  • Novara Fundraiser

    2.011 weergaven 1 maand geleden

    The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling living standards, a climate crisis, the rise of the far-right. More than ever, we need a resilient Left. This means we need a strong Left media, capable of thinking honestly about the issues facing us, tackling these issues head-on, as well as reaching out to those who aren’t yet on side. Our wide range of output – from listicles to essays, from punchy videos to in-depth discussions – does exactly that.

    But all this costs money: studio rent, equipment, contributor fees and digital infrastructure. We do a lot with a little, but we can’t do anything with nothing. We won’t charge for content or cash in on sponsorship deals with Pepsi. We don’t have private fortunes, or state backers, or big capital behind us – we just have you.

    Not everyone can afford to give – but if you enjoy our work, and you believe in what we’re doing, maybe you could forego a couple of your preferred beverages this month and lend us a hand instead. In the longer term, growing our regular subscriber base will allow us to meet the future well-prepared – so if you can spare a few quid a month, why not sign up for a regular subscription?

    We’ve achieved so much already – but the truth is, we’ve barely begun. Be a part of the change. Help us build a new media for a different politics. Minder weergeven
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  • Uploads Alles afspelen

    • The Fix Live - 220617 - w/ Ash Sarkar & James Butler - Duur: 34 minuten.

      • 1 dag geleden
      • 1.704 weergaven
      The Fix Live with Michael Walker, Ash Sarkar and James Butler.


      The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling living standards, a climate crisis, the rise of the ...
    • The Fix Live - 120617 - The Beginning - Duur: 1 uur, 4 minuten.

      • 1 dag geleden
      • 1.206 weergaven
      After our marathon #ElectionSesh we decided to kick off a twice weekly live show! Here is the first episode which was exclusively streamed on Facebook Live. Now available on YouTube.

    • The Fix Live - 190617 - w/ David Vujanic - Duur: 55 minuten.

      • Gestreamd: 4 dagen geleden
      • 2.631 weergaven
      starts at 05:05
      On this episode of The Fix Live Michael Walker and Aaron Bastani were joined by musician, artist and all round nice guy David Vujanic of FIFA & Chill / 4N Boyz fame.
    • The Fix Live - 150617 - w/ Kirsty Major, Ash Sarkar. - Duur: 1 uur, 6 minuten.

      • Gestreamd: 1 week geleden
      • 4.748 weergaven
      Michael Walker, Aaron Bastani, Kirsty Major and Ash Sarkar discuss the Grenfell tower tragedy.
    • Corbyn's Detractors are Out of Touch - Duur: 118 seconden.

      • 1 week geleden
      • 3.149 weergaven
      After last week’s result how out of touch were Corbyn’s detractors?



      The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling living standards, a climate crisis, the rise o...
    • 50 Years of Occupation - Duur: 4 minuten, 48 seconden.

      • 1 week geleden
      • 1.734 weergaven
      As the UK reels from the results of #GE2017, this week marks 50 years since the 1967 Six-Day War, which resulted in Israel's occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza and the Syrian Golan.
    • Cafe Corbyn - Duur: 76 seconden.

      • 2 weken geleden
      • 4.013 weergaven
      Hussein is an ordinary guy, he owns a cafe in Finsbury Park. He has been friends with Jeremy Corbyn for 9 years.

      A film by Whalebone Films for Novara Media.



    • Lowkey Interview: We need Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister - Duur: 21 minuten.

      • 2 weken geleden
      • 13.822 weergaven
      Michael Walker talks to Lowkey as he explains why Jeremy Corbyn must be the UK's next Prime Minister.



      The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling living stan...
    • Interview with Paul Mason - Duur: 14 minuten.

      • 2 weken geleden
      • 7.281 weergaven
      Ahead of tomorrow's election Aaron Bastani spoke to writer and broadcaster Paul Mason.



      The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling living standards, a climate...
    • We have to stop arming the Saudis - Duur: 7 minuten, 9 seconden.

      • 2 weken geleden
      • 3.439 weergaven
      The worst thing that the British government is doing today is supporting the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen’s civil war.

      It should be a national scandal, but at the moment, it isn’t even an elec...
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    • Corbyn is the absolute boy - Duur: 2 minuten, 18 seconden.

      • 2 weken geleden
      • 25.570 weergaven


      The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling living standards, a climate crisis, the rise of the far-right. More than ever, we need a resilient Left. This means...
    • We have to get rid of tuition fees - Duur: 7 minuten, 13 seconden.

      • 3 weken geleden
      • 3.969 weergaven
      Labour have pledged to abolish tuition fees. Aaron Bastani serves up 8 reasons why this is an excellent policy.


