s minorities in no uncertain fashion. It was commonly known as Soulbury Constitution and consisted of The Ceylon Independence Act,[Read More…]

Loan Waivers Offer No Relief To Most Distressed Farmers

Loan Waivers Offer No Relief To Most Distressed Farmers

  While the government is set to forgive billions of dollars of farm debts, the actually distressed class among them will have little respite from their misery .They owe their debts to moneylenders whereas the government waiver applies only to formal credit. In Maharashtra, farmers’ dependence on private money lenders   has shown a steep rise. Loans disbursed by private money[Read More…]

Indian Fascism: Radicalization or Entropy? The Choice Is Ours!

Indian Fascism: Radicalization or Entropy? The Choice Is Ours!

The second book from publishing is out. It is a book on the cow politics in India and the resultant lynchings that’s happening around the country. It is titled “The Political Economy Of Beef Ban”. This volume contains 57 articles on beef and the politics around it, how it has affected the social fabric of India and the people,[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

Photo by dok1

Our Obsolescent Economy

A friend of mine from India tells a story about driving an old Volkswagen beetle from California to Virginia during his first year in the United States. In a freak ice storm in Texas he skidded off the road, leaving his car with a cracked windshield and badly dented doors and fenders. When he reached Virginia he took the car[Read More…]

 Can We Stop Feeling Quite So Helpless And Hopeless In A World On The Skids? 

 Can We Stop Feeling Quite So Helpless And Hopeless In A World On The Skids? 

In the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration, George Orwell’s 1984 soaredonto bestseller lists, as did Sinclair Lewis’s It Can’t Happen Here and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, which also hit TV screens in a storm of publicity.  Zombies, fascists, and predators of every sort are now stalking the American imagination in ever-greater numbers and no wonder, given that guy in the Oval Office. Certainly, 2017 is already offering[Read More…]

Exaggerated Victories: The Mosul Effect

Exaggerated Victories: The Mosul Effect

The need to tick off the tactical and strategic boxes in the interminable war against Islamic State is so pressing it acquires the quality of ham acting, where generals and leaders become thespians of exaggerated promise before the camera. Nothing typified this more than the euphoric statements outlined by the Iraqi leadership in the aftermath of its efforts to retake[Read More…]

Muslim Americans Mourn The Death of Dr. Jack Shaheen

Muslim Americans Mourn The Death of Dr. Jack Shaheen

  The seven-million-strong American Muslim Community Sunday (July 9) mourned the death of Dr. Jack G. Shaheen, a prolific author and professor whose career centered on dismantling stereotypes of Muslims and Arabs in the US media. He was perhaps most famous for his book “Reel Bad Arabs,” where he chronicled over 900 movies where Arabs were represented negatively. In addition[Read More…]

Israel’s Ever-More Sadistic Reprisals Help Shore Up A Sense Of Victimhood

Israel’s Ever-More Sadistic Reprisals Help Shore Up A Sense Of Victimhood

When Israel passed a new counter-terrorism law last year, Ayman Odeh, a leader of the country’s large minority of Palestinian citizens, described its draconian measures as colonialism’s “last gasp”. He said: “I see … the panic of the French at the end of the occupation of Algeria.” The panic and cruelty plumbed new depths last week, when Israeli officials launched[Read More…]

In India, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Ditches Science for Spin in Push for GM Mustard

In India, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Ditches Science for Spin in Push for GM Mustard

The case surrounding the approval of genetically modified (GM) mustard in India is coming to a head on the back of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) recommending approval. The final decision now rests with Harsh Vardhan, minister of the environment. As India’s first commercial GM food crop, the concern is that it is in effect a Trojan horse crop and an[Read More…]

Lies That Capitalists Tell Us

Lies That Capitalists Tell Us

Please share these counter-arguments far and wide, in order to educate your fellow citizens, and, if necessary, to provide the intellectual beat-downs needed when arguing with pro-capitalists. So without further ado, here is our list of the most devious “Lies that Capitalists Tell Us”:

In this undated photo, Liu Xia feeds her husband Liu Xiaobo at a hospital in China.

Chinese Human Rights Activist Liu Xiaobo Health Detoriates Further-A Serious Cause Of Concern

Liu Xiaobo (born-28 December 1955), the only Nobel Peace Prize winner from authoritarian Communist state China appears to be on death bed. Chinese government has disallowed him to move out of the country for the liver cancer treatment. China fears lest he should emerge as the magnet for the anti Chinese forces which are gaining ground at least in the[Read More…]

DDA Agrees To Stop Demolition Of Slums In Baljeet

DDA Agrees To Stop Demolition Of Slums In Baljeet

In the 13 Rules for Radicals by American Activist Saul Alinsky for the Community Organisers, the first rule is “Power is not what you think you have but what the enemy thinks you have.” These rules are for the low income Communities towards gaining social, political, economic and legal power. Also, the radicalism has been described a sone of the[Read More…]

Review: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness; India’s Summa Injustica

Review: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness; India’s Summa Injustica

  Having just bought the novel, I read Sukamaran’s reluctantly negative review of Arundhati Roy’s, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness and discovered for myself that I had not entered “The Ministry of Utmost Boredom” but a world intensely crammed, like India itself, with the vicissitudes and minutae of the human condition ranging from rapture to agony, from goodness and evil[Read More…]

Why Peace Is A Refugee In Our World?

Why Peace Is A Refugee In Our World?

  Israel and India have become great friends with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the Jewish nation. As a result Israel will help India to have more sophisticated weapons to fight terror. Friendship should usher in greater peace. That is what friendship in my understanding means. “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies[Read More…]

Afghanistan can still fly

Barren Hills

  No glass in the windows a shell hole in the roof wretched tanks, old fighter jets and rust kissed guns lie around as discarded toys. In the distance traits of dust rises from Anglo-American vehicles running after the Taliban cocoons. Fighter bombers passes overhead repeatedly cough, cold and stomatch bug rules. Nearby, a seven year old child picks up[Read More…]

Marx And Ambedkar: Bridging The Rift

Marx And Ambedkar: Bridging The Rift

Book Review: India & Communism by B R Ambedkar, Introduction by Anand Teltumbde, Left Word, New Delhi, 2017, p. 156 History repeats itself twice, not infrequently as tragedy for the masses of the people. All across the word, there is the emergence and  rise to power of neofascism under various garbs and  leaderships–from Hungary’s Viktor Orban to Greece’s Nikos Michaloliakos[Read More…]

`’Surrendered’  Maoists   Tried  By  `Surrendered Judges’

`’Surrendered’  Maoists   Tried  By  `Surrendered Judges’

Nandini  Sundar’s  case  study  of  Podiyam  Panda’s plight  as  a  victim  of  the  police  plot  to  show  him  off  to  the  press  as  a  surrendered  Maoist’  (re: Questionable  legality  of  the  Surrender  Process  in Chhattisgarh’  in  the  Counter-currents website  of  May  23,  2017),  not  only  re-iterates  the  well-established  notorious role  of  the  Indian  police  in  framing  innocent  people,  but  also  throws [Read More…]

Doddi Komarayya : A visualized drawing  (no photo is available)

70th anniversary of The Martyrdom of Komarayya: A Turning Point in Telangana People’s Revolutionary Movement

  July 4, 1946 was the day of martyrdom of Doddi Komarayya, a young man from a poor peasant and shepherd family of Kadivendi village of the then Nalgonda district. (Now it is in Warangal district of Telangana state, TS.) This day is regarded  as  a marker indicating  the beginning of  armed struggle  of Telangana.  Martyrdom of Komarayya: A Turning[Read More…]

Why Kerala Left Still Stands Up Against Israel

Why Kerala Left Still Stands Up Against Israel

  Despite being a land where Jewish communities thrived, historically,  Kerala’s public mind remained a natural sympathizer for the cause of Palestine. Deeply embedded in Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much hyped alliance with Isreal is an affirmation from the Left of their strong ideological support for Palestine in changing times. Narendra Modi[Read More…]

Protest Against Mob Lynchings And The Role Of Civil Society In Breaking The Silence

Protest Against Mob Lynchings And The Role Of Civil Society In Breaking The Silence

A fifteen-year old boy was lynched to death in a train by a mob, when he was returning home with his relatives, on the evening of Thursday, 22nd June after doing his Eid shopping in Delhi. The mob threw his body at Asaoti railway station near Faridabad. The boy’s name was Junaid Khan. There have been more than a dozen[Read More…]

Protests At Jantar Mantar, To Mourn Amarnath Killings

Protests At Jantar Mantar, To Mourn Amarnath Killings

The ‘Not In My Name’ campaigners held a vigil at Jantar Mantar on Tuesday, 11 July, 2017, 7 p.m. to mourn the killings of Amarnath pilgrims a day earlier. For this gathering arithmetic (numbers) went against the protesters. At any given point of time the number was under one hundred. There were no slogans, no speeches, a two minute silence[Read More…]

Kashmir Unites To Condemn Anantanag Yatra Attack

Kashmir Unites To Condemn Anantanag Yatra Attack

Soon after the Attack on Civilian Bus in which Seven Amarnath Pilgrims Killed and Dozens Injured, on Monday. Widespread condemnation poured out from every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley. Kashmiris took Social media, (Facebook, Twitter) Responses against the Painful attack Here are some Responses; Is Mehbooba Mufti in senses? What has Islam to do what Yatri killing, and why[Read More…]

New Delhi : A participant shows a placard during a silent protest "Not in My Name" against the targeted lynching, at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Wednesday. PTI Photo by Shahbaz Khan(PTI6_28_2017_000215B)

Cowardly Attack On Amarnath Pilgrims

Any cowardly, armed or mobbed attack on unarmed people must be condemned in no uncertain terms. We, who came out in “Not in my name” protest at Jantar-Mantar against Gorakshak mob lynching, also came out to protest against the ghastly act of attack on Amarnath pilgrims. But why the Salim Sheikh, is, instead of being praised for his presence of[Read More…]

“India United By Blood! Share It, Don’t Spill It” Campaign Springs Up Across India

“India United By Blood! Share It, Don’t Spill It” Campaign Springs Up Across India

Our call for #An Hour For Communal Harmony  has got wonderful response from around the country. As our first event, blood and organ donation camps will be held in major cities/towns in India in the first week of August. New Delhi, Kolkotta, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Trivandurm, Kochi, Calicut have come on board. The slogan of the campaign is “India United[Read More…]

24 Pargana Communal Attack: Muslim Fundamentalists Emulating The Hindutva Genre Of Violence

24 Pargana Communal Attack: Muslim Fundamentalists Emulating The Hindutva Genre Of Violence

RSS, the leading flag-bearer of the Hindutva politics and the most significant motivating spirit behind Modi government at the Centre and BJP State governments has been demanding cleansing of minorities like Muslims and Christians for being foreigners. Even after Independence, the most prominent ideologue of the RSS, Guru Golwalkar, declared Muslims and Christians as ‘Internal Threats’ number ONE and TWO[Read More…]

Lost at Sea: Left Liberals Have No Party

Lost at Sea: Left Liberals Have No Party

In the periphery of the circles in which I travel, people do not actively defend what it means to be a member of the Democratic Party. They come on much stronger when they say they are against the Republican Party. And why not? The Republican Party is the party of old money, inheritance, white supremacy and fundamentalist Christianity. Republicans and[Read More…]

“Creating A Barren World”

“Creating A Barren World”

  Some people have likened the Earth to a relatively small lifeboat wheeling in an incredibly vast sea of outer space. If they also think that the sinking of the Titanic was a sad disaster, they will be heartbroken over the tragic devastation when this sort of decimating occurrence happens on a planetary scale … Some time ago, I read[Read More…]

Pa’lante: The Young Lords In Bridgeport

Pa’lante: The Young Lords In Bridgeport

Virtually every segment of society was impacted by the democratic upsurge in the United States in the 1960’s and Puerto Ricans were no exception. Puerto Ricans in a number of places came together to form organizations and participate in multiracial coalitions in order to address a number of pressing problems. Among the most popular Puerto Rican organizations was the Young[Read More…]

Men Deny Women Equality, Not The Quran 

Men Deny Women Equality, Not The Quran 

  The portrayal of Muslim women   in the media is grim and sombre. The public perception of them is one of stubborn stereotypes: supposedly powerless and oppressed, behind walls and veils, demure, voiceless and silent figures, discriminated and bereft of even basic rights. This picture keeps reinforcing itself, largely because this is how the Western media caricatures women in Islam.[Read More…]

Cultural  Shadows Of The Political Army

Cultural  Shadows Of The Political Army

Hate speech, lynching, mob violence, ransacking public property etcetera have become a part and parcel of our daily lives. The right wing cultural brigade of the Sangh Parivar increasingly finds itself at the very centre of all such episodes. At the same time, there is little clarity among people about who exactly does the “dirty work” for a particular party[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

Building Solidarity Beyond Borders

Building Solidarity Beyond Borders

Since 2013, Sri Lanka has been witnessing a spike in targeted attacks on the Muslim and Christian minorities by hard-line Sinhala-Buddhist groups. It began with a fringe organisation’s campaign against halal certification, forcing shops to stop selling meat labelled for Islamic guidelines. A series of attacks on mosques and shops owned by Muslims followed. Within a year, violent communal clashes[Read More…]

Photo by pasa47

From Growth To Degrowth: A Brief History

The notion of economic growth as a regular, ongoing, self-sustained process no longer holds up to critical analysis. Even during what’s been called “The Glorious Thirty” – the years between the end of World War II and the 1974 oil crisis – growth occurred almost solely in industrialized countries and involved a minority of the world population; it was built[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

  K.P Sasi is a film maker, writer, activist and cartoonist. He can be reached at

Ben Salmon, Patron of Conscientious Objectors, Courtesy of Father William Hart McNichols,

“Ain’t No Such Thing as A Just War” – Ben Salmon, WWI resister

  Several days a week, Laurie Hasbrook arrives at the Voices office here in Chicago. She often takes off her bicycle helmet, unpins her pant leg, settles into an office chair and then leans back to give us an update on family and neighborhood news. Laurie’s two youngest sons are teenagers, and because they are black teenagers in Chicago they[Read More…]

Review: “Disruptive Asia. Asia’s Rise And Australia’s Future” – Exceptionalist Australia & Resurgent Asia

Review: “Disruptive Asia. Asia’s Rise And Australia’s Future” – Exceptionalist Australia & Resurgent Asia

On its 20th anniversary, the Asia Society of Australia has issued a very important collection of essays by over 20 scholars and other  professionals that considers future mutually beneficial interactions between rich and peaceful Australia (the Switzerland of Asia) and South Asian, East Asian and South East Asian countries, notably India, China, Japan and Indonesia. Despite some major key omissions[Read More…]

Power Dynamics Changing In World Order

Power Dynamics Changing In World Order

This new global alignment is a positive. The US has dominated the world for too long and must learn to become a cooperative partner. And as US power is waning on the world stage, there is an opening for people power in solidarity across borders to grow.

America: An Empire In Chaos

America: An Empire In Chaos

There is no denying that much of the Arab-Muslim world is in political, social and economic confusion and disarray as it strives for religious harmony in a similar manner that had divided Europe. The American Empire, however, is in chaos as it struggles with the economic, political and social home grown problems effecting and mirroring the Roman Empire2000 years ago.[Read More…]

GST Presidential Order – A Sham

GST Presidential Order – A Sham

  Goods & services tax Act has finally been applied on the State of Jammu & Kahmir . After receiving concurrence from the State Govt., the president of India  has issued an order under section 370(1)   – The constitutional(Application to J&K) Amendment  order 2017—which paves way for application of GST to State The application of GST Act was preceded by[Read More…]

U.S. Veterans joined the Standing Rock Sioux encampment protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. (Photo: Joe Brusky/Overpass Light Brigade)

Why Are You Silent?

