Showing posts with label libraries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label libraries. Show all posts

13 August 2012

Was Worldcat Designed By People Who Actually Use Libraries?

Update: Attention has been paid! Please see the comments for a nice response from a WorldCat representative. We now have an answer to the title question: Yes.

My beloved university library has now switched over from an in-house computerized catalogue to using WorldCat. There are definite advantages to this, and some neat things WorldCat can do.

But for all its many useful features, I wonder: Does anybody at WorldCat actually use libraries?

02 November 2011


Google has done gone and broke Google Reader, removing the sharing function to encourage people to use Google Plus instead. This means the "Fresh Links" section over on the sidebar is no longer able to be refreshed, and I'll probably go back to occasionally doing linkdump posts. Here, for instance, are some links:

08 April 2008

Libraries of the Dead!

I haven't used LibraryThing because I know if I started I would become obsessive and not stop, which means I'd spend all my waking hours cataloguing my books. So I never knew about some of the fun to be had with LibraryThing until I saw this great linkdump from Free Range Librarian with a link to ... are you ready......


which is a group pulling together information on the personal libraries (some in progress, some complete) of various famous dead people. For instance: James Joyce, Karen Blixen, Danilo Kis, Sylvia Plath, Walker Percy, Ezra Pound, Robert E. Howard, and Tupac Shakur.

Alas, no Borges. Yet.