- published: 02 Aug 2016
- views: 1954
New York is a state in the Northeastern United States and is the United States' 27th-most extensive, fourth-most populous, and seventh-most densely populated state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south and Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont to the east. The state has a maritime border in the Atlantic Ocean with Rhode Island, east of Long Island, as well as an international border with the Canadian provinces of Quebec to the north and Ontario to the west and north. The state of New York, with an estimated 19.8 million residents in 2015, is often referred to as New York State to distinguish it from New York City, the state's most populous city and its economic hub.
With an estimated population of nearly 8.5 million in 2014, New York City is the most populous city in the United States and the premier gateway for legal immigration to the United States. The New York City Metropolitan Area is one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world. New York City is a global city, exerting a significant impact upon commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment, its fast pace defining the term New York minute. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York City is an important center for international diplomacy and has been described as the cultural and financial capital of the world, as well as the world's most economically powerful city. New York City makes up over 40% of the population of New York State. Two-thirds of the state's population lives in the New York City Metropolitan Area, and nearly 40% live on Long Island. Both the state and New York City were named for the 17th century Duke of York, future King James II of England. The next four most populous cities in the state are Buffalo, Rochester, Yonkers, and Syracuse, while the state capital is Albany.
A film school is any educational institution dedicated to teaching aspects of filmmaking, including such subjects as film production, film theory, digital media production, and screenwriting. Film history courses and hands-on technical training are usually incorporated into most film school curricula. Technical training may include instruction in the use and operation of cameras, lighting equipment, film or video editing equipment and software, and other relevant equipment. Film schools may also include courses and training in such subjects as television production, broadcasting, audio engineering, and animation.
The formal teaching of film began with theory rather than practical technical training starting soon after the development of the film making process in the 1890s. Early film theorists were more interested in writing essays on film theory than in teaching students in a classroom environment. The Moscow Film School was founded in 1919 with Russian filmmakers including Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevolod Pudovkin, and Lev Kuleshov serving as faculty to disseminate their very distinct viewpoints on the purpose of film.
Marcin Wolski (born 22 July 1947 in Łódź) is a Polish writer, journalist and satirist. As a journalist, he writes for Wprost,Gazeta Polska and Tygodnik Solidarność. Many of his novels mix elements of science fiction, fantasy and political fiction and he was nominated for the Janusz A. Zajdel Award 3 times.
Joanna Czarnecka may refer to:
Costume design is the envisioning of clothing and the overall appearance of a character or performer. Costume may refer to the style of dress particular to a nation, a class, or a period. In many cases, it may contribute to the fullness of the artistic, visual world which is unique to a particular theatrical or cinematic production. The most basic designs are produced to denote status, provide protection or modesty, or provide visual interest to a character.Costumes may be for a theater, cinema, or musical performance but may not be limited to such. Costume design should not be confused with costume coordination which merely involves altering existing clothing, although both create stage clothes.
Four types of costumes are used in theatrical design: historical, fantastical, dance, and modern.
Village festivals and processions in honor of Dionysus (See also: Dionysia) amongst the ancient Greeks, are believed to be the origin of theatre, and therefore theatre costume. The sculpture and vase paintings provide the clearest evidence of this costume. Because of their ritualized style of theatre many masks were used giving each character a specific look and they varied depending if they were used for comedic or dramatic purposes. Some masks were constructed with a cheerful as well as a serious side on the same face in an attempt to indicate a change in emotion without a change of mask. The same is true for the Romans, who continued the mask tradition, which made the doubling of roles easier.
“Gripping… masterly” VARIETY In cinemas October 27 http://www.hellorhighwatermovie.com.au After years of estrangement, Texan brothers Toby (Chris Pine) and Tanner (Ben Foster) decide to rob the branches of the bank threatening to foreclose on their family land. For them, the hold-ups are part of a last-ditch scheme to take back a future that was stolen from under them. Vengeance seems to be theirs until they find themselves on the radar of Marcus (Jeff Bridges), a Ranger looking for one last grand pursuit on the eve of his retirement, and his partner Alberto (Gil Birmingham). As the brothers plot a final bank heist to complete their scheme, and with the Rangers on their heels, a murderous showdown looms. From the writer of Sicario, HELL OR HIGH WATER is a gripping action-thriller about ...