Atmosphere polluted Food adulterated Water contaminated Earth! Why are you silent? Meandering along The strife – torn lands With people lynching River ! Why are you silent ? (1) Crops failures Farmers suicides Wailing bereaved families Conscience ! Why are you silent? Bombings and shootings Killing Innocents with drones Battles on borders Peace! Why are you silent? Rapes and murders[Read More…]

Domestic Violence and Abuse as a Abstract

Revisiting Dabla’s Work On Domestic Violence Against Women in Kashmir Valley

Book Review: Bashir Ahmad Dabla. Domestic Violence Against Women in Kashmir Valley. Srinagar: Jay Kay Book Shop, 2009. XIII+ 115 PP. Rs. 495 (INR). ISBN 81-87221-23-2   Professor Bashir Ahmad Dabla, was a prominent Sociologist the soil of Kashmir has ever produced. He was the founder of the Department of Sociology and Social Work at University of Kashmir. Dabla , has[Read More…]

As India Descends Into Darkness Let’s Spend An Hour For Communal Harmony

As India Descends Into Darkness Let’s Spend An Hour For Communal Harmony

What happened in Baduria and Basirhat of West Bengal is a warning. What is happening in Darjeeling is a warning. What is happening in Jammu and Kashmir is a warning. When people are getting lynched for their food choices, it is a warning. What is happening to dalits, adivasis and other minorities in present day India is a warning. Can you[Read More…]

Tensions in Hamburg: The G20 Fractures

Tensions in Hamburg: The G20 Fractures

  “I think it’s very clear that we could not reach consensus, but the differences were not papered over, they were clearly stated.” Angela Merkel, BBC News, Jul 8, 2017 Such gatherings and summits are not always smooth, but on a planet bearing witness to a Trump presidency, there was always going to be a chance for more excitement at[Read More…]

Gaza: A Place Closer To Hell Than To Heaven

Gaza: A Place Closer To Hell Than To Heaven

The recent confessional “I Like Gaza”, written by Uri Avnery –Peace Activist, Journalist, founding member of the peace bloc Gush Shalom, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the news magazine Haolam Hazeh, founding member of the Knesset, founding member of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, and columnist for Internet – will break the heart of anyone who has ever anguished[Read More…]

The Year of Dead Eyes And Death

The Year of Dead Eyes And Death

The Reminiscent of the Beloved Witness-Aga Shahid Ali They ask me to tell them what Shahid means- Listen: It means ‘The Beloved’ in Persian, ‘witness’ in Arabic. (Aga Shahid Ali) From the ancient times, Kashmir has remained a hot seat of learning and scholasticism. The land has produced a great number of writers and intellectuals who wrote about the congeniality[Read More…]

Sovereignty & Sangha: Island Without Democracy

Sovereignty & Sangha: Island Without Democracy

Citizens enable the modern democratic State. With all its highs and lows and the complexity, democracy enables citizens to actively participate in the process of governing. Although democratic system allows citizens to actively participate in the governing process, it is up to the citizens to take that decision whether to participate in the governing or not. While social, political and[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

What Can Governments Hide From Us? Lessons From WWII

What Can Governments Hide From Us? Lessons From WWII

Governments are not known to be benevolent organizations. On the contrary, when it is question of ensuring their own survival, they are ruthless. And they are well known to lie to people. The case of the “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq is well known but, at least, eventually it became clear that it was a lie: these weapons didn’t[Read More…]

Thermal Power Projects – Growth, Environment And Livelihoods

Thermal Power Projects – Growth, Environment And Livelihoods

The role of power generation for sustained economic growth of a country cannot be denied. India generates about 330,000 MW of power each year. Thermal Power project generates about 218,330 MW of power. This includes power generation through Coal, Gas and Diesel. Nuclear, Hydro and other renewable sources generate about 1, 11,670 MW of power. Power generated meet the growing[Read More…]

“The July 2017 G-20 Summit: Beyond The Theatrics

“The July 2017 G-20 Summit: Beyond The Theatrics

If anything, this is the first time this century is faced with a seemingly intractable set of overlapping problems.They range from Poverty and Unemployment, Human Rights and Climate Change, to xenophobic levels of fear of Global Terrorism, Wars in the Middle East and Africa and, importantly the climacteric threat of war in the Japanese Peninsula.The latter concern must receive priority[Read More…]

YES! Illustration by Jennifer Luxton.

How We Can Transition To A “Bottom Up” Economy

Resistance to the Trump administration’s attacks on immigrants, climate change policy, and economic fairness has been fierce. But alongside these efforts—from flooding representatives’ phone lines to packing town hall meetings to marching in protest—it’s also important to begin the work of building alternatives to the systems that underlie the exploitation of people and planet. The understandable focus on Trump—with his[Read More…]

The North Korean Dilemma Part II : Economic Ties And The Banyan Tree

The North Korean Dilemma Part II : Economic Ties And The Banyan Tree

About a hundred miles north of Bangalore, India, in the village of Thimmamma Marrimanu grows an eponymous banyan tree. There are all kinds of records for trees: the tallest, the stoutest, the oldest, and so on, but the record for the largest canopy, at an astounding five acres, is held by this banyan. And it also holds the key to[Read More…]

For The Liberation of Alahwaz

For The Liberation of Alahwaz

More than 90 years has passed since the important event where the Iranian regime occupied Alahwaz. It began on the 20th of April 1925 where they practiced all forms of oppression and persecution against Alahwazi Arabs, policies of internationally banned and Arab ethnic cleansing, where they began the confiscation of land and the destruction of villages, settlement building and changed[Read More…]

The Importance of Being a Cow: A Mother or a Meal?

The Importance of Being a Cow: A Mother or a Meal?

The more conservative a society, the more is its ritualistic overtone, and vice versa. In other words, by the very definition of conservatism – an ideology built around the idea to conserve – is heavily dependent on various rituals and practices epitomizing that ‘ism’ of conservation. Therefore, conservatism and ritualistic celebration are directly proportional to each other and not at[Read More…]

Jeremy Corbyn And The Power Of Literature

Jeremy Corbyn And The Power Of Literature

Something strange happened to the British Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and to the British public on the way to the recently held election in the UK. Once the target of widespread criticism from within his party and the mainstream media, his leadership deemed a disaster and his policies too extreme to be winnable, Corbyn surprised his critics and the pundits[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

AHRC Video Series JUST ASIA: Videos of Police Brutality in Pakistan And Other Stories

AHRC Video Series JUST ASIA: Videos of Police Brutality in Pakistan And Other Stories

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where police brutality and violence continues. Three videos show how law enforcement officials regularly transcend their authority and abuse ordinary citizens, with a complete lack of accountability. In the most recently surfaced video, a group of police officers are baton charging unarmed women mill workers in Muzaffargarh, Punjab. Next, three journalists have been[Read More…]

Trump’s Sayings In Warsaw And People’s Protests In Hamburg

Trump’s Sayings In Warsaw And People’s Protests In Hamburg

  There’s warning and concern, there’s assurance and optimism, and, there’s accusation and threat. All these were delivered and expressed by Mr. Donald Trump, the US president. The US president was in Warsaw, a historic city, and was delivering a speech in front of people gathered at Krasinski Square, and was speaking at a news conference. All these happened on[Read More…]

A young boy sits outside his demolished house. Children are most affected  by this eviction as they now lack the place for recreational needs and many have not had food since their parents are busy in collecting/digging household belongings such as stove,Gas, Utensils. (Photographs taken on July6, 2017 )

Forceful Demolition At Gulshan Chowk, Baljeet Nagar, Delhi

The immediate need of the families affected by this incident is related to water, Food, temporary shelter (Shaded) till they recover their belongings from under the debris and start to make their living. As a secondary need they will require support for the proper rehabilitation within the legal framework. Things to be taken in notice is that although there’s a big population of women in the slum, no women police officers were present at the time of demolition.

South Asians For Peace And Democracy

South Asians For Peace And Democracy

The last few decades has seen the rise of religious nationalism, fascism, conservative right wing politicsall over the world. As these authoritarian forces of hate and repression rise inexorably, it is no longer tenable toconfine resistance or struggles for social change entirely within the boundaries of the nation-state. The fact is that national borders are modern day mirages, conjured up[Read More…]

Dangerous Pantomime: Trump And North Korea’s Missile Program

Dangerous Pantomime: Trump And North Korea’s Missile Program

It’s all fine while it remains on the stage, a matter of contained, almost camp displays of grunting and strutting.  The diplomats can still have some say; the foreign ministries retain some hold over the military instinct. But the longer the Korean Nuclear Dance continues, the more likely it will repel the jaw jaw option in favour of war war.[Read More…]

Solidarity With The Movement Against Fees Hike In IIT Bombay

Solidarity With The Movement Against Fees Hike In IIT Bombay

The Coordination of Science and Technology Institutes’ Student Associations (COSTISA) expresses its solidarity with the ongoing students’ movement against the fees hike in IIT Bombay. Barely a year after introducing a two-fold hike in tuition fees for UGs, the institute has made a unilateral decision to increase the fees for all students. There has been, a 300 % hike in[Read More…]

Indian State Shows Double Standards By Charging Sikhs For Justice Activists For Sedition

Indian State Shows Double Standards By Charging Sikhs For Justice Activists For Sedition

The Indian state’s response to New York- based Sikh advocacy group’ s controversial posters asking for the referendum for independent Sikh state in 2020 shows double standards. The Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) is asking for the referendum in Punjab so that the Sikhs can decide their political future. The SFJ supports Khalistan, an imaginary Sikh homeland to be carved out[Read More…]

Hindutva And Cow: Love For Cow or Hatred For “Others”?

Hindutva And Cow: Love For Cow or Hatred For “Others”?

  There have been several brutal lynchings of Muslims and beatings of dalits on the issue of Holy cow. Mohammad Akhlaq in Dadri, Pehlu Khan in Mewat being just two of the cases from the long list. In these cases some pretext is cooked up to beat the cow traders or those consuming meat or beef. The incidence of Una shows that[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

The North Korean Dilemma – Part I: War And Peace

The North Korean Dilemma – Part I: War And Peace

  The North Koreans sent us a gift on July 4th. In the morning, — their time, it was still July 3rd evening here — they launched a missile. It reached a height of 1741 miles (2802 Km) which was 400 miles higher than the earlier May 14 launch. Calling it the Hwasong-14, they have claimed it has a range[Read More…]

The Saudi-American-Iranian-Russian-Qatari-Syrian Conundrum 

The Saudi-American-Iranian-Russian-Qatari-Syrian Conundrum 

The Middle East.  Could there be a more perilous place on Earth, including North Korea?  Not likely.  The planet’s two leading nuclear armed powers backing battling proxies amply supplied with conventional weapons; terror groups splitting and spreading; religious-sectarian wars threatening amid a plethora of ongoing armed hostilities stretching from Syria to Iraq to Yemen. And that was before Donald Trump[Read More…]

Ominous Arrests Point At Imminent Rule Of The Outlaw In Uttar Pradesh

Ominous Arrests Point At Imminent Rule Of The Outlaw In Uttar Pradesh

The arrests of 31 Dalit activists in Lucknow, state capital of Uttar Pradesh, is an ominous marker of the things to come. Add the circumstances of their arrest and they also hint at an authoritarian regime lurching around, set for the takeover of whatever little is left of dissent, democracy and the rule of law in the state. The arrests[Read More…]

Promoting Superstition: Everything Official About It !

Promoting Superstition: Everything Official About It !

  Bhupendra Singh Chudasama, Education minister of Gujarat and his colleague AtmaramParamar, who handles the Social Justice Ministry, were in the news sometime back- albeit for wrong reasons. A video went viral which showed them participating in a felicitation ceremony of exorcists in Botad. They were also seen watching how a  couple of the exorcists were beating themselves with metal[Read More…]

Rejoice, Ye, Supreme Court Judges On Your Pyrrhic Victory; India’s Justice System Got Screwed Up In Karnan’s Case

Rejoice, Ye, Supreme Court Judges On Your Pyrrhic Victory; India’s Justice System Got Screwed Up In Karnan’s Case

    A law student in any university anywhere in the world is taught that before convicting a person of a crime a detailed reasoned judgement ought to be ready. In fact in criminal cases the judgement convicting a person is pronounced on a particular day; and the quantum of punishment is announced later after the lawyers have had a[Read More…]

India Now!

India Now!

Women And Wages: A Capitalist Reality In The Industries of Entertainment And Sports

Women And Wages: A Capitalist Reality In The Industries of Entertainment And Sports

 Known worldwide as the champion of human rights and gender equality, the United States of America, it seems, has failed miserably to live up to its own standards when it comes to the issue of gender pay gap. A report by PayScale Inc., published on July 5, 2017 said that for equal work women in the U.S are paid less[Read More…]

Coporate Society And Its Perils

Coporate Society And Its Perils

In this blistering, nuanced, and timely critique of work culture and society, Romi Mahajan argues in his new book ” Coporate Society And Its Perils” that young people can (and must) forge a career path based on freedom, creativity, and citizenship. Mahajan argues that the pressure from almost all quarters for young people to succumb to the blandishments and enticements[Read More…]

Moral Injury of War; The Invisible Wound of Empire

Moral Injury of War; The Invisible Wound of Empire

With the failure of the Democratic establishment, the crisis of liberal democracy is now seized by a new rise of power. The US empire with Trump as commander-in-chief has renewed its vow toward colonial domination. With nationalism and militarism in full swing, Trump’s America aims to radically alter the future of this country. His campaign slogan “make America great again”[Read More…]

Why Israel Has A Law That Gives Police The Power To Block Certain Websites From Israelis

Why Israel Has A Law That Gives Police The Power To Block Certain Websites From Israelis

  The new Israeli law giving police power to block websites that purportedly publish “criminal” or “offensive” content follows a similar blockade of various websites in Palestine by the 13-year president of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas – all in the name of “law and order”, “peace” and “fighting terrorism”. The equation is simple and has long been propagated by[Read More…]

‘The World Is (Not) Flat’: ‘Trumpism’ Is Symptom of Decades-Long Imperial Arrogance

‘The World Is (Not) Flat’: ‘Trumpism’ Is Symptom of Decades-Long Imperial Arrogance

  No matter how hard White House officials try, they cannot construct a coherent ‘Trump doctrine’ that would make sense amid the chaos that has afflicted US foreign policy in recent months. However, this chaos is not entirely the making of President Donald Trump alone. Since 1945, the United States has vied for total global leadership. The 1991 dissolution of[Read More…]

When Will Co-opted Figures And Board Members Of Companies Like Monsanto And Bayer Be Hauled Into Court?

When Will Co-opted Figures And Board Members Of Companies Like Monsanto And Bayer Be Hauled Into Court?

The public is being poisoned, disease rates are spiralling, waterways are contaminated, soil is being degraded, insects, birds, invertebrates and plant diversity are in dramatic decline. Humanity and the planet are being poisoned for profit. We are experiencing an assault on life by the agrotoxins industry, which is in fact contributing to a sixth mass extinction. Armed with a harmful chemical cocktail of[Read More…]



I have to admit, I was a little apprehensive about attending the play ‘Untouchable’ by Peter Oswald as part of the [R]evolution in Theatre at the RADA Festival in London last night. My main concern was how the subject might be treated. The promotion material describes the play as “the story of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, born ‘Untouchable’, who led his[Read More…]

Patients Before Profit: Public vs Private , The Debate In Karnataka

Patients Before Profit: Public vs Private , The Debate In Karnataka

Affordable health care is now becoming increasingly inaccessible to the poor and lower middle classes in India, given the drive to privatization in all parts of the social sector.  Sally Ogun, a patient’s rights activist from America says, “The provision of health care … is part of a social contract, one that assures citizens access to the tools they need[Read More…]

Lynch Production Factory @ New India

Lynch Production Factory @ New India

The DNA of New India is being redesigned. Genetic Engineering for a new India is being undertaken. This new India legitimises the usage of mob violence by Lynchers. The new India creates an environment where lynchers are assured that they have unprecedented freedom to undertake their actions. They will never be punished for their actions, even if they are criticised[Read More…]

by 1 comment India
Gandhiji Said, No Law Can Be Made To Ban Cow-Slaughter

Gandhiji Said, No Law Can Be Made To Ban Cow-Slaughter

This is an excerpt from Gandhi’s prayer discourse of July 25, 1947, from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Volume 88, as published online by the Gandhi Heritage Portal. Rajendra Babu tells me that he has received some 50,000 postcards, between 25,000 and 30,000 letters and many thousands of telegrams demanding a ban on cow-slaughter. I spoke to you about[Read More…]

“Permanent Solution” For Kashmir Problem!

“Permanent Solution” For Kashmir Problem!

The Union Home Minister has declared that there will soon be a “Permanent Solution” for the Kashmir problem. The declaration appears more scary than comforting! Kashmir problem has been hanging fire since the partition of the sub-continent. In fact, the creation of the two countries itself created the problem! Kashmir as an independent sovereign country has a history of more[Read More…]

North Korean Missile Launch Intensifies War Danger

North Korean Missile Launch Intensifies War Danger

North Korea’s test launch yesterday of a long-range missile has markedly heightened the danger of a war in North East Asia that would have catastrophic consequences for the region and the world. The launch was followed by threatening missile tests by the South Korean and US militaries, as well as condemnations by the US and its allies and a call[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled World
Do Soldiers Have Human Right? Far-Reaching Implications

Do Soldiers Have Human Right? Far-Reaching Implications

  This piece is inspired by the query of a respected activist who asked this writer, “While protest statements against heinous crimes are necessary, should there not also be statements when armed forces or security forces personnel get killed by mobs or militants?” Hence, this article attempts to present a view which will do justice to both sides of the[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled India
“When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer As A Young Wife”: Moving Beyond Data To Tackle Domestic Violence

“When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer As A Young Wife”: Moving Beyond Data To Tackle Domestic Violence

The experience of violence that women face behind closed doors is a global disease. There are no boundaries, cultural or social, for this violence, as it is deeply ingrained in a society that is patriarchal. Domestic Violence is a phenomenon that is usually accepted within families and is brushed under the carpet as a matter that is personal, so others[Read More…]

Is Overt Display Of Religion Tearing The Fabric Of Indian Society?

Is Overt Display Of Religion Tearing The Fabric Of Indian Society?