      The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling liv...
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  • #IMOBastani w/ Aaron Bastani Alles afspelen

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  • Shon This Way Alles afspelen

    • What Does it Mean to be Queer? - Duur: 5 minuten, 52 seconden.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 14.846 weergaven
      Is everyone transgender? Can straight people identify as queer?

      Shon Faye asks: If queerness is defined by a rejection of labels how should queers differentiate and support the identities most vul...
    • Is it time to abolish masculinity? - Duur: 5 minuten, 51 seconden.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 8.625 weergaven
      With men responsible for so many of the world’s problems you could be forgiven for thinking there is no hope left for masculinity. But what is masculinity, how can it be understood and taken apart ...
    • Trans People Need Feminism and Other Feminisms Need Us - Duur: 6 minuten, 26 seconden.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 3.557 weergaven
      Shon Faye on patriarchy, misogyny and why mainstream feminism has to include Trans women.

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    • Gay Pride & Capitalism: What is Pinkwashing? - Duur: 5 minuten, 13 seconden.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 7.588 weergaven
      As pride season approaches Shon Faye looks at how corporations and governments have co-opted the LGBT movement.

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    • The Politics of Queer Sex - Duur: 6 minuten, 25 seconden.

      • 6 maanden geleden
      • 3.797 weergaven
      Is sex political? Are our fantasies innate? In a culture in which queer sex is still seen as an aberration, Shon Faye examines how the bodies and desires of queer people become politicised by healt...
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    • LGBT History: What's The Point? - Duur: 6 minuten, 18 seconden.

      • 3 maanden geleden
      • 3.697 weergaven
      "What's significant about understanding our histories now in the face of fascism is understanding how queer identity never has been and never can be separated from other struggles"

      As Donald Trump...
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  • Interviews Alles afspelen

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  • #OMFGSarkar w/ Ash Sarkar Alles afspelen

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  • Populaire uploads Alles afspelen

    • Jeremy Corbyn: 'Things Are Not Going To Be The Same In 2020' - Duur: 20 minuten.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 78.857 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani talks to Labour leadership hopeful Jeremy Corbyn about his candidacy and asks what a Corbyn government would mean for constitutional reform, policing, care work, sexism and more besid...
    • 'They Will Want To Bleed Him To Death': Owen Jones on Corbyn, Labour and the Future of the Left - Duur: 16 minuten.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 74.041 weergaven
      Journalist, writer and Labour activist Owen Jones sat down with Novara Media to talk about what Corbynmania means for the left wing movements.
      Interview: Aaron Bastani
      Camera/Edit: Ralph Pritchard
    • Brexit, Labour, Immigration & Trident - Paul Mason in conversation - Duur: 34 minuten.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 31.370 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani talks to journalist and filmmaker Paul Mason on immigration caps, keeping trident and why he ditched mainstream TV journalism to rally behind Labour under Jeremy Corbyn.

      Chapter poin...
    • Why the left should vote to leave the EU - Duur: 10 minuten.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 31.311 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani, famously pro-Brexit left commentator gives his four reasons why the EU can't be relied upon for democracy, social justice and freedom. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and o...
    • Fully Automated Luxury Communism! - Duur: 8 minuten, 50 seconden.

      • 2 jaar geleden
      • 30.266 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani explains 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism', a post-capitalist utopia.
      #imoBastani #NovaraTV
      IMO w/ Aaron Bastani - Every Monday on Novara Media

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    • Yanis Varoufakis on Europe, UKIP and Post-Capitalism - Duur: 26 minuten.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 28.883 weergaven
      Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis sits down with Aaron Bastani to discuss everything from Nigel Farage and the rise of xenophobia in the Eurozone to the intricacies of Marxism and the ...
    • Corbyn is the absolute boy - Duur: 2 minuten, 18 seconden.

      • 2 weken geleden
      • 25.570 weergaven


      The UK is facing an economic crisis, falling living standards, a climate crisis, the rise of the far-right. More than ever, we need a resilient Left. This means...
    • Do not vote for the Liberal Democrats - Duur: 5 minuten, 22 seconden.

      • 2 maanden geleden
      • 19.743 weergaven
      This election offers two distinct offers; Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn, Barbarism or Socialism.
      Don't get fooled by Tim Farron and his yellow Tories they offer nothing on the issues that really ef...
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    • The Unbearable Whiteness of Brexit - Race, class & the EU Referendum on the streets of Barking. - Duur: 12 minuten.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 18.848 weergaven
      Ash Sarkar visits Barking, an east-end suburb of London which voted 62% leave, to speak to residents and explore the way class and race are mobilised as ways to understand inequality and political ...
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    • The Soapbox: What Is Fascism? - Duur: 12 minuten.