Hit that SUBSCRIBE button! http://www.bit.ly/FSSYouTube Watch more 'Season 1' films here: http://bit.ly/1ZZ46oj THE HUNTER AND THE SWAN DISCUSS THEIR MEETING: Ever wonder what it would be like to hang out with a mythical huntsman and a bird? A Brooklyn hipster couple finds out the hard way when they double date with a magical swan and her boyfriend hunter. Over dinner, the swan takes issue with the hunter’s anecdote about their first date and asks him a very personal question. His answer causes the evening to go one direction — downhill. Their tiff begs the question: how do we bait our beloved prey? Learn more: http://blogs.kqed.org/filmschoolshorts/films/the-hunter-and-the-swan/ Visit our Website: http://www.kqed.org/fss Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FilmSchoolShorts ...
An office stiff wakes up in an alley mysteriously covered in blood. In the aftermath, he attracts the attention of his beautiful coworker, granting him a new lease on life …but something strange is afoot. •••WINNER••• CANAL + GRAND PRIX - COURT-MÉTRAGE - L'ETRANGE FESTIVAL 2015 http://www.thegreymattermovie.com http://facebook.com/TheGreyMatterMovie http://twitter.com/the_grey_matter http://imdb.com/title/tt2958318/ TRAILER: http://vimeo.com/88676234 OPENING CREDITS (Deleted Scene): http://vimeo.com/86454868 ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK by Ron Patane - https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/grey-matter-original-motion/id956016215 Film Festivals: L'ETRANGE FESTIVAL - Paris, France - September, 2015 - •••WINNER••• CANAL + GRAND PRIX - COURT-MÉTRAGE MOTELX - Lisbon, Portugal - September...
CIRCUITS performed in August at the Robert Moss Theater in New York City as part of the 2009 NY International Fringe Festival. Winner of Best Choreography Direction, Concept and Choreography: PATRICIA NOWOROL - this piece was created through a collaborative process with the performers. Performers: CHELSEA BONOSKY, NICHOLAS BRUDER, PATRICIA NOWOROL, MATTHEW OAKS, CHRISTINA NOEL REAVES, ELLIOTT REILAND, MIKA YANAGIHARA Costume Design: MALGOSIA TURZANSKA Lighting Design: SIMON CLEVELAND Music by ALVA NOTO, edited by Nicholas Bruder Camera: SASHA SANTIAGO Video edited by BEN RICHARDSON and NICHOLAS BRUDER
Premiere: May 30- 31, 2008, Atlas Theatre, New York City at Delirium - Multimedia Dance Evening by Patricia Noworol Dance Co. Concept, Choreography and Direction: Patricia Noworol Music: Faithless "Drifting Away", Charlie Haden and Pat Metheny "Cinema Paradiso" Lighting Design: Greg Goff Costume Design: Malgosia Turzanska Video: Camille de Galbert Performers: Christina Connerton, TzuYing Lee, Faye Lim, Marissa Maislen, Matt Oaks, Patricia Noworol, Elizebeth Randall, Christina Noel Reaves, Elliott Reiland, Gary Schaufeld, Alexander M. Schwartz, Carlos A. Cruz-Velazquez, Jaclyn K. Walsh, Anna K. Whaley and Yin Yue Final performance video edited by Patricia Noworol A bit about us is the resolution to the evening length show Delirium. The bold opening image captures the entire cast silh...
Résumé : Bob et Ruth s'aiment, envers et contre tout. Et surtout contre la loi. Un jour, un braquage tourne mal et les deux amants sont pris dans une fusillade. Quand Bob est emmené par la police, Ruth a tout juste le temps de lui annoncer qu'elle est enceinte. Dés lors, Bob n'aura qu'une obsession : s'échapper de prison pour rejoindre sa femme et son enfant. Mais quand il y parvient, quatre ans plus tard, le rêve correspond mal à la réalité. En fuite, poursuivi par la police et par les membres d'un gang, Bob peine à rétablir le lien avec sa famille Titre Original : Ain't Them Bodies Saints Film - Drame - Etats-Unis - 96 minutes Réalisé par David Lowery Avec Rooney Mara, Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, Keith Carradine Credits : David Lowery, Bradford Young, Robert Grigsby Wilson, Jade Healy, ...