“This is Gandhi’s land!” people often tell me. Where multicultural acceptance is a part of every Indian’s day to day life. This is the land which has a tradition of accepting into its fold all divergent views including religions. They tell me that Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, even Zoroastrianism have flourished for millennia under the benevolence of the majority[Read More…]

Modi’s Visit To Israel: Embrace Of Two Deadly Ideologies, Zionism And Hindutva

Modi’s Visit To Israel: Embrace Of Two Deadly Ideologies, Zionism And Hindutva

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Israel. It is a historical visit. It is the first time an Indian Prime Minister is visiting Israel. Putting aside all protocol norms Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to Ben-Gurion Airport to welcome Modi. Let’s step back and take a broader view of this historical visit.  The Israeli Knesset (parliament) recently passed[Read More…]

Why War? Building On The Legacy of Einstein, Freud And Gandhi

Why War? Building On The Legacy of Einstein, Freud And Gandhi

  In 1932, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein conducted a correspondence subsequently published under the title ‘Why War?’ See ‘Why War: Einstein and Freud’s Little-Known Correspondence on Violence, Peace, and Human Nature’. In many ways, this dialogue between two giants of the 20th century is symbolic of the effort made by many humans to understand that perplexing and incredibly damaging[Read More…]

The U.S.' priciest house for sale is a Bel-Air mansion that includes 7 staffers and a helicopter - LA Times

The Bad, The Good And The Horrid

A week ago, I was eating lunch and turned on the TV. (Sometimes I don’t know the reason that I bother since so much is disturbing to view on the television, such as murders, car thefts, nightclub shootings, wars, rapes and so on, along with nonsense programs.) Yet I did so anyway and saw part of a show about a[Read More…]

Journalist Seymour Hersh

The Useful Idiots Who Undermine Dissent On Syria

There has been much disingenuous criticism of those, like me, who question why the western corporate media have studiously ignored the latest investigation by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh on Syria. Hersh had to publish his piece in a German newspaper, Welt am Sonntag, after the entire US and UK media rejected his article. There has still been no mention of[Read More…]

US-Backed War In Yemen Sparks Deadly Cholera Outbreak

US-Backed War In Yemen Sparks Deadly Cholera Outbreak

According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1,500 Yemenis have died in a deadly cholera epidemic which has infected some 250,000 people since April. Children account for a quarter of the deaths and half of all infections. The deadly outbreak is the direct result of the criminal Saudi-led, US-backed war to reinstate the puppet[Read More…]

Unite And Rule: EU As NATO’s Auxiliary Economic Alliance

Unite And Rule: EU As NATO’s Auxiliary Economic Alliance

According to a recent infographic [1] by New York Times, 79,000 US troops have currently been deployed in Europe out of 210,000 total US troops stationed all over the world, including 47,000 in Germany, 15,000 in Italy and 17,000 in the rest of Europe. By comparison, the number of US troops stationed in Afghanistan is only 8,400 which is regarded[Read More…]

Will You Remember?

Will You Remember?

No, my world!
“I shall never be hopeless …
whatever you may say.
I shall rhyme my life with the
rhythm of God’s chime, and
row my boat of love over the human’s core
until the stream of abhorrence runs dry,”
sang the infant to the world.

10-year-old Afghan Street Kid Mubasir smiles despite his difficulties

What Does War Generate?

  She read to us. “The Works of Mercy:  Feed the hungry; Give drink to the thirsty; Clothe the naked; Visit the imprisoned; Care for the sick; Bury the dead.” And then she read: “The Works of War: Destroy crops and land; Seize food supplies; Destroy homes; Scatter families; Contaminate water; Imprison dissenters; Inflict wounds, burns; Kill the living.” The following[Read More…]

Through Ignoring The Looking-Glass

Through Ignoring The Looking-Glass

“…so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.” — from the Down the Rabbit-Hole section of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland When Humpty Dumpty shakes hands with Alice he extends only one finger. In Victorian Days, when someone shook hands with a person of inferior social status it[Read More…]

Reflections On Canada At 150

Reflections On Canada At 150

Yesterday, July 1st, 2017, was Canada’s sesquicentennial, its one hundred fiftieth birthday. A youngster in comparison to many, not an elder statesman to any. The Canadian maple leaf flag hung on our porch rail, not for pride in our government, but for the realization that by pure chance we live in a remarkable region of the world geographically with a[Read More…]

Weed Out The Rogues In Uniform Rather Than Trivialising Rape

Weed Out The Rogues In Uniform Rather Than Trivialising Rape

‘Why do armed women cut off a particular organ of Indian soldiers engaged in combating armed insurgencies across India, be it Punjab, Kashmir, Arunachal, Assam, Bengal or Jharkhand?’ asked senior opposition leader Azam Khan. The insinuation was unmistakable, and it had a basis: armed Maoists had indeed chopped off private parts of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel slain in their latest big ambush[Read More…]

Two Disasters-Two Countries-Two Peoples: Britain And Bangladesh

Two Disasters-Two Countries-Two Peoples: Britain And Bangladesh

Consecutively on 13th and 14th June, major disasters hit Bangladesh and the United Kingdom. On the morning of 13th, landslides killed more than 150 people, and four army personnel, in Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts districts of Bangladesh. And in the early hours of the 14th, a fire in a 24-storied apartment complex, the Grenfell Tower, killed around 80 people[Read More…]

Musings From My Twilight

Musings From My Twilight

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” –Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius was a stoic and a man of great wisdom; very unusual in a ruler. So, I present my musings to you as something from my perspective and not “The Truth”. As I reflect on our world, someone sent[Read More…]

The Hangman And The Noose

The Hangman And The Noose

Sun! Don’t rise like a scaffold ..! Let the darkness engulfed like the dark cloth round the neck Of the victim clear itself …. Sun! Don’t rise till the gallows Are removed for ever From the face of the Earth Till a hangman Refuses to take the life of another person By force… For a few bucks When the person[Read More…]

The Next Financial Crisis Is Not Far Away

The Next Financial Crisis Is Not Far Away

Recently, a Spanish group called “Ecologist in Action” asked me to give them a presentation on what kind of financial crisis we should expect. They wanted to know when it would be and how it would take place. The answer I had for the group is that we should expect financial collapse quite soon–perhaps as soon as the next few[Read More…]

Effective Climate Mitigation – Or Just Pretend? An open letter to Pam Goldsmith-Jones, MP

Effective Climate Mitigation – Or Just Pretend? An open letter to Pam Goldsmith-Jones, MP

Hello again Ms. Goldsmith-Jones, At a climate meeting you arranged at Gibsons Yacht Club before the election I said I thought you were in what Kari Norgaard describes as implicatory denial:  climate change itself is not denied but “the psychological, political and moral imperatives that conventionally follow”. And then again after you were elected MP I talked with you after[Read More…]

Exploiting Hate in the World’s Largest Democracies: Violence for Gain

Exploiting Hate in the World’s Largest Democracies: Violence for Gain

  The well-known journalist, Seymour Hersch, has published an article in the German newspaper Die Welt refuting President Trump’s assertions blaming the Syrians for the chemical incident at Khan Shaykhun on April 4th. Worse, it accuses him of ignoring the intelligence that supported the Syrian and Russian version of events. Mr. Hersch’s source(s)? Senior U.S. intelligence operatives. The subsequent bombing[Read More…]

India – US Relations

India – US Relations

  The World War Second was a source of big, deep and far reaching changes in the international power structure. All the super powers of the pre-war multi-polar power structure  like Britain, France, Spain , Italy, Germany, Japan , Portugal, Austria etc. became very weak as a result of the heavy losses that they suffered during the War (1939-1945). So[Read More…]

For A Reduction of Violence on the U.S. Domestic Front

For A Reduction of Violence on the U.S. Domestic Front

  For a reduction of violence on the U.S. domestic front educators on all levels will have to do what I suggest here, or attempt to implement or embrace some significant variation of it. Educators cannot think that our present wars are necessary, cannot believe and teach that we are “exceptional” in a positive way with our ongoing behavior overseas.[Read More…]

16 Adivasis Die of Malaria in Chaparai, East Godavari

16 Adivasis Die of Malaria in Chaparai, East Godavari

The Human Rights Forum (HRF) views with extreme concern the serious health crisis in the Agency area of East Godavari district. In what is reflective of the precarious situation, 16 adivasis from a single village – Chaparai of Boddagandi panchayat in Y Ramavarammandal, located in the jurisdiction of the Rampachodavaram ITDA of the district – died over a period of[Read More…]

GST Row: A Critical Analysis Of Baig Formula

GST Row: A Critical Analysis Of Baig Formula

  GST row is refusing to die down. The civil society and every other segment of society has refused to accept it in the present form. Their concern is genuine. The law, if applied in its present form will be a lethal  assault, ever mounted  on the fiscal and political autonomy of our state. To find a way out, the[Read More…]

Can India’s High GDP Growth Rate Paradigm Lead To True Welfare Of Our Communities?

Can India’s High GDP Growth Rate Paradigm Lead To True Welfare Of Our Communities?

      Introduction In an article in The Hindu of 14.5.2016, C. Rangarajan, former Governor, Reserve Bank of India had said: “The “potential” to grow at 8 to 9 per cent at least for a decade exists. We have to make it happen.”  The successive governments in the country have been focusing on such a high GDP growth rate,[Read More…]

Jallikattu: The Pith and Science Behind Legalities

Jallikattu: The Pith and Science Behind Legalities

The mishaps in the recent Jallikattu events come with a fear of the sport being banned again over the poor conduct and not necessarily owing to the essence of the sport. The petitioners who are seeking a ban on the sport remarked, …“A binding judgment [Nagaraja judgment] cannot be rendered ineffective by enactment of legislation that substantially overrules the intended[Read More…]

Assumption: A Non-Veg Verse

Assumption: A Non-Veg Verse

My hunger is more red and blue.
More holiness craving passion.
More core to me than your imposing
Dark-kindness and darker-laws.

Be Judgmental Just Be Careful Who You Judge

Be Judgmental Just Be Careful Who You Judge

Tolerance is overrated. In order to appreciate this, some basics should be covered. First, tolerance is not kindness nor is intolerance hate. Second, tolerance as an unswerving philosophical principle leads in equal part to acts of decency and of savagery. Third, for most of its votaries, tolerance is simply a euphemism and cover for utter cowardice. Judgmentalism is underrated. “Live[Read More…]

On GST; Concerns Over India’s Federal Structure

On GST; Concerns Over India’s Federal Structure

  India is all set to sail in its new taxation policy set out after three months of the new financial year. The move is definitely going to make a niche of its own down in history. But having said that, there are umpteen number of issues connected with its implementation in such a country as diverse as India. Still several[Read More…]

UN Under Siege: Geopolitics In The Time of Trump

UN Under Siege: Geopolitics In The Time of Trump

A modified and enlarged version of a talk Richard Falk gave in Geneva a week ago. The audience was a blend of students of all ages from around the world, with almost none from Europe and North America, and several NGO representatives with lots of UN experience.  Why the peoples of the world need the UN: multilateralism, international law, human rights, and[Read More…]

After Peak Oil, Are We Heading Toward Social Collapse?

After Peak Oil, Are We Heading Toward Social Collapse?

  Several years ago, Glen Sweetnam, director of the International, Economic and Greenhouse Gas division of the Energy Information Administration at the Department of Energy (DOE), announced that worldwide oil availability had reached a “plateau.” However, his statement was not made known through a major US mainstream media outlet. Instead, it was covered in France’s Le Monde. One could assume[Read More…]

Donald Trump And The Climate Change Reality

Donald Trump And The Climate Change Reality

  Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement was by no means a surprise. For, the US has always been seeking to subvert the multilateral, global initiatives to address the vexing global problems. Those who express surprise at the US withdrawal seem to be unaware that the US was not a Party to the Kyoto Protocol, the global accord under[Read More…]

Ahem! Pardon Me, May I Say Something?

Ahem! Pardon Me, May I Say Something?

We are living in a country that appears to have gone mad. All sane voices are being silenced. All insanity is being given free reign. Since fascists don’t read history it has no lessons for them. For it is too easy to see what happened every single time to those who went down this road of self-annihilation…they were very successful.[Read More…]

An Overview Of Nuclear Power In The Context Of Additional Capacity To Kaiga NPP

An Overview Of Nuclear Power In The Context Of Additional Capacity To Kaiga NPP

  Abstract:          The decision by the govt. of India in May 2017 to commission ten nuclear reactors of the type PHWR of 700 MW capacity each, and the other proposal to add four more reactors of the type VVER of 1,000 MW capacity each at Kudankulam NPP, has given rise to serious concerns to the communities around these projects,[Read More…]

People celebrate in front of Germany's lower house of parliament Bundestag after the delegates voted on legalising same-sex marriage, in Berlin, Germany June 30, 2017. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

A Historical Review Of Same-Sex Legislation In Germany

On the 30th of June 2017, the lower house of the German Parliament passed a bill legalizing same sex marriages throughout Germany. A long pending move in Germany and something that has been in the docks for quite some time. However, a complete understanding of the relevance and significance of Germany legalizing same-sex marriage will be incomplete unless a historical[Read More…]

Death Of Under Trial Prisoners In Odisha

Death Of Under Trial Prisoners In Odisha

‘Ganatantrik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan, Odisha’ condemns death of Bari Pidikaka, a Dongaria tribal in judicial custody. He died on 24th June, just few hours after his admission, at SCB Medical College, Cuttack.But his family members were informed on 25th June, 2017 after one day of his death by the local police. His son Dabru Pidikaka received the body on 27th[Read More…]

Two Rotis And A Catapult

Two Rotis And A Catapult

  Mahesh Gurung was shot on his forehead. He died instantly leaving behind his ageing parents, his wife and an infant son. He was 26 years old. A catapult and 2 rotis were found in his knapsack. He was a Gorkha; not a terrorist; fighting for Gorkhaland; with a catapult against bullets. Six bullet holes in the pillar where he[Read More…]

by 1 comment India
Why Minorities Have To Prove Their Nationalism All The Time?

Why Minorities Have To Prove Their Nationalism All The Time?

  It was the summer of 2010. This was my first visit to London and I couldn’t resist to go to Madam Tussaud’s famous wax museum. I wanted to see the wax statues of my favorite celebrities. I was so delighted to see them there and came back with sweet memories, but the most cherished memory was not about these[Read More…]

Modi’s India Is Sinking

Modi’s India Is Sinking

  Modi’s policies and empty promises will lead India to utter ruin. So many lynchings, protests, murders and arrests have happened this week across in India, it is hard to keep up with. In 21st century, horrendous crimes are on the rise in India. Non issues are being projected to divert attention from the daily problems with the common men.[Read More…]

Physiology of Lynching

Physiology of Lynching

It starts with division
‘We’ the majority all powerful against fewer ‘you’
righteous in our indignation against your beliefs
and much aggrieved by your actions
even if there is no evidence of your actually doing it
your caste or religion is enough
to multiply our aversion
your name alone aggravates us
your beards, caps or turbans are dead giveaway
that you don’t belong here

Lynchistan: Another Muslim Lynched In Jharkhand

Lynchistan: Another Muslim Lynched In Jharkhand

India is really becoming a Lynchistan. A man accused of carrying beef was allegedly beaten to death by a mob in Jharkhand’s Ramgarh district on Thursday. This happened hours after Prime Minister Modi said that killing people in the name of cow protection is not acceptable. The man has been identified as Alimuddin alias Asgar Ansari. He was allegedly carrying[Read More…]

The Lynch Republic

The Lynch Republic

Hafiz Junaid, Pehlu Khan, Akhlaq, Yakub Sheikh, Najeeb Ahmed- these are not just some Muslim names; these are names of the victims of hate crimes, in the newest emerging- The Lynch Republic. The vanguard of the right wing which is hell bent on enforcing Hindutva as a political agenda, is invoking the base and primeval instincts of common people by[Read More…]

Cow, Caste, Che Guevara

Cow, Caste, Che Guevara

Cows, cows and more chocolate brown cows. Driving on the highway that cuts through the vast Argentinian pampas, south of Buenos Aires, that’s all one sees everywhere around for miles and miles on end. Thousands of cows, peacefully grazing on grass or eating non-stop at the feedlots – huge dumps of artificial feed where they grow fatter and fatter- till[Read More…]

Review: “The One Day Of The Year” – Australian Anzac Day Jingoism Hides Genocidal War Crimes

Review: “The One Day Of The Year” – Australian Anzac Day Jingoism Hides Genocidal War Crimes

  The One Day Of  The Year is an iconic play by Alan Seymour about Anzac Day, the Australian and New Zealand war dead remembrance day held on the anniversary of the unsuccessful invasion of Turkey at Gallipoli by the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) on 25 April 1915. Anti-war sentiment expressed on or about Anzac Day has[Read More…]

Charity CEO’s Get Rich by Taking From the Poor

Charity CEO’s Get Rich by Taking From the Poor

The greed and selfishness that the free market capitalist economy inspires seem to impact every area of social and commercial interaction in consenting societies. It’s not just Wall Street and government leaders caught in the trap. It’s the entire system that is set to keep moving ever more money to the top economic tier by siphoning it from the bottom[Read More…]

Fireworks behind statue of liberty

The Fourth of July Like You’ve Never Seen It Before!

This year, sit back with your favorite beverage or herb, prop up your feet and open your head to consider Independence Day in a whole new way.   A historically critical article about the American Revolution would typically discuss how the democratic promises of the Declaration were left hanging at war’s end, followed by a decidedly undemocratic constitution six years[Read More…]

Disabled And The GST

Disabled And The GST

  At the midnight hour, when the whole world slept, India woke to life and freedom in the emotional words of Nehru’. But, again, in the midnight hour, India will witness one of the most radical tax reforms – GST…! The government is ready to roll out GST from July 1 despite dissatisfaction from many quarters. One of the consequences[Read More…]

Adivasis Integral To Protecting The Forest

Adivasis Integral To Protecting The Forest

Not many people may have witnessed the beauty of forests, but it is certainly something that everyone knows something about. In the narrative of climate change and the destruction wrought on nature by man, the declining forest cover and the thinning canopy take on poetic notes. The forest becomes a singular identity, existing majestically, independent of animals and people. Thus[Read More…]

National Security Act Imposed In Naramada Valley

National Security Act Imposed In Naramada Valley

New Delhi, 29 July 2017: The situation at one of the oldest sites of human civilizations – the Narmada valley of Madhya Pradesh is today worse than a battlefield where the humble, hard working farmers, fisher folk, potters and labourers are struggling day in and day out to simply survive against the onslaught of the Sardar Sarovar Dam in the[Read More…]

Before I Get Lynched (You Too)

Before I Get Lynched (You Too)

How many more stars we make?
How many more we need to break the silence
until each one of us become stars?

