Science Journal


‘People Are Dying Here’: Federal Hospitals Fail Native Americans

Oliver Semans, a member of the Rosebud Sioux tribal health board, at a cemetery on the South Dakota reservation.

Indian Health Service facilities have been sanctioned for dangerous, faulty care, leaving often-impoverished patients on remote reservations without the services required by law. 524

Science Video

Newly Found Fossils Shed Light on Human Origins


Can Surrogate Female Rhinos Save Their Endangered Cousins?


A New Tool for Neurosurgeons: VR Technology


Facebook’s Surprising Role in Bereavement

Research shows that Facebook social networks can play a role in—and possibly enhance—intimacy and grieving after the loss of a close friend.

Moths Help Scientists Attack Glare

Inspired by the structure of moths’ eyes, researchers have invented a coating that sharply cuts the sun’s glare on electronic screens.

In Tough Times, Religion Can Offer a Sturdy Shelter

Many recent studies have shown that religious observance can strengthen resilience to stress and illness. 109

The Science of a Ripe Watermelon

Can you really tell if a watermelon is ripe by tapping it? A physicist explains.

A Houston Scientist’s African Challenge

Rebecca Richards-Kortum won a MacArthur “genius” grant for her hard work curbing infant mortality in Africa through simple, low-cost devices.