CIRCUITS performed in August at the Robert Moss Theater in New York, NY as part of the 2009 New York International Fringe Festival. Noworol received the EXCELLENCE AWARD at the 2009 NYC International Fringe Festival for the Outstanding Choreography for CIRCUITS, a Dance- Theater Production by PND. Direction, Concept and Choreography: PATRICIA NOWOROL - this piece was created through a collaborative process with the performers Performers: CHELSEA BONOSKY, NICHOLAS BRUDER, PATRICIA NOWOROL, MATTHEW OAKS, CHRISTINA NOEL REAVES, ELLIOTT REILAND, MIKA YANAGIHARA Costume Design: MALGOSIA TURZANSKA Lighting Design: SIMON CLEVELAND Music by ALVA NOTO, edited by Nicholas Bruder Camera: SASHA SANTIAGO Video edited by BEN RICHARDSON and NICHOLAS BRUDER Project Description: Circuits is an evening...
Trudne tematy. Problemy do rozwiązania. Kontrowersyjne decyzje. Przegląd Piekarski, Dziennik Zachodni i Tygodnik Gwarek. Krzysztof Turzański, Jacek Tarski, Krzysztof Szendzielorz i Małgorzata Węgiel. Dyskusja na temat tego co dzieje się w naszym mieście. Rozmowy o Piekarach. Pierwszy odcinek poświęcony jest tematom, które znalazły się na czołówkach gazet... "Nie chcą złożyć broni" - Dziennik Zachodni Projekt rozwiązania Zespołu Szkół nr 2, czyli jak najlepiej i czy w ogołe warto likwidować szkoły. "Zwolniona, ale za co" - Tygodnik Gwarek Skarga nauczycieli, protokół komisji urzędowej i zwolnienie dyrektorki Gimnazjum nr 4 Bernadety Nowak. "Prezydent podcina Skrzydła" - Przegląd Piekarski Dlaczego w naszym mieście leży inicjatywa mieszkańców, czy też szerokorozumiana samorz...
ART COLOR BALLET WATAHA The Slavic Drummers STROJONE Pieśni Tradycyjne PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE to spektakl muzyczny, sięgający do korzeni kultury Słowian. Językiem opowieści jest tu muzyka i taniec oraz symbolika przyrody zaklęta w czterech porach roku. Spektakl w wykonaniu grupy WATAHA The Slavic Drummers, zespołu ART COLOR BALLET, oraz grupy wokalnej STROJONE przybliża współczesnemu widzowi barwny i bogaty świat archetypu kultury słowiańskiej, pełnej magii i osobliwości. PreLudium Słowiańskie muzyka: Marek Smok Rajss reżyseria i choreografia: Agnieszka Glińska scenariusz: Agnieszka Glińska Ewa Szawul Marek Smok Rajss współpraca przy choreografii: Małgorzata Popławska Barbara Gwóźdź Michał Adamowicz - Krakowska Szkoła Wushu scenografia: Agnieszka Glińska Anna Seręga bodypainting: ...
PreLudium Słowiańskie to spektakl muzyczny, sięgający do korzeni kultury Słowian. Przyroda i życie Słowian było inspiracją do napisania scenariusza i muzyki do spektaklu. Językiem opowieści jest tu muzyka i taniec oraz symbolika przyrody zaklęta w czterech porach roku. Spektakl w wykonaniu grupy "WATAHA DRUMS" oraz zespołu "Art Color Ballet" oraz formacji wokalnej STROJONE, przybliża współczesnemu widzowi barwny i bogaty świat archetypu kultury słowiańskiej, pełnej magii i osobliwości. PreLudium Słowiańskie scenariusz: Agnieszka Glińska Marek "Smok" Rajss Ewa Szawul choreografia: Agnieszka Glińska współpraca przy choreografii: Małgorzata Popławska Barbara Gwóźdź Marek "Smok" Rajss Michał Adamowicz - Krakowska Szkoła Wushu muzyka: Marek "Smok" Rajss scenografia: Agnieszka Glińska ...
Art Color Ballet – KRYPTONIM 27 widowisko muzyczne inspirowane twórczością Zdzisława BEKSIŃSKIEGO 7 października 2016, godz. 18.00, Scena NCK – PREMIERA! 8 i 9 października 2016, godz. 18.00, Scena NCK Pierwsza stała wystawa prac Zdzisława Beksińskiego w Krakowie zostanie otwarta już w październiku 2016 roku w Nowohuckim Centrum Kultury. Otwarciu Galerii towarzyszyć będzie spektakl KRYPTONIM 27 w wykonaniu Art Color Ballet, który przeniesie niezwykłą wizję świata Mistrza Beksińskiego na scenę i w przestrzennym wymiarze spróbuje rozczytać ukryte znaczenia jego dzieł. Widz wniknie w przestrzeń stworzoną z ruchomych obrazów, baletowych ciał, hologramów i żywej muzyki. Między jawą i snem, w galerii i na scenie – w niejasnym planie fantastycznych wizji, nadwrażliwej wyobraźni i ukrytych lęków…...