The Whore Named War

The Whore Named War

To lie closer, they folded their plicate wings,
ate blood and shit and the sweat of each other,
retched their names in history’s spittoon,
lay blear-eyed, dreamed-out, dreamless at last.

Mumbai Activist Raped For Exposing Mangrove Destruction

Mumbai Activist Raped For Exposing Mangrove Destruction

Mumbai | 29 June: Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan (GBGBA) strongly condemns the rape of a woman environment activist by five men who were apparently aggrieved by the woman’s complaint about destruction of mangroves. GBGBA is also shocked to know the callousness of the Mumbai Police department who didn’t take immediate steps which would have avoided such a heinous crime.[Read More…]

Lynching Mobs, Street Violence And Stifled Democracy 

Lynching Mobs, Street Violence And Stifled Democracy 

  A semi-starved nation can have neither religion, nor art nor organization.—M. K. Gandhi  There is no connection between mob violence and democracy. It seems that the streets of our nation today are in the reign and under the total control of lynching mobs. In this month alone (June 2017) we witnessed four gruesome lynchings— that of the 15 year[Read More…]

A Thousand Seeds Of Resistance Planted For Junaid

A Thousand Seeds Of Resistance Planted For Junaid

A thousand seeds of resistance got planted yesterday evening at Jantar Mantar, national protest site, Delhi on the blood shed by Junaid. The name Junaid in Urdu means fighter, warrior whose strength is equal to a small army. I reached Jantar Mantar at 4.30 p.m. when people had already started coming from Delhi and NCR region. The meeting was to[Read More…]

Speak Up : Why Are You Silent About Lynchistan?

Speak Up : Why Are You Silent About Lynchistan?

In this powerful two-minute video, Gurpreet Singh, India-born, Canadian journalist asks heads of governments, peace activists, academics, ‘Why are you Silent?” at the Lynchings in India, the targeting of innocents, mostly Indian Muslims, by those in power to turn India into a Hindu State. Why are you Silent? Are You waiting for More Deaths? I wont be Quiet I don’t[Read More…]

High Plains Food Bank, USA

Putting Food On All Tables

  Please note that if you have hungry impoverished people in your region, you can find ways to get financial and food donations from various individuals and groups, such as farmers at markets or at their farms, religious groups, charitable organizations, grocery stores and other sources. So they are worthwhile to pursue. While you might not have immediate success on[Read More…]

Siham Abu Rashid’s family depends on the income from harvesting herbs in Gaza’s dangerous no-go zone. Abed Zagout

Pushing Gaza To Suicide: The Politics of Humiliation

  Mohammed Abed is a 28-year-old taxi driver from the village of Qarara, near the town of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. He has no teeth. Lack of medical care and proper dentistry work cost him all of his teeth, which rotted and decayed at a very young age. Yet, his dire financial needs prevented him from acquiring dentures.[Read More…]

Israel’s Illegitimate Tactics Against Palestinian Armed Resistance vs. Legitimate Global Security Concerns

Israel’s Illegitimate Tactics Against Palestinian Armed Resistance vs. Legitimate Global Security Concerns

Israel, a rogue state if ever there was one, pursues its “security” as a Jewish Zionist entity on all of Mandate Palestine through demonizing Palestinian Arabs, whom it has long subjected to a racist campaign that defines their resistance, both violent and non-violent, as anti-Semitism on the one hand and as terrorism on the other. Thankfully, Israel’s cover for its[Read More…]

Tension Erupts As Chinese Troops Enter Indian Territory Destroying Bunkers

Tension Erupts As Chinese Troops Enter Indian Territory Destroying Bunkers

  A major scuffle has erupted along the India-China border as Chinese troops entered the Indian state of Sikkim and destroyed two Indian bunkers. Chinese troops also engaged in a fight with Indian troops, who were guarding the border at the location. The Press Trust of India reported that tension mounted in a remote area of Sikkim after a scuffle[Read More…]

A worker walks past a "Hillary" sign on the floor after the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., on Thursday, July 28, 2016. Division among Democrats has been overcome through speeches from two presidents, another first lady and a vice-president, who raised the stakes for their candidate by warning that her opponent posed an unprecedented threat to American diplomacy. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

On The Wrong Side Of History: The US Democratic Party’s Decline

Introduction: Democrats on the Wrong Side of History History is not on the side of the US Democratic Party and not just because Republicans control all branches of government and dominate in legislatures in 32 states and governorships in 33 states.  Just as there is not much of a centrist or leftist challenge to bourgeois political parties around the world,[Read More…]

Financing Conflict In Tribal areas

Financing Conflict In Tribal areas

                                                (Balapu Santa and his family :Nawaranpur district) Balapu Santa, age 62, from village Mendra shared his struggle to get back his cultivated land .He says that the land is under cultivation for last 40 years which he has now claimed under the forest rights act 2006 like many others in the village . Though the exact area of cultivation[Read More…]

Hillsborough: Holding The Police To Account

Hillsborough: Holding The Police To Account

“It is also a story of deceit and lies, of institutional defensiveness defeating truth and justice. It is evidence of a culture of denial within South Yorkshire Police.” Anne Burkett, BBC, Apr 27, 2016 It took 28 years for the tables to turn on the South Yorkshire police regarding the Hillsborough disaster that took the lives of 96 fans.  The[Read More…]

Modi’s Govt ‘stain-less’ Amidst Bloodstains On The Streets?

Modi’s Govt ‘stain-less’ Amidst Bloodstains On The Streets?

‘There are no stains on my government,’ said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to the United States of America. This can only mean that the Prime Minister thinks the bloodstains of innocent Indians are not stains. In actual fact, no one can remember another time when so much blood was spilled in Indian streets. No one can remember[Read More…]

by 1 comment India
GST: How Do We Go From Here?

GST: How Do We Go From Here?

By all indications, Mehbooba Govt. appears all set for lending its approval to adoption of 101st Indian constitutional amendment paving way for application of Goods & Services Tax Act (GST) to the whole state. The bycott by NC Govt. to the 2nd round of All party meeting is all a soap opera drama . With this application, the last post[Read More…]

Anarchy And impotence!

Anarchy And impotence!

(The two words which describe the present Kashmir situation appropriately!) The Cambridge dictionary defines “Anarchy” as “a situation in which there is no organisation and control, especially in society, because there is no effective government”. The word “impotence” is defined as, “lack of power to change or improve a situation”. In almost every front whether civil society, or the government[Read More…]

Collective (Conscience) Killer

Collective (Conscience) Killer

President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee rejected five more mercy petitions between 25th and 26th May, 2017. With his current rejections, he has achieved 42 rejections and seven acceptances of mercy petitions during his tenure. There has been marked increase in rejections of mercy petitions in recent years, especially, after Mr. Pranab Mukherjee assumed office in 2012, former Presidents have[Read More…]

Venomous Girl

Venomous Girl

  I flinched and hid myself to evade her but she spotted me, her prey. Clad in a national dress, and waving the flags of patriotism in the air she came and raped me, scratching my face with razor sharp nails. Red, blood red were her eyes burning with rage as she thundered her national song again and again. Xenophobia[Read More…]

We Need Their Voices, And Yours!

We Need Their Voices, And Yours!

    Saint Francis said: “Blessed is he who loves and does not therefore desire to be loved; Blessed is he who fears and does not therefore desire to be feared; Blessed is he who serves and does not therefore desire to be served; Blessed is he who behaves well toward others and does not desire that others behave well[Read More…]

Behind The Scenes At The Saudi-Qatari Pissing Contest

Behind The Scenes At The Saudi-Qatari Pissing Contest

Saudi Arabia, with the bellicose support of President Trump, has launched a diplomatic and partial economic offensive against the ridiculously small state of Qatar and is dragging its allies, the United Arab Emirates in particular, into a potential major headache. You see the de facto capital of the Emirates is Abu Dhabi which uses Qatari natural gas to generate half[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled World
Egyptian First Deputy Prime Minister Vice and Minister of Defense, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi sits in the Defense Ministry in Cairo, Egypt, 01 August 2013. Westerwelle is holding political talks with representatives from the government and the opposition. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

El-Sisi: Egypt’s Antihero And The Broader Regional Implications

“You can’t make war in the Middle East without Egypt and  you can’t make peace without Syria.”   –   Henry Kissinger In Egyptian mythology, gods were considered heroes.  In more modern times, it is men who are the heroes.   Without a doubt, General Gamal Abdul Nasser has secured his legacy as a hero – a revolutionary who fought for Egypt and[Read More…]

 Auguries Of Innocence And Navel-Gazing

 Auguries Of Innocence And Navel-Gazing

Does our understanding of freedom depend on how we respond to two contra cosmological paradigms…namely the interaction between the ‘particular’ and the ‘universal’ …orif you will…the popular versus philosophical narratives that engage us in exercises that shape reality. Technological innovation…as reality on the trot…did much to ensnare popular imagination in a process that fed off locomotion…as did cinematographic art…by way[Read More…]

Koodankulam: The Facts Nation Should Know

Koodankulam: The Facts Nation Should Know

When Republic TV journalists carried a so called sting operation on S.P Udayakumar, one of the leaders of the movement against Koodankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu, Koodankulam have again become in the news.  There are two allegations that people who were protesting the Koodankulam power project under the umbrella of People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy is faced time[Read More…]

The European Commission, Google and Anti-Competition

The European Commission, Google and Anti-Competition

“Google’s practices have deprived millions of European consumers of the full benefits of competition, genuine choice and innovation.” Margrethe Vestager, June 28, 2017 Google, for some time, has been the leviathan of the tech world.  A KQED radio discussion on a Tuesday morning treats the company as a creator and dispenser: creator of transport infrastructure, funnelling employees from the city[Read More…]

Don’t Buy The “National Deficit/Debt” Scam That Steals From Working People

Don’t Buy The “National Deficit/Debt” Scam That Steals From Working People

For decades the politicians have refused to tax the rich, the corporations and the banks. They choose instead to borrow to run the government. They borrow money from the rich, whom they refused to tax, and then pay them interest. Politicians keep telling us that the national debt is too high; they say we can’t afford to spend money on[Read More…]

Israel’s Efforts To Hide Palestinians From View No Longer Fools Young American Jews

Israel’s Efforts To Hide Palestinians From View No Longer Fools Young American Jews

  Nazareth: Few books on Palestinian history become bestsellers. But one, titled A History of the Palestinian People: From Ancient Times to the Modern Era, managed to rocket to the top of Amazon’s charts this month. Its author, Assaf Voll, an Israeli academic, claims to have reviewed “thousands of sources” to explain “the Palestinian people’s unique contribution to the world[Read More…]

Sins, Rebirths And Disability

Sins, Rebirths And Disability

  ” You have committed sins in your last incarnation” From the time I gained consciousness, I have been hearing this sentence from whoever speaks to me – irrespective of the age or relation of the person. This sentence has haunted me for long and when I heard even educated people say this sentence over and over even in towns[Read More…]

Helen Keller, We Need Your Voice Today!

Helen Keller, We Need Your Voice Today!

  Annie Sullivan becomes Helen’s teacher Helen Keller was born in 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Her father had served as a captain in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War, and her mother, Kate Adams, was the daughter of a Confederate general. She was also related to Robert E. Lee, so by birth she was certainly a Southerner. Today[Read More…]

The Supreme Court Partially Unblocks Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court Partially Unblocks Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

  The Supreme Court Monday (June 25) allowed parts of President Donald Trump’s controversial Muslim ban to go into effect and will hear oral arguments on the case this fall. The apex Court ruled that despite rulings in two different federal courts – that the ban should be put on hold while judges decide whether it’s constitutional – the Trump[Read More…]

More Than 30 Arrested As Freedom Protests Sweep Across Arab Ahwaz Region In Iran

More Than 30 Arrested As Freedom Protests Sweep Across Arab Ahwaz Region In Iran

  More than 30 people were brutally arrested in Ahwaz in Iran on Monday, the second day of Eid al-Fitr, after courageous Ahwazi Arabs held peaceful demonstrations in towns, cities, and villages across the region, demanding freedom and human rights and protesting against the systemic oppression and injustice which generations of Ahwazis have now endured under successive regimes for 92[Read More…]

Rajasthan’s Neo-Nazis Shows Their Contempt For The Poor – In Yellow

Rajasthan’s Neo-Nazis Shows Their Contempt For The Poor – In Yellow

Are part of the country ruled by the rightist BJP governments going back to Nazi Germany of the late 1930s and early 1940s ? It was at that time that the fascist regime of Hitler forcibly introduced the humiliating identifying mark of the Yellow Star – called the Star of David – to be worn by all Jews in its[Read More…]

 A Thousand Flowers Should Bloom For Junaid

 A Thousand Flowers Should Bloom For Junaid

Junaid this is for you. Junaid this is to assure you that your death will not go in vain. You are a martyr for the idea of India. You are not a martyr in the conventional sense, that you laid down your life with full consciousness of what you are doing. But your life was snatched away from you in[Read More…]

Coventry, after the air raid of 14 November 1940

Protecting Life

  During World War Two, parents with children in London sent their children to the countryside of Great Britain to live with strangers while not knowing with whom they’d be placed, nor whether they would, indeed, ever see them again. They packed their children’s little suitcases with hairbrushes, toothbrushes, the favorite stuffed animals to comfortingly clutch at night, clothes, shoes,[Read More…]

Palestinians Are Seeking Justice In Jerusalem – Not An Abusive Life-Long Mate

Palestinians Are Seeking Justice In Jerusalem – Not An Abusive Life-Long Mate

  Several articles have been published about the “legal limbo” in which Palestinian Jerusalemites exist and proposals as to what Israel ought to do about this 50-year old travesty, among them being righting “the wrong” of denying Palestinian Arabs in East Jerusalem Israeli citizenship. In my view, such articles both define the injustice done to Palestinians deceptively and are meant[Read More…]

Dreaming The Same Dream

Dreaming The Same Dream

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. held his world-famous speech; “I Have a Dream”. A dream we all dream and dreamed of. I was almost 7 years old and still remember. His speech was full of fire and passion, right out of his honest heart. A speech, and also in that time the greatest demonstration ever in America,[Read More…]

In The Twitter Building: Tech Incubators And Altering Perceptions

In The Twitter Building: Tech Incubators And Altering Perceptions

San Francisco: The Twitter Building on Market Street, San Francisco, sounds like an aviary bustling with activity.  With its bright open spaces and chirping entrepreneurs hatching the next project, it might as well be.  Several floors are dedicated to what can only be described as a technological frontier, where the tech generation of pimply youths barely out of school are subscribing[Read More…]

NEW DELHI, INDIA - DECEMBER 15: LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) activists protest against Supreme Court's judgement on Section 377 that upheld section 377 of the Indian Penal Code that criminalizes homosexuality at Jantar Mantar on December 15, 2013 in New Delhi, India. India's Supreme Court last week reversed a landmark 2009 lower court order that had decriminalized gay sex. (Photo by Mohd Zakir/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)

Revisiting Obergefell v. Hodges: Has Love Won?

Two years ago, on the 26th of June, 2015 the Federal Supreme Court of the United States of America held in Obergefell v. Hodges that state level bans on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional. Until then, the legality of same-sex marriages was different in different states. Obergefell, by proclaiming the unconstitutionality of banning same-sex marriages, created a new common pattern throughout[Read More…]

An Unhappy Birthday! Need For An Alliance For Reconciliation And National Unity

An Unhappy Birthday! Need For An Alliance For Reconciliation And National Unity

  I wish to thank all the friends, well wishers who have send their greetings and messages on my birthday today. In fact, these messages started coming from yesterday and they continue to pour in. I am grateful to each one of you. I did not celebrate anything as I have been feeling suffocated with the growing situation. It was[Read More…]

The School Bag – Chronicler of Memories

The School Bag – Chronicler of Memories

“…most modern conflict has been grounded in the use of terror to control and silence whole populations. Those abusing power typically refuse to acknowledge their dead victims, as if they had never existed and were mere wraiths in the memories of those left behind. This denial, and the impunity of those who maintain it must be challenged if survivors are[Read More…]

Lynching of Muslim Youth-Junaid

Lynching of Muslim Youth-Junaid

New Delhi | 26th June: National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) is shocked and horrified by the gruesome murder of sixteen year old Junaid Khan in running train enroute to Mathura from Delhi on 22nd June. This happened in public view inside a train where ordinary people were travelling to their respective destinations. Junaid and his three brothers were returning[Read More…]

George Orwell, We Need Your Voice Today!

George Orwell, We Need Your Voice Today!