      • 5 maanden geleden
      • 16.697 weergaven
      What are we talking about when we talk about fascism? Eleanor Penny (@eleanorkpenny) takes a closer look.
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    • Contradictions Of Capitalism with David Harvey - Duur: 21 minuten.

      • 3 jaar geleden
      • 15.914 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) talks to David Harvey about capitalism, crisis and social movements.

      Camera: Ralph Pritchard @RalphPritchard

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    • 'This is a very British coup' - John McDonnell - Duur: 12 minuten.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 15.778 weergaven
      Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell sits down with Aaron Bastani to talk #CorbynCoup, freedom of movement and the purpose of the Labour Party.

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  • Terms of Engagement w/ James Butler Alles afspelen

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  • Comment Alles afspelen

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  • The Fix Alles afspelen

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  • Reports Alles afspelen

    • Report from #RentersVote - Duur: 2 minuten, 56 seconden.

      • 1 maand geleden
      • 874 weergaven
      ACORN in Bristol are a community union with a special interest in housing. They have been organising on the streets to help those with no fixed abode register to vote. This includes the homeless, w...
      • CC
    • Report #standuptotrump - Duur: 2 minuten, 29 seconden.

      • 4 maanden geleden
      • 1.172 weergaven
      Eleanor Penny talks to some of the estimated fifty thousand people who flocked to an emergency demonstration at Downing Street against Trump's ban on muslims entering the United States.
      • CC
    • 'We make their profits' - Deliveroo Workers on Strike - Duur: 2 minuten, 20 seconden.

      • 10 maanden geleden
      • 8.625 weergaven
      Deliveroo workers have been on strike demanding better pay and conditions, Aaron Bastani went along to a recent protest to see how they've been organising.

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    • UK Black Lives Matter Activists #Shutdown the M4 - Duur: 2 minuten, 20 seconden.

      • 10 maanden geleden
      • 6.062 weergaven
      This morning, UK Black Lives Matter activists blocked off the M4 towards Heathrow airport in protest at deaths in police custody and the racist policing of borders. Ash Sarkar reports on the ‪#‎Shu...
    • Thousands Attend Westminster Rally to #KeepCorbyn - Duur: 7 minuten, 38 seconden.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 4.203 weergaven
      Thousands of Labour supporters and activists turned out for the #KeepCorbyn rally yesterday evening Joana Ramiro spoke with Paul Mason, Richard Burgon and others…

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    • Thousands Attend #KeepCorbyn Rally - Duur: 8 minuten, 7 seconden.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 59 weergaven
      Joana Ramiro speaks to Paul Mason, and Richard Burgon at the Keep Corbyn rally - called within 48 hours in response to the recent Labour leadership coup.
    • 'This is a vote for the status quo' - Spanish Elections Conclusions - Duur: 7 minuten, 10 seconden.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 1.497 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani and Michael Walker reflect on the underwhelming performance of Unidos Podemos in the elections - looking at the parties

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    • 'A Terrible Night For The Radical Left in Europe' - Spanish Election Results - Duur: 2 minuten, 23 seconden.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 1.570 weergaven
      Michael Walker and Aaron Bastani respond to the results of the Spanish Elections where the radical left party Podemos did less well than expected, coming third. The end result is inconclusive and a...
    • 'Pragmatism, Not Euphoria' - Exit Polls Response - Duur: 4 minuten, 5 seconden.

      • 11 maanden geleden
      • 627 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani and Michael Walker discuss Podemos and the exit polls which put Podemos ahead of the centre left party PSOE.

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    • Is this England's Referendum? - Duur: 6 minuten, 37 seconden.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 2.656 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani visited his home city of Bournemouth this week to ask holidayers and locals how they would vote in the Brexit referendum and what their major grievances are with politics today.

    • Here's what went down at #ResignCameron - Duur: 5 minuten, 44 seconden.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 3.321 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani visits a last-minute protest demanding the Prime Minister resigns over recent tax revelations. He came to ask protesters there thoughts, but made sure to troll the cops while he was t...
    • 'They Don't Keep the Peace, They Keep the Chaos' - "Light Touch" Policing at Student Protest - Duur: 7 minuten, 50 seconden.

      • 1 jaar geleden
      • 3.751 weergaven
      Aaron Bastani reports from the latest NCAFC demonstration for free education, directly challenging the police about their role in creating disruptions at peaceful gatherings and damaging the Met's ...
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