Beniamin Stecuła w zeszłym roku zwyciężył w mistrzostwach świata w matematyce rozgrywanych w Paryżu. Jako jedyny rozwiązał zadania bezbłędnie. W tym roku obronił tytuł mistrza Polski i szykuje się do obrony tytułu mistrza świata. Zawody zostaną rozegrane w sierpniu - oczywiście w Paryżu.
Utwór z płyty PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE w wykonaniu: STROJONE Pieśni Tradycyjne i WATAHA The Slavic Drummers. Premiera płyty 26.01.2014 (niedziela) w Teatrze Ludowym godz 16.00 i 19.00 po spektaklu PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE to spektakl muzyczny sięgający do korzeni kultury Słowian. Inspiracją do powstania scenariusza był Kalendarz Słowiański oraz symbolika przyrody zaklęta w czterech porach roku. Twórcy widowiska Marek Smok Rajss i Agnieszka Glińska za pomocą różnorodnych form ekspresji twórczej -- muzyki, rytmu, tańca, rdzennych pieśni i bodypaintingu wykreowali na wskroś współczesną, a jednak sięgającą głęboko do rdzennego ducha interpretację świata prasłowiańskiego, z bogactwem wierzeń i obrzędów, wyznaczonych rytmem przyrody. Dynamika żywej muzyki oraz pieśni słowiańs...
PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE to spektakl muzyczny sięgający do korzeni kultury Słowian. Inspiracją do powstania scenariusza był Kalendarz Słowiański oraz symbolika przyrody zaklęta w czterech porach roku. Twórcy widowiska Marek „Smok” Rajss i Agnieszka Glińska za pomocą różnorodnych form ekspresji twórczej – muzyki, rytmu, tańca, rdzennych pieśni i bodypaintingu wykreowali na wskroś współczesną, a jednak sięgającą głęboko do rdzennego ducha interpretację świata prasłowiańskiego, z bogactwem wierzeń i obrzędów, wyznaczonych rytmem przyrody. Dynamika żywej muzyki oraz pieśni słowiańskich, zilustrowana tańcem i plastyką przenosi widza na emocjonalnie głęboki poziom doznań i pierwotnych znaczeń, za którymi tęsknimy. Spektakl w wykonaniu zespołu Art Color Ballet, grupy WATAHA The Slavic Drummers ora...
ART COLOR BALLET WATAHA The Slavic Drummers STROJONE Pieśni Tradycyjne PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE to spektakl muzyczny, sięgający do korzeni kultury Słowian. Językiem opowieści jest tu muzyka i taniec oraz symbolika przyrody zaklęta w czterech porach roku. Spektakl w wykonaniu grupy WATAHA The Slavic Drummers, zespołu ART COLOR BALLET, oraz grupy wokalnej STROJONE przybliża współczesnemu widzowi barwny i bogaty świat archetypu kultury słowiańskiej, pełnej magii i osobliwości. PreLudium Słowiańskie muzyka: Marek Smok Rajss reżyseria i choreografia: Agnieszka Glińska scenariusz: Agnieszka Glińska Ewa Szawul Marek Smok Rajss współpraca przy choreografii: Małgorzata Popławska Barbara Gwóźdź Michał Adamowicz - Krakowska Szkoła Wushu scenografia: Agnieszka Glińska Anna Seręga bodypainting: A...
Utwór z płyty PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE w wykonaniu: STROJONE Pieśni Tradycyjne i WATAHA The Slavic Drummers. Premiera płyty 26.01.2014 (niedziela) w Teatrze Ludowym godz 16.00 i 19.00 po spektaklu PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE PRELUDIUM SŁOWIAŃSKIE to spektakl muzyczny sięgający do korzeni kultury Słowian. Inspiracją do powstania scenariusza był Kalendarz Słowiański oraz symbolika przyrody zaklęta w czterech porach roku. Twórcy widowiska Marek Smok Rajss i Agnieszka Glińska za pomocą różnorodnych form ekspresji twórczej -- muzyki, rytmu, tańca, rdzennych pieśni i bodypaintingu wykreowali na wskroś współczesną, a jednak sięgającą głęboko do rdzennego ducha interpretację świata prasłowiańskiego, z bogactwem wierzeń i obrzędów, wyznaczonych rytmem przyrody. Dynamika żywej muzyki oraz pieśni słowiańs...