  A lower-upper middle class family and education Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), better known by his pen name George Orwell, was the great-grandson of Charles Blair, a wealthy country gentleman, and Lady Mary Fane, daughter of the Earl of Westmorland. Over the generations that separated Eric Blair from his great-grandparents, some of the gentility remained but most of the wealth[Read More…]

A Few Letters From The Spring Thunder-Time

A Few Letters From The Spring Thunder-Time

  Sudeb, a young revolutionary walking along the path of proletarian revolution, was shot at and beaten to death by jotedar’s [owner of a large farm landholding or a de facto sub-proprietor, often with land leased out to sharecroppers] henchmen at Keshpur, Midnapur in June 1970, said press reports. Sudeb’s father wrote: “Let no other father face the terrible task[Read More…]

Does The Indian President – cum – Supreme Commander of Defence Forces Endorse The Army Chief’s Use Of Human Shield?

Does The Indian President – cum – Supreme Commander of Defence Forces Endorse The Army Chief’s Use Of Human Shield?

  The incident of Major Gogoi tying a 24 year old Kashmiri Muslim, Farooq Ahmed Dar, a weaver from a village in Budgam, Kashmir to the front of army jeep and parading him around with the stated objective of ensuring that stone pelters would not be able to harm the personnel in the jeep – government servants, armymen and policemen[Read More…]

 Globe-Trotting U.S. Special Ops Forces Already Deployed To 137 Nations In 2017 

 Globe-Trotting U.S. Special Ops Forces Already Deployed To 137 Nations In 2017 

The tabs on their shoulders read “Special Forces,” “Ranger,” “Airborne.” And soon their guidon — the “colors” of Company B, 3rd Battalion of the U.S. Army’s 7th Special Forces Group — would be adorned with the “Bandera de Guerra,” a Colombian combat decoration. “Today we commemorate sixteen years of a permanent fight against drugs in a ceremony where all Colombians can recognize the special[Read More…]

India Proves George Orwell right

India Proves George Orwell right

  When George Orwell published his famous novel “1984” in 1949, he wouldn’t have imagined how his fiction will be turned into a reality in the country of his birth only three decades later. Orwell was born on June 25, 1903 in British India in the state of Bihar. His father was a civil servant posted with the Opium Department.[Read More…]

Future Shock: Imagining India

Future Shock: Imagining India

What might a future India look like? If current policies continue, it could mean dozens of mega-cities with up to 40 million inhabitants and just two to three hundred million (perhaps 15-20% of the population) left in an emptied-out countryside. It could also mean hundreds of millions of former rural dwellers without any work and thus anywhere decent to live in these cities. And what[Read More…]

 Why Money Lenders Still Rule The Farm Lands

 Why Money Lenders Still Rule The Farm Lands

  While the government is set to forgive billions of dollars of loans of farmers, the actually distressed class among them will have no respite from their misery .They owe their debts to moneylenders whereas the government waiver applies only to formal credit. Almost every farmer in India’s massive rural swathes is tethered, in one way or another, to the sahukar, the[Read More…]

The Method In Madness And The Case Of Adarsha Vidyalayas In Assam

The Method In Madness And The Case Of Adarsha Vidyalayas In Assam

Statement by Delhi Action Committee for Assam In an unconstitutional and discriminatory move, the Education Department of the Assam government has recently come up with a notification that bars candidates who have studied in the vernacular medium from appearing for the Special Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) for Graduate Teachers in the Adarsha Vidyalayas in Assam. The advertisement No. RMSA/Special TET/842/2017/2[Read More…]

Solidarity With Earth And Humanity

Solidarity With Earth And Humanity

In the spring-early summer of my passage from 17 to 18 years old, Albert Camus helped to solidify my opposition to the war in Vietnam. Camus has never been far since then; a familiar recall to ordinary dignity and decency articulated with extraordinary clarity and courage. Now when I write about America, my words are tears. Every value held in[Read More…]

Two And Half Minutes To Midnight

Two And Half Minutes To Midnight

  There is a disturbing, discordant dissonance in the world. It is an uncomfortable feeling that something really bad is about to happen. Events unfold almost daily each of which would have been cause for shock and alarm once upon a time. Worshipers leaving after Ramadan prayers at Finsbury Park Mosque were attacked by a man driving a van, killing[Read More…]

Dismayed And Demeaned In Abu Dhabi

Dismayed And Demeaned In Abu Dhabi

  This story is about a friend’s experience while traveling intercontinentally in the eminent Times of Trump. Let’s call him, for the sake of convenience, Max. And also note that he is a US citizen. But I’m getting ahead of myself here because for clarity I must record two facts that Max had mentioned. (Meanwhile another perilous aspect has been[Read More…]

We Don’t Want It! Don’t You Get It?

We Don’t Want It! Don’t You Get It?

  Is the whole world sacred or, if you’re personally not religious enough to use the term “sacred,” worthwhile and NECESSARY to salvage? Are other life forms other than humans worthy to preserve? Do we need the holistic unity of us all to collectively survive, ourselves, as a species in addition to maintaining the world around us? Do we need[Read More…]

Baltu Bai Nagar

Claiming Urban Space For The Poor: Eviction Stories From Navi Mumbai

Some 350 years ago people came from far west to make us ‘civilised’, because we were a potent market for them to be exploited. And now, they are trying to make us ‘Smart’, because they feel we are ready to move from mere civilisation to smart civilisation. This is from where rises the dilemma of becoming smart and defining what[Read More…]

Venezuelan opposition activists clash with the police during a protest against the government of President Nicolas Maduro on April 6, 2017 in Caracas.
Violence erupted for a third straight day at protests against the government, escalating tension over moves to keep the leftist leader in power. / AFP PHOTO / JUAN BARRETO

CARICOM Deals A Blow To US Plans For Regime Change In Venezuela

  Venezuela’s Foreign Minister, Delcy Rodriguez, recently tweeted that the“US State Department deployed its ambassadors in the region to attack Venezuela. We come with renewed vigor to defeat them at the OAS.” So said, so done. Last week, the US Ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway, spewed the US false narrative regarding Venezuela in our local newspapers. US ambassadors in a[Read More…]

Which Interests Will Benefit From The Beef Ban?

Which Interests Will Benefit From The Beef Ban?

No one could accuse the present Government of a lack of a sense of drama. The last few months in particular have witnessed one spectacular move after another – so completely unexpected that they have caught even the Government’s diehard supporters gasping. And each manoeuvre has led to a trail of shrill debates, speculations, analyses, protests, jubilation as to the[Read More…]

The Ministry Of Utmost Happiness Gives Voice To The “Other” India

The Ministry Of Utmost Happiness Gives Voice To The “Other” India

Arundhati Roy’s latest novel which is being released at Vancouver Summer Festival on June 26 gives voice to the most condemned groups in the world’s so called largest secular democracy. From the transgenders to the tribals and Dalits or the untouchables to the religious minorities, especially Muslims who are forced to live under constant threat in a country currently being[Read More…]

Cricket Nationalism

Cricket Nationalism

The game of cricket is the most popular sport in India. It evokes a variety of emotions among the audiences – from extreme forms of happiness, excitement to disappointment. Based on audience connect with the teams, these extreme forms of expressions are at display. From an era where international cricket (between nations) was the most popular, a shift has occurred[Read More…]

by 1 comment India
Open Letter From An Indian Muslim

Open Letter From An Indian Muslim

  I am appalled as to why a war has been declared on me? From television studios to the national highways to the lanes and by-lanes, lynch mobs are out to sniff life out of me. They want me dead for being anti-national, anti-animal, anti-cow, anti-India, pro-Pakistan and an ISIS-inspired Muslim zealot. Come what may, new India won’t tolerate ‘special[Read More…]



  Bloated stomachs and rust colored hair strolls everywhere in the countryside and city slums, obliged to perish much before their time empty, naked hungry and cold, their figures are like the edge of the world an embarkation point of hope. The tears, spilling out from their heart, a concoction of a broken mirror and a cigarette burning at both[Read More…]

India- That What We Make It

India- That What We Make It

Zafar Hussein The Madhya Pradesh police has very magnanimously withdrawn the sedition charges against 15 men for allegedly celebrating the victory of the Pakistan cricket team over Team India in the finals of the ICC Champions Trophy. The men have now instead been booked under Section 153A of the Indian Penal Code, for disturbing communal harmony. As profoundly unbelievable as[Read More…]

Yoga For The Body Without Yoga For The Mind

Yoga For The Body Without Yoga For The Mind

  Yoga was seen practicing by almost everybody on the International Yoga Day. The body language of many of them unequivocally expressed the fact that they don’t practice it daily. I have never practiced Yoga and I don’t intend to practice it ever. It may be or it must be good for the body. But, what the present day India[Read More…]

Condemn The Arrest Of Mine Workers In Sukinda Valley In Odisha

Condemn The Arrest Of Mine Workers In Sukinda Valley In Odisha

Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisation strongly condemns the arrest of three mine workers Rabi Murmu, Abhimanyu Mohanto and Ramesh Majhi on June 12, 2017 on false and fabricated charges of conspiring to wage a war against the Indian state and inciting violence. We understand this arrest and the imposition of severe charges as an attempt by the ruling BJD and[Read More…]

Bertha von Suttner: We Need Your Voice Today!

Bertha von Suttner: We Need Your Voice Today!

  Early life and marriage Baroness Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914) was born in Prague as Countess Kinsky. She was the posthumous daughter of a Field Marshall, and during the first part of her life, she accepted the military traditions of her family. Later she vigorously opposed militarism, and she became a leader of the peace movement. It was her arguments[Read More…]

Authentic Discussion Naming Names

Authentic Discussion Naming Names

  “There is no intelligence in Washington. Only arrogance and hubris. The quarter century I spent there was with the most utterly stupid people on the face of the earth.” — Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan, author of Another Step Toward Devastating War “The EPA was run like the Mafia for the twenty-five years I[Read More…]

A Nonviolent Strategy To Defeat Genocide

A Nonviolent Strategy To Defeat Genocide

  It is a tragic measure of the depravity of human existence that genocide is a continuing and prevalent manifestation of violence in the international system, despite the effort following World War II to abolish it through negotiation, and then adoption and ratification of the 1948 Genocide Convention. According to the Genocide Convention, genocide is any act committed with the intent[Read More…]

Escalations In Syria

Escalations In Syria

To become enmeshed in a war of incalculable variables; to be at bloody bruised loggerheads – this is the Syrian nightmare, where there are more punters than odds. Savagely, Syria as a state is being ravaged and mauled to the point of non-recognition. It is now a mere terrain for heavily armed bullies, a smoky crusted ruin of dust and[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled World
Why I Reject Western Courts And Justice

Why I Reject Western Courts And Justice

  There is a small courthouse from the ‘British era’, standing right in the center of Hong Kong. It is neat, well-built, remarkably organized and some would even say – elegant. Earlier this year I visited there with an Afghan-British lawyer, who had been touring East Asia for several months. Hong Kongwas her last destination; afterwards she was planning to[Read More…]

Lawfare Is Meant To Convert Jews Worldwide To Zionism

Lawfare Is Meant To Convert Jews Worldwide To Zionism

  Lawfare as used by the Zionist organization The Lawfare Project and others is meant to persuade every Jew in the world (and not just Israeli Jews) that his or her Jewish identity, welfare and security are inextricably related to the continued suppression of justice, equality and freedom of Palestinian Arabs or, in other words, to the Apartheid Zionist Jewish state. Lawfare is a[Read More…]

Islamic State: The Genesis of a Sectarian Frankenstein

Islamic State: The Genesis of a Sectarian Frankenstein

Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in August 2011 to April 2013, the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front were a single organization that chose the banner of “Jabhat al-Nusra.” Although the current al-Nusra Front has been led by Abu Mohammad al-Julani but he was appointed [1] as the emir of al-Nusra Front by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader[Read More…]

Islamophobia: Does It Has To Do Anything With The Rise Of Militancy In Kashmir

Islamophobia: Does It Has To Do Anything With The Rise Of Militancy In Kashmir

  Islamophobia contextually is a global phenomenon, exacerbating an intense dislike or fear of Islam especially as a political force, hostility or prejudice towards Muslims. The term Islamophobia started being used in the early 20th century and emerged as a neologism in the 1970s and reached public policy prominence with the report by the Runnymede Trust‘s Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia (CBMI).[Read More…]

Human Rights Violations in Kaziranga National Park

Human Rights Violations in Kaziranga National Park

18th June, 2017: National Alliance of People’s Movements expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the scheduled tribes, forest & park dwellers living near the Kaziranga National park (KNP), in Golaghat district, Assam, challenging the unjust and repressive attitude of the Forest Department of Assam and silence of the Govt. of India in the garb of conservation. We salute the[Read More…]

Edna St. Vincent Millay: We Need Your Voice Today

Edna St. Vincent Millay: We Need Your Voice Today

          The beautiful red-haired American poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), is known for her lyric poetry, but she also wrote some of the finest sonnets in the English language, combining classic form with modern imagery. Many of these sonnets are based on the emotions that she experienced in her love affairs with both men and[Read More…]

In A Major Power Shakeup: Saudi King Appoints His Son Mohammed bin Salman As New Crown Prince

In A Major Power Shakeup: Saudi King Appoints His Son Mohammed bin Salman As New Crown Prince

  Saudi Arabia’s king Wednesday (June 21) appointed his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman as crown prince, replacing his nephew, Mohammed bin Nayef, as first in line to the throne. King Salman bin Abdulaziz is 81 and reportedly not in the best of health. Tellingly, replacing a Crown Prince is not unprecedented with the Arab monarchs. In January 1999, while[Read More…]

Once, The Monsoon

Once, The Monsoon

Field notes from a botanical sanctuary: changing weather patterns are causing havoc to plants. I love being at home, in Wayanad, when the south-west monsoon arrives. This hilly district of northern Kerala is still full of tall trees and myriad creatures, and drenched in rain for several months in a year. From my window, I see Banasuramala, a beautiful mountain[Read More…]

If North Korea Didn’t Exist US Would Have Invented It

If North Korea Didn’t Exist US Would Have Invented It

  In its latest move early June 2017, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted a resolution drafted by the United States to expand the scope of sanctions against Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) over its latest missile tests. Prior to this the UNSC slapped the North Korea with six rounds of sanctions, but Washington and its allies[Read More…]

Our No Trump Contract

Our No Trump Contract

At this critical moment in human history it is important to recognize that Trump is in charge of very little. Every President struggles to overcome the basic inertia of large systems, entrenched bureaucracies, and a media and media owners with their own ideas on policy. Even when a President is intelligent and engaged with the information there are severe limits[Read More…]

Israel vs. The United Nations: The Nikki Haley Doctrine

Israel vs. The United Nations: The Nikki Haley Doctrine

  The United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, seems to be championing a single cause: Israel. When Haley speaks about Israel, her language is not merely emotive nor tailored to fit the need of a specific occasion.  Rather, her words are resolute, consistent and are matched by a clear plan of action. Along with Haley, the rightwing[Read More…]

A flooded quarter in northern Gaza’s Jabaliya refugee camp, February 2017. Gaza’s beleaguered sewage system is overwhelmed during heavy rains, causing flooding and forcing families to evacuate from their homes. Anne Paq ActiveStills

Gaza: Life In A Septic Tank

Hiba al-Ashi has to keep the windows of her apartment closed. It is the only way to avoid the foul odors from the polluted sea. “Life has become unbearable,” said the 36-year-old mother, whose Gaza City home overlooks the Mediterranean. Every day, 100,000 cubic meters of raw sewage are discharged into the sea around Gaza. The Gaza Strip’s environmental problems have worsened in recent[Read More…]

A Nature Of The US And The American Foreign Policy

A Nature Of The US And The American Foreign Policy

“If the Nuremberg Laws were applied,  then every post-war American President would have been hanged” Noam Chomsky Eurasia  Henry Kissinger, one of the fundamental figures in creating and maintaining the US policy of global hegemonism during the Cold War[1], was quite clear and precise in his overviewing the issue of the American geopolitical position, national goals and foreign policy. His[Read More…]

Towards A New Development Paradigm

Towards A New Development Paradigm

Concerning new paradigm of development, we already had discussion in 2013 on this topic. Further in 2015, a detailed and well researched paper has been written on this by PJ James and also articles have been written on this by KN Ramachandran and others. We need not rehash the same articles in this paper for study. What we intend to[Read More…]



To hunt crocodiles, the pond was dried.
No crocodiles were found because they can live on land too.
But all the small fish died.

“Cowistan” And “Kaliban”!

“Cowistan” And “Kaliban”!

    (RSS through the ruling BJP is aiming to turn the Great Republic of India into a “Cowistan” with the help of their Gau Rakhshaks who are India’s “Kaliban”!) The obsessive protection of the cow and the subsequent attacks on people having various professional activities connected with it especially the Muslim minorities and the Dalits have created a piquant[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled India
Photo by Phliar

To The Wind

Every morning,
she stands
at the murky corner of her room,
and raises her finger to the world.

Several Kashmiri shawls, a wreath of roses,
an expired passport, feathers of the bald eagle,
a Chinese mandolin, an empty wine bottle
and some antique Newari vases,
lay across her feet.