We've reached 1000 subs! In this episode, we get retro in this analysis of the costumes if the hit Netflix series Stranger Things. *Spoilers* An overview of all of the major character costumes from Season 1: Barb, Mike, Dustin, Nancy, Eleven, Steve, Joyce, Hopper, Will, Lucas, Dr. Brenner, Ted and Karen Wheeler. SKIP INTRO TO: The Kids 5:09 The Grownups 13:02 The Teens 7:13 Music: Sad Past - Silent Partner Ross Bugden - Something Wicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuw_O5MU5CE Home - We’re Finally Landing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQX7Zub0ZdI Rick Lan - Stranger Things Royalty Free Style 80s Synth Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRRlavNNlEY
Who is who w Piekarach Śląskich. Krótki materiał przedstawiający poszczególnych radnych, władze miasta i sposób pracy Rady Miasta.
On Tuesday in Beverly Hills, California, the 19th Costume Designers Guild Awards took place at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The ceremony honored the best costumes in film, television, and short form. "La La Land: won for excellence for contemporary film. Hidden Figures took home an award for Excellence in Period film. Doctor Strange's costume team were honored for excellence in fantasy film. http://www.etonline.com/awards/211001_costume_designers_guild_awards_2017_full_winners_list/ http://www.wochit.com This video was produced by YT Wochit Entertainment using http://wochit.com
Hit that SUBSCRIBE button! http://www.bit.ly/FSSYouTube Watch more 'Season 1' films here: http://bit.ly/1ZZ46oj THE HUNTER AND THE SWAN DISCUSS THEIR MEETING: Ever wonder what it would be like to hang out with a mythical huntsman and a bird? A Brooklyn hipster couple finds out the hard way when they double date with a magical swan and her boyfriend hunter. Over dinner, the swan takes issue with the hunter’s anecdote about their first date and asks him a very personal question. His answer causes the evening to go one direction — downhill. Their tiff begs the question: how do we bait our beloved prey? Learn more: http://blogs.kqed.org/filmschoolshorts/films/the-hunter-and-the-swan/ Visit our Website: http://www.kqed.org/fss Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FilmSchoolShorts ...
Résumé : Bob et Ruth s'aiment, envers et contre tout. Et surtout contre la loi. Un jour, un braquage tourne mal et les deux amants sont pris dans une fusillade. Quand Bob est emmené par la police, Ruth a tout juste le temps de lui annoncer qu'elle est enceinte. Dés lors, Bob n'aura qu'une obsession : s'échapper de prison pour rejoindre sa femme et son enfant. Mais quand il y parvient, quatre ans plus tard, le rêve correspond mal à la réalité. En fuite, poursuivi par la police et par les membres d'un gang, Bob peine à rétablir le lien avec sa famille Titre Original : Ain't Them Bodies Saints Film - Drame - Etats-Unis - 96 minutes Réalisé par David Lowery Avec Rooney Mara, Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, Keith Carradine Credits : David Lowery, Bradford Young, Robert Grigsby Wilson, Jade Healy, ...
CIRCUITS performed in August at the Robert Moss Theater in New York City as part of the 2009 NY International Fringe Festival. Winner of Best Choreography Direction, Concept and Choreography: PATRICIA NOWOROL - this piece was created through a collaborative process with the performers. Performers: CHELSEA BONOSKY, NICHOLAS BRUDER, PATRICIA NOWOROL, MATTHEW OAKS, CHRISTINA NOEL REAVES, ELLIOTT REILAND, MIKA YANAGIHARA Costume Design: MALGOSIA TURZANSKA Lighting Design: SIMON CLEVELAND Music by ALVA NOTO, edited by Nicholas Bruder Camera: SASHA SANTIAGO Video edited by BEN RICHARDSON and NICHOLAS BRUDER
An office stiff wakes up in an alley mysteriously covered in blood. In the aftermath, he attracts the attention of his beautiful coworker, granting him a new lease on life …but something strange is afoot. •••WINNER••• CANAL + GRAND PRIX - COURT-MÉTRAGE - L'ETRANGE FESTIVAL 2015 http://www.thegreymattermovie.com http://facebook.com/TheGreyMatterMovie http://twitter.com/the_grey_matter http://imdb.com/title/tt2958318/ TRAILER: http://vimeo.com/88676234 OPENING CREDITS (Deleted Scene): http://vimeo.com/86454868 ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK by Ron Patane - https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/grey-matter-original-motion/id956016215 Film Festivals: L'ETRANGE FESTIVAL - Paris, France - September, 2015 - •••WINNER••• CANAL + GRAND PRIX - COURT-MÉTRAGE MOTELX - Lisbon, Portugal - September...
CIRCUITS performed in August at the Robert Moss Theater in New York, NY as part of the 2009 New York International Fringe Festival. Noworol received the EXCELLENCE AWARD at the 2009 NYC International Fringe Festival for the Outstanding Choreography for CIRCUITS, a Dance- Theater Production by PND. Direction, Concept and Choreography: PATRICIA NOWOROL - this piece was created through a collaborative process with the performers Performers: CHELSEA BONOSKY, NICHOLAS BRUDER, PATRICIA NOWOROL, MATTHEW OAKS, CHRISTINA NOEL REAVES, ELLIOTT REILAND, MIKA YANAGIHARA Costume Design: MALGOSIA TURZANSKA Lighting Design: SIMON CLEVELAND Music by ALVA NOTO, edited by Nicholas Bruder Camera: SASHA SANTIAGO Video edited by BEN RICHARDSON and NICHOLAS BRUDER Project Description: Circuits is an evening...
https://www.expedia.com/lp/destinations/178293 New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants. New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system. No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the ...
Our New York City Travel Guide! We had a blast exploring the city so good they named it twice, New York, New York.... Visit our friends at Hipmunk to find the best fares to New York https://www.hipmunk.com/flights/?utm_medium=brand&utm;_source=inf&utm;_campaign=ah_yt&utm;_content=nyc No matter how many times I visit New York, I still have so many "wow" moments. From the sights, the sounds, the flavours, and the sensations, New York City offers the first time visitor and the seasoned New York expert something new every single time. What a place....what a place. Check out Scott's Pizza Tours - http://www.scottspizzatours.com/ Where we stayed: CAMBRiA Hotel & Suites New York - Chelseahttp://www.booking.com/hotel/us/cambria-amp-suites-new-york-chelsea.en-gb.html?aid=338557
How To Spend 3 Days in NYC - here are my favourite places to go for brunch, shopping, dinner, vistas, and so much more! Subscribe so you don't miss any videos :) http://bit.ly/1zG3soB ___________________________________________________________ ❤ What I Wore ❤ Earrings : http://bit.ly/2mx2QiH Necklace : http://bit.ly/2mx7AVu Rings : http://bit.ly/2nq7VXE Bracelet : http://bit.ly/2mx9K7j ___________________________________________________________ Catch up on the 🌸 #FashionMumblrSpringEdit 🌸 Zara Haul : http://bit.ly/2mQMzC8 Spring Drugstore Makeup Look : http://bit.ly/2mQVKT2 Spring Wardrobe Basics : http://bit.ly/2nnTir1 Spring Beauty Launches : http://bit.ly/2nY7BR4 YSL Unboxing : http://bit.ly/2ny2yIW ASOS Spring Haul : http://bit.ly/2ohcqny __________________________________...
Subscribe now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TravelAndDiscover1 --------------------------------------------------------- The most interesting places to visit in New York City Soundtracks from Connections by Camera Soul Available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6021ywxxHG65NQOhtHPPaU iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/connections/id1198626365?app=itunes&ign-mpt;=uo%3D4 Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/15158839
Our recent week in New York City was an action-packed one. We decided to set ourselves a challenge to see and do as much as we possibly could, and that gave way to this travel video guide which highlights 50 of the top attractions. In a city like New York this means we barely scratched the surface, but hopefully this video will highlight the cornucopia of possibilities that is the Big Apple. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ fac...
Thanks for watching episode 2 of our new series, "Our Favorite Places" I hope this helped :) Watch Episode 1 to explore Dumbo, Brooklyn- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daSzNvd7BuE Where should we go next?! ------------------------------------------------------ SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter- https://twitter.com/tesschristine Instagram-http://instagram.com/tesschristinexo Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pages/TessCh.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shot by: https://instagram.com/moderngypsymedia ------------------------------------------------- Some Food Places Mentioned: Jacks Wife Freda- http://jackswifefreda.com/ Smile To-Go- http://www.thesmilenyc.com/ Chalk Point Kitchen- http://chalkpointkitchen.com/ Georgetown Cupcake- http://www.georgetowncup...