Peddling Identity Trash Under The Shadow Of Fascism

Peddling Identity Trash Under The Shadow Of Fascism

  When Siddharth Varadrajan informed me that his The Wire had run a response to my piece [] in the Indian Express, I had not read it as I was traveling in Kerala without proper access to the net. He said he would be willing to publish my response. In reply, I wrote that if it was worth responding to,[Read More…]

Dr. S P Udayakumar Moves Press Council Of India Against Harassment By Republic TV

Dr. S P Udayakumar Moves Press Council Of India Against Harassment By Republic TV

Dr. S P Udayakumar files a complaint with the press council of India against the harassment meted out to him and his family by Republic TV and it’s reporters.

by 3 comments India
Open Letter To Ramnath Kovind Ji

Open Letter To Ramnath Kovind Ji

Respected Ramnath Kovind ji, Namaskar, I must congratulate you for being chosen as presidential candidate of the Indian Republic by BJP. It is heartening to note that you have been chosen, to quote BJP president Mr. Amit Shahji, for being “a Dalit who has struggled in life to reach the position he is in today.”In the forthcoming presidential elections your[Read More…]

Denial Of Interim Bail To Justice C.S. Karnan – Are We Back To The Internal Emergency Era, 1975-77?

Denial Of Interim Bail To Justice C.S. Karnan – Are We Back To The Internal Emergency Era, 1975-77?

  Justice C. S. Karnan on being arrested on 20 June, 2017 moved the Supreme Court seeking bail and suspension of six months sentence awarded to him on 9 May, 2017. The vacation bench of the Supreme Court consisting of Justice D.Y Chandrachud and Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul today (i.e. 21 June, 2017) said: “We can’t suspend the sentence as[Read More…]

Albert Einstein, We Need Your Voice Today!

Albert Einstein, We Need Your Voice Today!

“The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our ways of thinking, and thus we drift towards unparalleled catastrophes.” “I don’t know what will be used in the next world war, but the 4th will be fought with stones.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Besides being one of the greatest physicists of all time, Albert Einstein was a lifelong pacifist,[Read More…]

A Grain of Truth: RCEP And The Corporate Hijack Of Indian Agriculture

A Grain of Truth: RCEP And The Corporate Hijack Of Indian Agriculture

The plight of farmers in India has been well documented. A combination of debt, economic liberalisation, subsidised imports, rising input costs and a shift to cash crops (including GM cotton) has caused massive financial distress. Over 300,000 (perhaps closer to 400,000) have taken their lives over the last 20 years. From the effects of the Green Revolution (degraded soils, falling[Read More…]

Beyond ‘No’ And The Limits of ‘Yes’: A Review of Naomi Klein’s ‘No Is Not Enough’

Beyond ‘No’ And The Limits of ‘Yes’: A Review of Naomi Klein’s ‘No Is Not Enough’

Naomi Klein understands that President Donald J. Trump is a problem, but he is not the problem. In her new book, “No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need”, Klein reminds us to pay attention not only to the style in which Trump governs (a multi-ring circus so routinely corrupt and corrosive that anti-democratic practices seem normal) but in[Read More…]

Barclays In Hot Water: The Qatar Connection

Barclays In Hot Water: The Qatar Connection

Qatar has been making waves for some weeks now, and in the deluge, it has also strung along a few companions. One is the UK bank Barclays, which prided itself for having avoided a government bailout in the financial crisis of 2008.  In the ensuing chest thumping, executives could claim to have spared the British taxpayer the need to fork[Read More…]

Note To The Debate On People’s Development Paradigm

Note To The Debate On People’s Development Paradigm

Conceptualization of the Term the term development having many synonyms such as growth, evolution, expansion, enlargement, spread, progress, maturing, event, outcome, occurrence, phenomenon, happening, improvement and so on with shifting nuances depending on the contexts in which it is used came in to frequent use in political discussion with the origin and development of capitalism since the mid- eighteenth century.[Read More…]

Soudagars And Dalals Of Kashmir

Soudagars And Dalals Of Kashmir

  Soudagar & Dalal are  two urdu words  which  generally find a mention in the lexicon  of  trade & commerce. The former means a merchant or simply  a  person who trades in goods or merchandise while the later refers to a person who acts as a go-between between a seller & purchaser . When you read this article fully, you[Read More…]

From Holy Cow To Human Shield, A New India Rises

From Holy Cow To Human Shield, A New India Rises

Unlike their Western neighbour, Indians have managed to keep the Army strictly away from politics — and vice versa. Indeed, if the country has been a vibrant, multicultural democracy, the credit goes to the nation’s early leadership as well as the Army and the stability it has provided all these years by remain strictly apolitical and neutral. That seems to[Read More…]

“Would You Like A  Drink Of Water?”  Please Ask A Yemeni Child

“Would You Like A  Drink Of Water?”  Please Ask A Yemeni Child

This week, in New York City, representatives from more than100 countries will begin collaborating on an international treaty, first proposed in 2016, to ban nuclear weapons forever. It makes sense for every country in the world to seek a legally binding ban on nuclear weapons. It would make even more sense to immediately deactivate all nuclear weapons. But, by boycotting[Read More…]

Complementary Digital Currencies May Be On Their Way In India

Complementary Digital Currencies May Be On Their Way In India

  The Government of India has decided to set up a committee to report back within six month with recommendations on how to regulate digital currencies. Digital currencies are cropping up on the internet to address some fundamental short comings of capitalism and world trade. Whilst some might want to allow only Rupee in India and reform the Reserve Bank[Read More…]

Forcefully Pushing Forward!

Forcefully Pushing Forward!

Excellent, short and worthwhile to watch: Man beaten by Sacramento police officer speaks out … caught on camera beating a pedestrian… Excerpted from Washington Post article on the same subject: When Nandi Cain Jr. was seen on video getting slammed to the ground and pummeled repeatedly by a police officer, that was not the end of his ordeal, according to[Read More…]

Army  Top  Brass  Who  Talk  Through  Their  Caps

Army  Top  Brass  Who  Talk  Through  Their  Caps

  The  well-known  social  scientist  and  historian,    Partha   Chatterjee  (in  his  article  ‘In  Kashmir,  India  is  witnessing  Its  General  Dyer’   that  came  out  on  the  news  portal  The  Wire  some  time  ago) ,  is  receiving  more  hate-mails  than  accolades,  judging  by  the  responses  carried  by  that  website.  This  is  expected,  given  the  militaristic  jingoism  that  has  been  generated  by  the [Read More…]

Wilfred Owen, We Need Your Voice Today!

Wilfred Owen, We Need Your Voice Today!

Experssing the horror of war Wilfred Owen and his mentor, Siegfried Sassoon were two poets who eloquently described the horrors of World War I. They met in a military hospital, after both had been wounded in the war. Owen had been writing poetry since the age of 11, but not about war. When he became friends with Sassoon during their[Read More…]

Simplified Proposals To Resolve The World Conflagrations, Part II – Syria

Simplified Proposals To Resolve The World Conflagrations, Part II – Syria

  The American Revolution has characteristics that guide understanding of the Syrian insurrection. In both situations, ardent and semi-popular groups rebelled against injustices and hoped to create new regimes. In both situations, foreign powers, France and Spain in the American Revolution, and Russia, Iran, United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other nations in the Syrian revolution, stoked the violence,[Read More…]

Hiding head in sand

The Rape of Nanjing, Education By The Nape Of The Neck

  “Western indifference has been a problem. It continues to be a problem.” — Iris Chang to the author, 2004 On Craig’s List I came across an ad which called for an Elementary School Teacher to provide Spoken English instruction to youngsters in Nanjing, China. I’m highly qualified to serve in that capacity, the pay and benefits are good, and I’d love to[Read More…]

Saudi-Qatari Diplomatic Crisis Deepens: Qatar Rejects Any Talks Until Blockade Is Lifted

Saudi-Qatari Diplomatic Crisis Deepens: Qatar Rejects Any Talks Until Blockade Is Lifted

Qatari Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Monday (June 19) ruled out any talks to resolve the current Saudi-Qatari diplomatic crisis unless blockade is lifted. “Qatar is under blockade, there is no negotiation. They have to lift the blockade to start negotiations,” Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani was quoted by Al Jazeera as saying. “Until now we[Read More…]

Police officers attend to the scene after a vehicle collided with pedestrians in the Finsbury Park neighborhood of North London, Britain June 19, 2017. REUTERS/Neil Hall

American Muslims Alarmed At Killing Of Worshipers In Virginia And United Kingdom

  The seven-million strong American Muslim Community was alarmed at the killings of worshippers in Virginia and the British capital, London. The Washington Post reported Monday (June 19) police found remains of a missing Virginia teenager who was assaulted and disappeared overnight after leaving a mosque in the Sterling area, and a 22-year-old man has been charged with murder in[Read More…]

Photo by Teknorat

Suppression, I Accept Not

  I came into this world not like the river but like a drop of water and will soon evaporate. Though, I am only a drop of water in the majestic ocean of nature, I yearn to create a vigorous ripple of freedom, in the eternity of the water. For I am a man of eternal freedom, and suppression I[Read More…]

Martin Luther King, We Need Your Voice Today!

Martin Luther King, We Need Your Voice Today!

The son of a southern Baptist minister, Martin Luther King, Jr received his Ph.D. in theology from Boston University in 1955. During his studies, he had admired Thoreau’s essay “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,” and he had also been greatly moved by the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. King applies the teachings of Thoreau and Gandhi to the[Read More…]

Young woman standing on the empty plowed field and looking away at the view

We Will Soon Be Using More Than The Earth Can Provide

Four days after President Trump announced the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, the Global Footprint Network (GFN) reported that Earth Overshoot Day 2017 will fall on August 2. Most Americans likely have no idea what that means. The basic point is quite simple: From January 1 to August 2, the world’s 7.5 billion people will have used as much of[Read More…]

US-Backed Siege Batters Old City Of Mosul

US-Backed Siege Batters Old City Of Mosul

  Backed by US airstrikes, artillery and special forces “advisors,” Iraqi troops began storming Mosul’s crowded Old City, where the United Nations estimates that some 150,000 civilians are trapped under the siege. Iraqi commanders have issued triumphalist statements hailing the offensive as the beginning of the end for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which took control of[Read More…]

US Shoots Down Syrian Government Aircraft

US Shoots Down Syrian Government Aircraft

In a marked escalation of the war in Syria, a US F-18 fighter jet yesterday shot down a Syrian government fighter bomber for the first time, claiming that it had been attacking pro-US rebel forces on the ground near Raqqa. While nominally fighting Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) forces, the US shoot-down makes clear that the real target[Read More…]

Questions For U.S. Educators

Questions For U.S. Educators

  Some of the questions below are, unquestionably, not appropriate for all grade levels. But — certainly — some should be addressed by the time a student secures entrance to, or matriculation status at, one of our institutions of higher education. If you disagree, do let me know. Over the last 34 years, incomes for the top 0.001% richest Americans[Read More…]

Facebook Makes Everything Worse

Facebook Makes Everything Worse

Here’s how “awareness” works in 2017:  Something happens.  We post about. Until something else happens. We revel in the likes, shares, or comments. Or we wallow in self-doubt about the lack of likes, shares, or comments. Meanwhile, “stuff” keeps happening. For example:  The rich get richer.  The eco-system moves one hour closer to complete collapse.  Patriarchy and white supremacy grow[Read More…]

Letter To father

Letter To father

Father, I would have loved you more Had you felt happy When I was born As you felt when at the time of my brother … Dear father, I would have cared you more Had you shared your thoughts On life and property As you did with my brother .. But oh! Father, You commanded me like a priest You[Read More…]

Savitri Bai Bhage

Savitri Bai Bhage

Kawade was expecting his first cup of chai as he flipped through Prajavani In the small balcony adjacent to the living room though his roots took him back to Maratha lineage, His Marathi was laced with Kannada The rituals he followed were a pleasant mix of cultures his ancestors had Followed in a land that they tried to suit Kawade[Read More…]

WSO Bring Together The Voices Of Indigenous Peoples And Sikhs 

WSO Bring Together The Voices Of Indigenous Peoples And Sikhs 

In order to mark 150th anniversary of the Canadian confederation, the World Sikh Organization (WSO) has started a conversation on Sikh settler privilege. To make a beginning, the Ambassador for Reconciliation Canada and a member of the National Assembly of First Nations Elders Council Chief Dr. Robert Joseph was invited as keynote speaker at their annual dinner in Surrey on[Read More…]

Banned Documentaries Screened In Trivandrum, Watch Them Here Too

Banned Documentaries Screened In Trivandrum, Watch Them Here Too

Three documentaries which were denied permission to be screened in the tenth edition of the International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala (IDSFFK) were screened in a parallel event in Trivandrum. The parallel screening was organized by the Fraternity Movement. “The Unbearable Being of Lightness” directed by P.N. Ramachandra based on the suicide of Dalit scholar Rohith Vemula, “March[Read More…]

by 1 comment India
The Ministry Of Utmost Happiness: A Novel That Is Neither Creative Nor Fiction

The Ministry Of Utmost Happiness: A Novel That Is Neither Creative Nor Fiction

  “NEWS Kashmir Guideline News Service Dozens of Cattle Cross Line of Control (LoC) in Rajouri At least 33 cattle including 29 buffaloes have crossed over to Pakistan side in Nowshera sector of Rajouri district in Jammu and Kashmir. According to KGNS, the cattle crossed the LoC in Kalsian sub-sector. ‘The cattle which belong to Ram Saroop, Ashok Kumar, Charan[Read More…]

CPI(ML) Activist Zafar Lynched To Death In Rajasthan For Resisting Photography And Videography Of Women Defecating In Open

CPI(ML) Activist Zafar Lynched To Death In Rajasthan For Resisting Photography And Videography Of Women Defecating In Open

Early in the morning on 16 June 2017, Comrade Zafar Hussein, an activist of CPI(ML) in Pratapgarh, Rajasthan, was kicked, punched and beaten to death by karamcharis of the nagarpalika (municipality) at the instigation of Nagar Parishad commissioner Ashok Jain when he resisted their attempts to take photographs and videos of poor women from the Bagwasa Kachi basti who were[Read More…]

Mahatma Gandhi, We Need Your Voice Today!

Mahatma Gandhi, We Need Your Voice Today!

If humans are ever to achieve a stable global society in the future, they will have to become much more modest in their economic behavior and much more peaceful in their politics. For both modesty and peace, Gandhi is a useful source of ideas. The problems with which he struggled during his lifetime are extremely relevant to us in the[Read More…]

Are Attacks On Israeli Police In East Jerusalem Terrorism?

Are Attacks On Israeli Police In East Jerusalem Terrorism?

East Jerusalem is occupied by Israel. It is also illegally annexed. It is also illegally separated from the rest of the West Bank by an illegal wall. In Jerusalem, Israel boasts of 220,000 illegal Jewish settlers settled on land confiscated from 300,000 Palestinian residents who are now landless. It boasts of 50,000 illegally displaced Palestinian Arabs and 685 illegally demolished Palestinian homes that have rendered 2,500[Read More…]

Simplifiying U.S. Proposals to Resolve the World Conflagrations

Simplifiying U.S. Proposals to Resolve the World Conflagrations

  From Pyongyang to Kabul, Damascus, Sana’a, on to Tripoli and in scattered parts of Asia and Africa, the United States’ policies for containing violence and achieving peace have been mostly counterproductive and intensified conflicts. The complex mixture of wars, threats, regime change, sanctions, posturing, demonizing, and vituperation have evidently been ineffective in resolving the world’s endless conflagrations. Has something[Read More…]

Saudi-Qatari Diplomatic Crisis Explained

Saudi-Qatari Diplomatic Crisis Explained

  The British newspaper Times reported Saturday (June 17) that in a dramatic move Saudi Arabia and Israel are in talks to establish economic ties that perhaps explains why Saudi Arabia and its allies have imposed a sweeping blockade on Qatar, in an effort to force the Gulf state to drop its support for Hamas, who control Gaza. The Times[Read More…]

The Way Of The World!

The Way Of The World!

I’ll be the first to admit that members of our species can show incredible acts of kindness to and sacrifice for others, even strangers. Some will even give up their own lives for strangers. I know this is so and have factual evidence testifying to this being true. However, we do have a vicious side to our natures. … Look,[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled Life/Philosophy
Ewan MacColl’s Call From The Grave

Ewan MacColl’s Call From The Grave

“Life is just a short walk from the cradle to the grave — and it sure behooves us to be kind to one another, and keep our word along the way. What do they say, In the Beginning there was the Word?” — Kirsty MacColl “Music to my fears this morning, my Muse mourning. For our one sphere of influence comes[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled Life/Philosophy
Photo by Neil Tackaberry

Othering To Ouring – Man, Environment And Society

Does benefit for the people and the planet conflict with each other? This is the question which arises when one looks atcurrent state of debate between environment and people. An environmental program can have beneficial effects in addressing climate change. Plantation based climate change interventions aims to increase the tree coverage both within and outside forests, villages, roads and riverside.[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled Environmental Protection
CM, Gujarat Announces The Closure Of Sardar Sarovar Dam Gates

CM, Gujarat Announces The Closure Of Sardar Sarovar Dam Gates

The shocking statement by the chief minister of Gujarat has sent waves across the Narmada Valley. The level of falsehood involved in the decision taken by NCA on the closure of Sardar Sarovar gates is unprecedented. It is as per news, the decision taken by all the states concerned that since the Resettlement and Rehabilitation of the Project Affected Families[Read More…]

The Tale of a Cow Boy 

The Tale of a Cow Boy 

Biswa goes to watch the movie ‘Kuchka Vikas – Unka Haath’ with his class mates

and just as the national anthem is about to start he gets an epileptic fit

and they slap him with cow leather shoes and

sprinkle cow urine on his face and

as he comes back to his senses

he utters feebly

‘Gau mata ki jai’

and the crowd scatters.

by Comments are Disabled Arts/Literature
Weeping Salandi -A PUCL Report On Communal Violence In Bhadrak, Odisha

Weeping Salandi -A PUCL Report On Communal Violence In Bhadrak, Odisha

On 6th of April, 2017, a day after Ramnavmi celebrations, the evening bulletins of electronic media broke the news of communal tension in the municipal town of Bhadrak, which has a sizeable Muslim population. The next day, the print media carried the news. The trigger for the violence was stated to be some derogatory texts about Ram and Sita that[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled Communal Harmony
Police Brutality Against Peaceful Protesters Of Puthuvypeen

Police Brutality Against Peaceful Protesters Of Puthuvypeen

Dear Shri Pinarayi Vijayan,

We are writing to you in the context of the serious repression by your Government on the people of Puthuvypeen, near Kochi who have been peacefully protesting against the LPG Import Terminal Project of the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) for the past 108 days. Just as we were pleased to note certain positive decisions by your Govt. on other fronts, we are constrained to note that like in any other state, people’s voices and struggles continue to be muzzled in Kerala, particularly when the justifiability of ‘development projects’, pushed against popular consent is questioned in democratic ways.