VLOG 260 07/23 - PARKING, FOOD, BATHROOMS, POPULAR SITES and more TIPS! Click on the TIMECODES below to hop to various points in this video or sit back and watch the whole video! PARKING 2:06 *use SmoothPark SUBWAY 4:15 *study the maps, look at the signs THE GRID 9:48 *how the streets are laid out CENTRAL PARK 11:15 *all first time visits should start or end here 53RD AND 6TH 16:33 *Halal Guys and a nice bathroom NISHIDA SHO-TEN 21:34 *my fav ramen joint TIMES SQUARE 23:38 *epicenter of NYC SUPPORT THE CHANNEL - (use my affiliate links before shopping on Amazon) Main Camera http://amzn.to/2sR5Jhh Main Drone http://amzn.to/2tkCy7s Other Camera http://amzn.to/2sQQULP Other Drone http://amzn.to/2tkACMb FOLLOW/ADD instagram - shootwithsavi + saviyou snapchat - saviyou twitter - saviyou per...
Here are some Things to do in NYC :) This 1st of a "Things to do in NYC" is the BASICS. I will do more in depth videos on neighborhoods like Harlem, Brooklyn, Lower East Side which will include shopping, entertainment, eating, all that :) But for now I hope you find this helpful and excited about exploring NYC. I didn't "forget" to list anything. This is just the first video and trust their are a million things to do. Sorry for not including Brooklyn. I rarely go out there and didn't have footage to include in this video. But here goes! As for the things I listed check them out here: Statue of Liberty, is located on Ellis Island. It's since been reopened http://www.statuecruises.com/choose_tickets.aspx Central Park is cliche and a MUST! Check out the Boat House this summer and rent a p...
New York City is a fascinating city. Here's my New York Travel Guide of Top Attractions and 40 Best Things to Do in New York City. Categorized according to neighborhood so you can plan your itinerary! http://wp.me/pNFhP-bSi This is based on things I was able to do when I was there on my last trip. New York City is an awesome place, with many Best Things to Do. =D New York Travel Guide: http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide Everything in New York happens with speed and efficiency. This quick NYC insider travel guide for sightseeing in Manhattan will take you through Things to Do, Eat and Neighborhoods to check out. It will guide you through the top attractions in NYC. Activities are listed by neighborhood so you can tackle this itinerary easily. ======================== My Other Tr...
FOLLOW MY DAILY OUTFITS/ADVENTURES - https://instagram.com/ellenextdoor/ Hi you lovely lot! Today's video is my Instagram guide to NYC. I really hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it :) Follow mega babe Jess who's here with me - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCnw2TnmA9LKvvhLF-m4wew EVERYWHERE MENTIONED; Pietro Nolita - http://www.pietronolita.com/ (174 Elizabet Street) Love Wall - On the corner of Kenmare and Mott Street The Butcher's Daughter - https://www.thebutchersdaughter.com/locations/ (19 Kenmare Street) Mott Street Carrie Bradshaw house (66 Perry Street) and pumpkin house, also Perry Street Big Gay Ice Cream shop - https://www.biggayicecream.com/ (61 Grove Street) Milk and Cream - http://www.milkandcreambar.com/menu (159 Mott Street) Black Tap - https://blacktapn...
I travel the world on my stomach...and NYC has some of the best offerings of any city in the world. So come with me as I show you 13 of my personal favorite places to chow down in the "Big Apple." Featured in this video: 1)Di Fara Pizza 1424 Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY 11230 2) Franny's (CLOSING AUGUST 20th 2017) 348 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217 (Sadly Franny's will close it's doors this August) 3) Marta The Redbury Hotel, 29 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016 4) Absolute Bagels 2788 Broadway, New York, NY 10025 5) Russ & Daughters Cafe 127 Orchard St, New York, NY 10002 6) Osteria Morini 218 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012 7) Xi'an Famous Foods (Many locations) 8) Totto Ramen (2 Locations): 366 W 52nd St, New York, NY 10019 464 W 51st St, New York, NY 10019 9) The Cannibal 600 11...