Count Leo Tolstoy, We Need Your Voice Today!

Count Leo Tolstoy, We Need Your Voice Today!

  Leo Tolstoy was born in 1828. While he was still a child, his parents died, and he became Count Tolstoy, with responsibility for the family estate at Yasnaya Polyana. As a young man, he was attracted to the gay and worldly social life of Moscow, but his diary during this period shows remorse over his pursuit of sensual pleasures.[Read More…]

 A twitter President, A Sclerotic Congress, A Horrifying Question: How Far Can The Boat Drift Before It Hits The Rocks? 

 A twitter President, A Sclerotic Congress, A Horrifying Question: How Far Can The Boat Drift Before It Hits The Rocks? 

We need to begin this discussion with the unfinished Presidency of Barack Obama. Some said it was because of his race. Others said it was his deliberative slowness as he explored every possibility and probability to its end before making a decision. Some said it was because he just could not “get along” with Congress. Others said it was because[Read More…]

1967 Censored  Voices Against National Evil

1967 Censored  Voices Against National Evil

  “What unites all types of evil, which are created in the different worlds of national and social interest groups, is that the “decent citizens” of all the worlds always require a semblance of self-evidence, normality, ideologies, ethos, the legitimization of a majority of some kind, laws of nature and man-made laws, and above all a sense of morality and[Read More…]

Puppet of History: Panama’s Manuel Noriega

Puppet of History: Panama’s Manuel Noriega

“Bush appeared on television to praise the invading troops and to say his cowardly vision – all that a wimp with an inferiority complex could be capable of.” Manuel Noriega on George H. W. Bush The late General Manuel Antonio Noriega has done more to demonstrate the bipolar nature of US foreign policy in the Americas than any single, historically[Read More…]

Australia’s Finkel Review Ignores 25 Key Climate Emergency Realities & Advocates Long Term Gas & Coal Use

Australia’s Finkel Review Ignores 25 Key Climate Emergency Realities & Advocates Long Term Gas & Coal Use

  Climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, climate change inaction, and in exports of coal, gas, iron ore and methanogenically-derived meat. However the Finkel Review chaired by Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel advocates continued gas and coal use for over 50 years, and utterly ignores the worsening climate emergency, the worsening[Read More…]

Valuing Human Life In The UK

Valuing Human Life In The UK

  Arnold Turling is a very angry and unhappy man — vindicated but at what cost. Three years ago, he advised the All Party Parliamentary Rescue Group that cheap flammable insulation filler inside the new waterproof cladding and lack of a sprinkler system made buildings like Grenfell Tower a disaster waiting to happen. Mr. Turling is a Chartered Surveyor as[Read More…]

Mining In Gadchiroli – Building A Castle Of Injustices  

Mining In Gadchiroli – Building A Castle Of Injustices  

The gram sabhas have once again given fresh resolutions, supported by their elected representatives, directly to the FAC members. One hopes that the mining companies, the state government, the FAC and MoEF&CC listen to their voices and cancel existing and proposed mines in Gadchiroli. This would be the real celebration of Environment for many years to come and not just on one day in a year!

Who Will Succeed Al-Baghdadi After His Reported Death?

Who Will Succeed Al-Baghdadi After His Reported Death?

The Russian Ministry of Defense has claimed [1] that according to information, which is being checked through various channels, the Islamic State’s leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi had reportedly been killed as a result of airstrikes conducted by the Russian aircrafts near Raqqa on May 28. The strikes targeted a meeting of high-ranking Islamic State leaders where al- Baghdadi had reportedly been[Read More…]

Turn to page 5 / Continued on Page 10  

Turn to page 5 / Continued on Page 10  

  The morning newspaper was splattered with The Chief Ministers face in every alternate page One was even an illustration that made him look a rock cut monument Wherein he was extolling on the tourist friendliness of his government A government that turns a ripe four years, the headlines boasted Equivalent to 90, if governments were to be compared to[Read More…]

Battle For Raqqa: Protests Needed On Violations Of Humanitarian Law

Battle For Raqqa: Protests Needed On Violations Of Humanitarian Law

  The battle for Raqqa, a symbolic city for the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria is underway with ever-increasing dangers to civilian populations caught in the cross-fire of ISIS and the advancing Kurd-led Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by air strikes of the US-led coalition. The United Nations Secretariat has raised an alarm concerning the fate of families held by the[Read More…]

Henry David Thoreau, We Need Your Voice Today!

Henry David Thoreau, We Need Your Voice Today!

In the distant future (and perhaps even in the not-so-distant future) industrial civilization will need to abandon its relentless pursuit of unnecessary material goods and economic growth. Modern society will need to re-establish a balanced and harmonious relationship with nature. In preindustrial societies harmony with nature is usually a part of the cultural tradition. In our own time, the same[Read More…]

Feed The Hungry, Treat The Sick: A Crucial Training

Feed The Hungry, Treat The Sick: A Crucial Training

  On June 15, 2017, theNew York Times reported that the government of Saudi Arabia aims to ease the concerns of some U.S. legislators over U.S. weapon sales to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis plan to engage in“a $750 million multiyear training program through the American military to help prevent the accidental killing of civilians in the Saudi-led air campaign against[Read More…]

Qatar Signs $12 Billion Deal To Buy 36 F-15 Jets As US Warships Arrive In Qatar For Military Exercise

Qatar Signs $12 Billion Deal To Buy 36 F-15 Jets As US Warships Arrive In Qatar For Military Exercise

  In a paradoxical development in the current Saudi-Qatari dispute, Qatar and the United States Wednesday signed a deal to buy F-15 fighter jets for $12 billion while two US warships arrived in Qatar for joint exercise. Tellingly, the $12 billion deal was signed despite Qatar being criticized by U.S. President Donald Trump for supporting “terrorism.” The Bloomberg News quoted[Read More…]

UN The Last Hurdle Before Israel Can Rid Itself Of The Palestinians

UN The Last Hurdle Before Israel Can Rid Itself Of The Palestinians

  Nazareth: Israeli and US officials are in the process of jointly pre-empting Donald Trump’s supposed “ultimate deal” to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They hope to demote the Palestinian issue to a footnote in international diplomacy. The conspiracy – a real one – was much in evidence last week during a visit to the region by Nikki Haley, Washington’s envoy[Read More…]

Global Ecological Crises: Sustainability And Equity Issues

Global Ecological Crises: Sustainability And Equity Issues

[Paper presented for a day long discussion in the Central Party School of the CPI(ML) Red Stat held at Kolkata in June, 2016] Human beings, or rather, their dominant economic-industrial systems, have started to change the earth in major ways, leading many observers and thinkers to accept that we are into the new age of “Anthropocene” – a new chapter[Read More…]

From Naxals To Taxals

From Naxals To Taxals

An understanding of the political shift of communist revolutionaries into Sikh activists and its relevance today As we mark fifty years of the Naxalbari uprising, there is a need to revisit the circumstances that led to the transformation of ultra leftists to Sikh activists in Punjab to understand the relationship between the current Maoist insurgency in India and other nationality[Read More…]

Three Years of Modi Raj: Enforcing Gujrat Model Of development On India

Three Years of Modi Raj: Enforcing Gujrat Model Of development On India

On May 26, three years back after a landslide victory in Lok Sabha elections in 2014, National Democratic Alliance (NDA) formed government at Delhi. NDA is coalition of political parties in India led by Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP). At present the coalition of political parties comprises about 47 political parties which include both regional and national political parties[i]. It is not[Read More…]

Unfurl The Tricolour And Say India Will Not Become ‘Cowistan’,  ‘Kaliban’ Will Not Rule Us

Unfurl The Tricolour And Say India Will Not Become ‘Cowistan’,  ‘Kaliban’ Will Not Rule Us

When I was in school we used to say a pledge in the morning assembly. It began this way, “India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters….”. This was the India we dreamed of when we were children. But, is this the India we are living now? Distressing news are coming from all around India. From Kashmir[Read More…]

Photo by gideon_wright

What On Earth Is A Human Being?

  This article is based on a presentation made at a conference on 13 June, 2017 in Rosario, Argentinatitled ‘Madre Tierra: Una Sola Salud” or  “Mother Earth: Only One Health” Many years ago when my daughter was just eight years old she sprung a surprise question on me. ‘Papa’, she asked, ‘who are we and where does everything in the[Read More…]

A Suggestion For A Single Point Anti-Incumbency Manifesto For 2019 Against The BJP

A Suggestion For A Single Point Anti-Incumbency Manifesto For 2019 Against The BJP

  Here is my suggestion for a Single Point Anti-Incumbency Manifesto for 2019 against the BJP for the Grand Coalition of Socialist and Communist Parties. 95% of Indians are agricultural labourers, cultivators and other landless labourers in the informal economy, and outside of the tax regime in India. We depend above all for our survival with dignity on the availability[Read More…]

John Stuart Mill and his stepdaughter Helen Taylor, with whom he worked for fifteen years after the death of his wife, Harriet Taylor Mills (Wikipedia).

John Stuart Mill, We Need Your Voice Today!

He was not allowed to have a childhood John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) showed his genius at an early age, and his father, the Utilitarian philosopher and political economist James Mill, immediately began to groom him to replace Jeremy Bentham as the leader of the Utilitarian movement. From the age of 3 onwards, Mill was deliberately kept away from children of[Read More…]

Revisiting Capitalism

Revisiting Capitalism

  Capitalism is dead. Period. It can no longer serve humanity without destroying the world. As an economic system it is essentially bankrupt. All the lies and all the shoring up of the lies are not going to make a difference to the truth: pursuit of the path of Capitalism means doom not only for the poor of the world,[Read More…]

A decade of siege and three successive Israeli offenses have destroyed Gaza’s economy, leaving many youth with little hope for a better life. Anne Paq ActiveStills

Trapped And Traumatized In Gaza

Samih is demoralized. Two years ago, he graduated with an engineering degree from the Islamic University of Gaza. Despite applying for many jobs, the only work he has found has been as a casual laborer. The pay has only been enough to provide him with some pocket money and let him buy cigarettes. “For a decade now, the Gaza Strip has[Read More…]

 Hodgkinson’s Disease And Our Exceptional Nation

 Hodgkinson’s Disease And Our Exceptional Nation

  Hodgkin’s lymphoma — formerly known as Hodgkin’s disease — is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of your immune system. In Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cells in the lymphatic system grow abnormally and may spread beyond the lymphatic system. As Hodgkin’s lymphoma progresses, it compromises your body’s ability to fight infection. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of two common[Read More…]

Congressman Steve Scalise And The Politics Of Gun Violence

Congressman Steve Scalise And The Politics Of Gun Violence

On 14 June 2017, Steve Scalise, House Majority Whip and Louisiana Congressman, was wounded by a gunman – small businessman James Hodgkinson, 66 – who opened fire at a baseball park in Alexandria, VA where several legislators and their aides were practicing. Gun violence in America is more prevalent than in any other country in the world. However, instead of[Read More…]

I Dream of Gaza

I Dream of Gaza

The narrow strip of land on the east shore of the Mediterranean Sea, inhabited by Palestinians, which is the Gaza Strip, has been under siege for a decade. The Gaza Strip is a 32 by 7 mile strip of land containing 1.8 million people – one of the densest populated areas in the world. It is bordered on the north[Read More…]

Teasing Theresa: The EU, Brexit And The British Elections

Teasing Theresa: The EU, Brexit And The British Elections

It took little time for political leaders in the European Union to start dangling the carrot in front of a wounded British Prime Minister.  Theresa May’s defeated victory in the British general elections had barely sunk it, and the comments, even invitations, were being issued by various European leaders. This all lies in the interpretation of the British election result. [Read More…]

A Tribute To Garda Ghista

A Tribute To Garda Ghista

  I had a friend, who died several years ago from breast cancer. Her name was Garda Ghista. She was a dedicated writer, as can be seen here at the next link, and personally did all that she could muster to serve others. Indeed, she was driven to do so. Garda Ghista: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle The[Read More…]

An elderly Kashmiri vendor sells Kangris or fire pots, on a cold morning in Srinagar, India, Monday, Nov. 24, 2014. Kangri is an age old device for keeping warm, consisting of a decoratively woven yellow wicker case housing an earthen pot for burning charcoal. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)

Cool Kashmir, Boiling Sub-continent!

Presently the Physical Climate in Kashmir and the rest of the sub-continent is quite unpredictable and could turn scary! There has been a significant change in the physical climate both in the entire sub-continent and the Valley of Kashmir. Apparently it is part of the global climate change. In the middle of June it has snowed on Baderwah Mountains and[Read More…]

Blood Red Wheelbarrow

Blood Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

Freedom, Diversity And Representations In Universities

Freedom, Diversity And Representations In Universities

The present crisis of respecting the viewpoints of diverse group in the higher education system in India questions the idea of freedom.The examples such as ‘the barricading of Jawaharlal Nehru University’s (JNU), ‘Freedom Square’ sometime back showed that freedom to protest and offer resistance to the despotic policies are not only discouraged but are embarrassing to the university administration. However,[Read More…]

Forbes’ ‘Go Bust’ Prescription For Indian Farmers Is A Death Warrant

Forbes’ ‘Go Bust’ Prescription For Indian Farmers Is A Death Warrant

A fellow at the Adam Smith Institute (ASI) in London, Tim Worstall recently argued on the Forbes website that India’s farmers should be allowed to go bust because that is how economic development works. Arguing that loan waivers and support price guarantees for farmers help to undermine India’s growth and prosperity, he stated that farmers should go and do something that is more productive

The Oversimplification Of The Kashmir Conundrum

The Oversimplification Of The Kashmir Conundrum

In a recent article in The Wire, Partha Chaterjee had referred to the use of human shield in Kashmir, and its justification by the military and political establishment as Kashmir’s General Dyer moment. Vivek Katju has launched a spirited counter-attack to this claim of Partha Chaterjee. Katju states that, “It is one matter for an army to handle the breakdown[Read More…]

Rallies Across USA Show Convergence Of Supremacist And Islamophobes

Rallies Across USA Show Convergence Of Supremacist And Islamophobes

  Far-right activists held anti-Muslim demonstrations in least 28 cities across the United States on Sunday (June 11). The demonstrators, spurred by one of the largest grass-roots anti-Muslim group, and in many cases were met by larger crowds of counter protesters. Counter protesters amassed in several cities to oppose the nationwide marches, with clashes and skirmishes taking place at a[Read More…]

Catastrophe Looms In Gaza

Catastrophe Looms In Gaza

Israel will reduce its electricity supply to the occupied Gaza Strip by 40 percent, turning an already dire situation into a catastrophe. Israel says the further cutback, approved by the Israeli cabinet on Sunday night, is based on a request by the Palestinian Authority. Before the cut, Gaza’s population of two million has received only four hours of electricity a day, with[Read More…]

Degrowth: The Case For A New Economic Paradigm

Degrowth: The Case For A New Economic Paradigm

In the 1970s, the emphasis was on resource limits. The French term décroissance (later translated into English as degrowth) was used for the first time by French intellectual André Gorz. In his book Ecology and Freedom, published in 1977, he wrote that “lack of realism consists in imagining that economic growth can still bring about increased human welfare, and indeed that[Read More…]

How One City In Spain Launched A Local Currency

How One City In Spain Launched A Local Currency

During her 2015 campaign, Barcelona’s mayor Ada Colau promoted the idea of launching a local currency in her city. Colau viewed a local currency as a way of defending independent businesses and residents from rapidly-rising rents and benefits that are disproportionately reaped by corporate chains instead of local stores. Though the community currency failed to materialize in Barcelona, the city immediately[Read More…]

We Are

We Are

 I am not in you you are not in me. We are as diverse as the stars in the sky; we are not us we are total strangers. You live in the colour of the rainbow and wear the linings of the cloud whereas I live in the silhouette of the tyranny and wear the costume of disparity. You sleep[Read More…]

The Bird’s Eye

The Bird’s Eye

I Greetings Guruji. We have been waiting for you anxiously since morning. What happened? Why are you so late? Oh, I see. The road accidents have now become daily occurrence.  God knows when the new highway is going to be completed. Until then it will go on like this. So how long was the jam did you say? Three hours?[Read More…]



  Che is unvanquished. Proletarian revolutionaries and revolutions don’t get vanquished as they move from one phase to another through class struggle. So, the torch of liberation that Che Guevara carries never gets eliminated; the flame of freedom that Che ignites never gets extinguished; the dream of equality that Che livens never gets wiped out. Today, the day Che Guevara[Read More…]

Hatred For Gandhi Is A Fundamental Element Of Hindutva Discourse

Hatred For Gandhi Is A Fundamental Element Of Hindutva Discourse

[Amit Shah on Gandhi:“bahut chatur baniya tha woh”] Amit Shah is no ordinary Indian ruler. He is president of the BJP which rules Centre and majority of the Indian States. Most importantly, he is the other half of our PM, Modi, they together rule as the most powerful duo ever to rule India after Independence. Additionally, he is a senior[Read More…]

April Fools

April Fools

I found god today at the bottom of a tequila bottle or was that a worm well preserved for eternity con gusano to infidels sans imagination interested only in their impotent virility Impossible is nothing in the cowdom we inhibit right from immaculate conception of virgin peahens to teary head honcho who eats his words for all three meals and[Read More…]

India: Time To Act And React

India: Time To Act And React

  In less than two years time, India might witness another general election which will be polarised more than ever. The hindutva forces have already started the required ground work. Presidential election The major show of battle will start with the election of president next month. The BJP is aware that it’s first litmus test is the election of a[Read More…]

The Situation Of Farmers Appalling In Mandasur

The Situation Of Farmers Appalling In Mandasur

New Delhi | June 13, 2017: Following a call given by Jai Kisan Andonlan of Swaraj Abhiyan, NAPM, Kisan Sangharsh Samiti of MP, Bandhua Mukti Morcha and several farmer organisations, a delegation of their representatives went to visit Mandsaur in Madhya Pradesh where 7 farmers were killed in a police firing on 6th of June. The delegation comprised about 25[Read More…]

Bhadrak Communal Riot, 2017: A Fact Finding Report To The Nation

Bhadrak Communal Riot, 2017: A Fact Finding Report To The Nation

Riot took place on the next day of “Ramanabami”  celebration on April 6 and 7, which the District Administration failed to prevent. Had the administration taken immediate steps and promulgation of Section 144 be strictly observed on 6th April and then also on 7th April such incidents could have been avoided. Religious processions that cause kind of communal tension should[Read More…]

The U.S. Is Indispensable To Carbon Reduction

The U.S. Is Indispensable To Carbon Reduction

There is a screaming need for us to properly account for the things that come from the bounty of nature. If ever there was something that was not developed privately and belongs to us all publicly that thing is nature. And yet business is taking an extremely costly free ride at our collective expense by failing to account for and[Read More…]

Journalism, History And War: Sit, Type And Bleed

Journalism, History And War: Sit, Type And Bleed

  The typical newsroom set-up, where journalists chase after news headlines dictated by some centralized news gathering agency – often based in some western capital – does not suffice any more. In the case of the Middle East, the news narrative has been defined by others and dictated on Arab journalists and audiences for far too long. This hardly worked[Read More…]

Robert Owen, We Need Your Voice Today!

Robert Owen, We Need Your Voice Today!

  A pioneer of social reform During the early phases of the Industrial Revolution in England, the workers suffered greatly. Enormous fortunes were made by mill and mine owners, while workers, including young children, were paid starvation wages for cruelly long working days. However, trade unions, child labor laws, and the gradual acceptance of birth control finally produced a more[Read More…]

Connecting The Dots: In Print

Connecting The Dots: In Print

We are all star dust. From the searing hot liquid magma inside the earth to the dying polar bears in the arctic, from the rainbow in the sky to the enigmatic Mona Lisa, from the first microbe to the most powerful man on earth are made up of star dust. We are all connected. Human beings in their unbridled hubris[Read More…]

Democracy Means Controlling The Bank

Democracy Means Controlling The Bank

  Every day in the papers we are reading about the impacts of the starvation politics of demonetisation by the BJP on agricultual labourers, cultivators and other agricultural workers. During my years long study of the social, political and economic implications of man-made climate change, I found obviously that economists looked into the economic implications, politicians study the political implications,[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled India
A Good Man’s History Lesson 

A Good Man’s History Lesson 

  “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” — William Faulkner Patrick Cockburn concludes his article Britain Refuses to Accept How Terrorists Really Work with, Contrary to conventional and governmental wisdom, terrorist conspiracies have not changed much since Brutus, Cassius and their friends plotted to murder Julius Caesar. It made me think about how many people Caesar killed or enslaved[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled Life/Philosophy


I am cold
but not numb.

I am silent
but not dumb.

I am not gazing
but not blind.

by Comments are Disabled Arts/Literature
US Forces Accused Of Firing White Phosphorus Into Mosul And Raqqa

US Forces Accused Of Firing White Phosphorus Into Mosul And Raqqa

Videos published by the Amaq news agency show artillery exploding over Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria that analysts believe could be white phosphorus rounds. Amaq, which often publishes information provided by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) sources, claims that the areas which are shown being bombarded are ISIS-held sectors of the cities still populated by large[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled World
Falling Interest Rates Have Postponed “Peak Oil”

Falling Interest Rates Have Postponed “Peak Oil”

Falling interest rates have huge power. My background is as an actuary, so I am very much aware of the great power of interest rates. But a lot of people are not aware of this power, including, I suspect, some of the people making today’s decisions to raise interest rates. Similar people want to sell securities now being held by[Read More…]

Mandsaur: A scene after violent clashes between farmers and the police at Pipliya in Mandsaur district on Tuesday.  At least five farmers were killed and four others injured in firing by police on farmers, who have been protesting for a week demanding loan waiver and fair price for their produce. PTI Photo  (PTI6_6_2017_000193B)

Peasantry Will Organise Protest Day Across The Country On 16th June

The core committee of the Bhumi Adhikar Andolan met today and discussed the ongoing farmers agitation in the country. It condemned the highhandedness of the Madhya Pradesh government and resulting death of six farmers. It expressed concern and demanded that the witch-hunt and vilification of the farmers protests stop immediately and cases against the farmers and their leaders in Maharashtra[Read More…]

Dubious Results Of The Presidential Elections In Iran

Dubious Results Of The Presidential Elections In Iran

Iranians voted in the presidential as well as the city and village councils elections on May 19, 2017. The two elections were arranged to be on the same day to boost participations and show support for the clerical regime in Tehran. The Guardian Council had handpicked six candidates and rejected the rest of more than 1600 applicants who had registered[Read More…]

Percy Bysshe Shelley: We Need Your Voice Today!

Percy Bysshe Shelley: We Need Your Voice Today!

  A pioneer of non-violent resistance to tyranny Largely unrecognized during his lifetime, Shelley is today considered to be one of the major English-language poets. Less well known is the fact that he was a pioneer of non-violent resistance to tyranny, whose ideas influenced Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi. Percy Bysshe Shelley was the eldest legitimate son[Read More…]

You Want Change? Then You Must Work For It!

You Want Change? Then You Must Work For It!

  Several years ago, I saw a dark skinned woman in her early twenties and sporting Nigerian clothes in front of me at a bank ATM station. (I was many decades older than she while also a blond and white skinned. I figured that it was a great opportunity to hear her views about racism in the USA, the country[Read More…]

Al-Nusra’s Name has been Removed From Terror List After Rebranding

Al-Nusra’s Name has been Removed From Terror List After Rebranding

According to a recent report [1] by CBC Canada, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, which was formerly known as al-Nusra Front and then Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (JFS) since July 2016, has been removed from the terror watch-lists of the US and Canada after it merged with fighters from Zenki Brigade and hardline jihadists from Ahrar al-Sham and rebranded itself as Hayat[Read More…]

Corbyn Teaches To Embrace Change We Need

Corbyn Teaches To Embrace Change We Need

The shocking election result in the United Kingdom – the Conservatives losing their majority and the creation of a hung Parliament; and Jeremy Corbyn being more successful than any recent Labor candidate – cutting a 20 point Theresa May lead down to a near tie – gives hope to many that the global shift to the right, fueled by the failures of governments to meet the basic needs of their population and growing economic insecurity, may be ending.

For May And Trump Storms On The Horizon

For May And Trump Storms On The Horizon

  When Donald Trump began his presidential campaign no one believed he could possibly be elected. When David Cameron went to the country on EU membership, he could not imagine ‘Remain’ losing. So it was with Theresa May. Ahead in the polls by 21 points she sought an unassailable majority. Whatever the reasons — and there are many — she[Read More…]

RSS And Conspiracies: Made For Each Other

RSS And Conspiracies: Made For Each Other

RSS and its off springs are master conspirators. In fact, RSS as fountain head of the Hindutva politicsis a gurukul of teaching the art of how to conspire and where to execute the conspiracies. It thrives by hatching conspiracies to undermine truth and destroy its adversaries. RSS like any other fascist organization relies on intrigues and it is through conspiracies[Read More…]

For The Immediate Attention Of Dissident Seasons

For The Immediate Attention Of Dissident Seasons

Plots for Spring to blossom
have been pre-allotted.
Don’t violate the boundaries
and carpet the roads with blossoms
and call it freedom of expression.

James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrives to testify before the Senate Intelligence Select Committee during an open hearing.

James Comey’s Testimony

The entertainment reality show got another instalment on Thursday with the testimony of former FBI director James Comey before members of the Senate intelligence committee. The various birds of prey wishing to find smoking carrion were left only partially satisfied. The Republicans were left confused, and the right wing media felt that Trump had been exonerated. There was something for everyone.

Saudi Arabia Teams Up With Israel In Anti-Qatar Lobbying In The US Congress

Saudi Arabia Teams Up With Israel In Anti-Qatar Lobbying In The US Congress

  US proposed  legislation – Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2017 – threatening to sanction Qatar for its support of the so-called “Palestinian terror” was sponsored by 10 lawmakers who received more than $1m over the last 18 months from lobbyists and groups linked to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, Al Jazeera reported Friday. The[Read More…]

Thomas Robert Malthus, We Need Your Voice Today!

Thomas Robert Malthus, We Need Your Voice Today!

    A debate between father and son T.R. Malthus’ “Essay on The Principle of Population”, the first edition of which was published in 1798, was one of the the first systematic studies of the problem of population in relation to resources. Earlier discussions of the problem had been published by Boterro in Italy, Robert Wallace in England, and Benjamin[Read More…]

Practical Love Supreme in Activism

Practical Love Supreme in Activism

A review of a documentary on John Coltrane reminded me that the iconic jazz musician died on the same day that the Newark Riots officially ended. I trust that the reader knows why I’m using italics here; fact is, the trauma of those riots — fifty years old as of 2017 — never went away. Definitely not for me, as I knew colleagues[Read More…]

The low-key passing of Manuel Noriega

The low-key passing of Manuel Noriega

By the time Manuel Noriega died on May 29, 2017, the “ousted dictator” or “Panamanian strongman” had long since taken up residency in the proverbial dustbin of history. He hadn’t been useful or “trending” for decades and was thus relegated to virtual invisibility. Even those who vaguely remembered him may have already presumed him dead — a pre-Internet relic without a[Read More…]

by 1 comment World
Myth Of Free-Media In India

Myth Of Free-Media In India

  Press Club of India is normally an empty space unless a few of those, who don’t have enough resources to pay at the India International Center or India Habitat Center or some Five Star hotels, do organize some events of public concern, but this week, it has a galaxy of journalists who might have forgotten the address of the[Read More…]

State Sponsored Terrorism Against Sikhs In November 1984 & The Role Of Peace Warriors:Lessons For The Indian Army

State Sponsored Terrorism Against Sikhs In November 1984 & The Role Of Peace Warriors:Lessons For The Indian Army

  A recent article published in the by Lalita Ramdas titled ‘Service Brats, Identity and Nationalism’ raised some crucial issues through the comments by honorable serving/retired army personnel. It is felt that a wider dissemination and debate is necessary into this aspect,since it raises the fundamental issue of whether a citizen of India, Lalita Ramdas, wife of Admiral L.[Read More…]

Was Kashmir Plebiscite Forestalled By Pakistan’s Failure To Withdraw Troops?

Was Kashmir Plebiscite Forestalled By Pakistan’s Failure To Withdraw Troops?

Almost all Indians, when reminded of the promise of a plebiscite made to people of J&K to ascertain their wishes, blame Pakistan for forestalling holding of one, primarily due to her failure to withdraw forces from the portion occupied by her as prescribed under relevant UN resolution. Many of my fellow countrymen nurse the same opinion. It is, therefore in[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled Kashmir
Rahul Gandhi: Please Undertake A Padyatra From Kashmir To Kanyakumari

Rahul Gandhi: Please Undertake A Padyatra From Kashmir To Kanyakumari

Please come out strongly against this illegal ban on cattle slaughter. Kindly translate your verbal assurances to concrete actions. Undertake a padyatra from Kashmir to Kanyakumari against the illegal, divisive law and uphold the secular value that the Congress professes.

Panaji: BJP President Amit Shah address BJP supporters in Panaji, Goa on Saturday. PTI Photo(PTI8_20_2016_000228A)

Amit Shah On Gandhi: Is It Freedom Of Speech?

  Amit Shah calling Gandhi a ‘chatur bania’ is all over the papers. Do you think his speech is offensive, even provocative, nay seditious? Has he crossed a certain line that pushes one into the ‘reasonable restrictions’ on Freedom of Speech Article 19a? Should he be booked under IPC Section 292 for morally corrupting and obscene speech? To find some[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled India
Image Courtesy Live Law -

Beef Ban: Playing With Fire

There is no doubt the government of India has attempted to prohibit through the backdoor, beef consumption across the country through new rules made under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The rules per se do not explicitly ban cattle slaughter or beef consumption, but they ban the sale and purchase of cattle for slaughter in cattle markets,[Read More…]

Rahul Gandhi Must Back Up His Words With Deeds

Rahul Gandhi Must Back Up His Words With Deeds

The Economic Times reported that Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi told party leaders from minority communities in Karnataka to be prepared for polarisation efforts by the BJP in the run-up to the 2018 assembly polls. According to the report he said “We need to be ready to take on polarisation of Hindu votes in the upcoming elections.Let us be very[Read More…]

A police officer stands guard in front of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) head office in Mumbai April 17, 2012. The Reserve Bank of India cut interest rates on Tuesday for the first time in three years by an unexpectedly sharp 50 basis points to give a boost to flagging economic growth but warned that there is limited scope for further rate cuts. REUTERS/Vivek Prakash (INDIA - Tags: BUSINESS)

Anti-Corruption Is Not An Economic Policy Though The BJP And the INC Would Like You To Think So

  Economic, Ecological and Agricultural Science Illiteracy of Elites Having already been investigated by the Income Tax Department and the Enforcement Directorate, we now get news that NDTV, one of the most viewed nation-wide news channels of India, is again being investigated, this time by the Central Bureau of Investigation. A First Information Report has been filed by or on[Read More…]

by Comments are Disabled India
Jeremy Corbyn’s Surge

Jeremy Corbyn’s Surge

The pollsters only got it partly wrong this time, though the most spectacular prediction cock-up was that on what would happen to British Labour prior to the exit polls.  Scotland crept up with a Tory surge, netting 12 seats, and there were scattering and skirmishing victories over the Scottish National Party, which suffered a considerable bruising. But what mattered here[Read More…]

Marquis De Condorcet, We Need Your Voice Today

Marquis De Condorcet, We Need Your Voice Today

  A vision of human progress In France the Marquis de Condorcet had written an equally optimistic book, “Esquisse d’un Tableau Historique des Progres de l’Esprit Humain”. Condorcet’s optimism was unaffected even by the fact that at the time when he was writing he was in hiding, under sentence of death by Robespierre’s government. Like Godwin’s “Political Justice”, this book[Read More…]

The events at Standing Rock have been transformative, and these victories are not ones that Energy Transfer Partners or even President-elect Trump can take away. (Photo: Oceti Sakowin/flickr/cc)

The ‘Truth’ Of The Matter

Lies propagated as truths
Half – truths and ‘ post truths’
Cannot, for long, hide reality
From vast humanity

TOSCA in Tucson

TOSCA in Tucson

“We are documenting, discussing, debating, demonstrating, diverting and delaying ourselves to death in lieu of doing something new in solidarity that stands to make a big enough difference in time.” — One of the author’s home schooled youngsters at six years old (calling attention to the collective deadlines we face respecting our collective crises) “Yes, of course, one could make[Read More…]

Continuing Caste Violence In Saharanpur, UP

Continuing Caste Violence In Saharanpur, UP

Fifty five Dalit houses were burnt down during the afternoon of May 5 in Shabbirpur village of Saharanpur in northern UP. Attackers belonged to the dominant Rajput community of the area. They were armed with swords, spears, and lathis, and numbered about three thousand. Several other houses were looted, and fifteen motorcycles were burnt. Twelve Dalits received serious injuries. One[Read More…]

Oppose Emergency Era Attempt To Crush Media Independence!

Oppose Emergency Era Attempt To Crush Media Independence!

The People’s Union for Civil Liberties strongly condemns the raids by the CBI on 5th June 2017 on the residence and offices of Prannoy Roy and his wife Radhika Roy, co-founders of NDTV. While it is a declared position of PUCL that under our Constitutional scheme, the rule of law is supreme and no individual or institution is above the[Read More…]