My New York Travel Vlog! Ever wonder about Fun things to do in New York. Want to know where to eat in New York? Want to see the best new york travel guide? I went to New York for the weekend and I had so much fun! Subscribe for more travel vlogs! ▼ Join the nyommyness ➜ http://bit.ly/nyoms ▼ (人◕ω◕)✨🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔🌕✨ (◕‿◕✿) 🌙 Let's be friends!! 🌙 Twitter ➜ http://twitter.com/cristinaviseu Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/nyomslife Instagram ➜ http://instagram.com/cristinaviseu Snapchat ➜ @nyom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Business Inquiries: viseu.c@gmail.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
► Please Remember to Subscribe: https://goo.gl/VJNB78 ► Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/TheMisktg ► Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/misktravelgu... ► Web/Blog : https://misktg.blogspot.com ======================== One of the greatest cities in the world. The vacation possibilities in this city are endless. New York City receives over 50 million foreign and American tourists each year. New York City has over 28,000 acres of parkland and 14 linear miles of public beaches. New York is always a whirlwind of activity, with famous sites at every turn and never enough time to see them all. The vacation possibilities in this city are endless. Here I will show you some of the Best Tourist Attractions to Visit in New York. New York - Top Things To Do The Statue of Liberty Times...
In this video I explore New York City and show how much things cost. PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. Just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Or feel like reading something else that's fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" features 26 exciting travel stories from around the world. Also available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/ Support Gabriel's videos on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/gabrieltraveler Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabrieltraveler Join Gabriel's Facebook travel group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/224985807515334/ Gabri...
We've covered living cheap in NYC, but is it possible to travel cheap? In this vlog, I break down the most common costs you will incur on a trip to New York City.. from hotel, to food, to going out at night. I've got you covered. I hope this travel tips video helps you budget and provides a basic idea of what things you can do on your next trip to New York . Be sure to subscribe and check out my New York City playlist for even more ideas ! SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/2ddsVMs NYC TIPS AND TRICKS PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/2wXVuLs Offers for Members of the Barrio: WANT $40.00 off your first Airbnb stay?: http://bit.ly/2keuwJf Join Scott's Cheap Flights to get emailed/texted about the best flight deals around the World: https://scottscheapflights.com/?id=359 (Support this channel, by buy...
Vacation travel video about destination New York City in New York. New York continues to be one of the world’s most famous cities, a true world metropolis and major symbol of the American Dream. Manhattan Island is the city’s most well known district and the Rockefeller Center in Midtown is often referred to as the heart of the New York. Nearby the Roman Catholic Saint Patrick´s Cathedral is the largest and most magnificent church in the United States. The Grand Central Terminal divides Park Avenue and is a huge station with which the railroad kings, the Venderbilts, left an indelible mark. The huge hall, with its magnificent vaulted ceiling in Beaux Arts style, has been the city’s central railway station for twelve lines since 1913. The confines of Chinatown are inhabited by a hundred a...
Essentials for your US and New York travel. Be prepared for your trip and know these trivia and fun facts :) Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Feel free to follow us on Instagram: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ and let us know what would you like to see! Honest Guide is the only guide you need :) Well.. sort of :) We only show you what we like and what we think you should see when travelling. We'll show you around :) And we hope you'll have an amazing time! If so, please let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page :) Thank you for your support! Honza Mikulka & ...
Our recent trip to New York City where we visited as many sights as we could in a day.
It was so impossible for me to mention all my favorite places I’ve discovered in NYC over the past 5 years-there are just too many! This city has so many amazing things to offer and I honestly find new ones every week. But, here it is, my (very compiled) travel guide to New York City! An ode to the city that made my dreams come true. Thanks for everything, New York- I’ll be back. PLACES MENTIONED ⇣ -Washington Square Park -Carbone: 181 Thompson Street -By Chloe: 185 Bleecker Street -The Kati Roll Company: 99 MacDougal Street -Insomnia Cookies: 116 MacDougal Street -Artichoke Basille’s Pizza: 111 MacDougal Street -Off the Wagon: 109 MacDougal Street -Minetta Tavern: 113 MacDougal Street -Rosemary’s: 18 Greenwich Avenue -Bagatelle NYC: 1 Little West 12th Street -Happiest Hour: 121 West 1...
Take a bite out of the Big Apple and fall in love with the ‘city that never sleeps’ with the Virgin Atlantic Guide to New York. To find out even more about New York, read Virgin Atlantic's destination guide here: http://www.virgin-atlantic.com/ideas-lowestfares/destination-guides/newyork.html