
Scuttle the Shuttle: Lyft, strikes and blockades

Bus blockade in Durban

A lot of discussion around Lyft Shuttle derides it for doing little more than reinvent the city bus. What this forgets, however, is that transit and distribution are the last remaining sectors in the US that are really vulnerable to strikes.

Initial notes on the first-ever strike at Volkswagen Bratislava, Slovakia

On June 20th, 2017, a strike began at the Volkswagen factory near Bratislava, Slovakia. This is the largest and most modern car factory in a country whose annual production of cars per capita is the highest in the world. There had never been a strike at Volkswagen Bratislava before.

The women's day massacre, 1937

A striker wounded in the women's day massacre

A short account of the 19 June killing of 16 people and wounding of 283 by police during a demonstration of women and children in support of a steel workers' strike.

List of green bans, 1971-1974

Green bans map

A list and map of green bans in New South Wales from 1971, compiled in June 1974. Green bans were refusals of construction workers to work on environment- and community-damaging building projects.

East Germany, June 1953

Workers fight tanks, East Germany 17 June 1953

A short account of the East German working class mass strike and uprising in 1953, which was crushed by Russian tanks, written by Andy Blunden in 1993.

A history of trade unionism in the Philippines

Workers demonstrate in the Philippines

A detailed account of the history of the workers' movement in the Philippines, by the International Communist Current. We disagree with the articles references to decadence theory, however reproduce it for its detailed historical information.

The UK coalminers’ dispute, 1973-4

Miners picket a colliery in Doncaster, 1974

A short account of the national coal miners’ dispute in the winter of 1973-4 which led to the three-day week, the collapse of the Conservative government and a 35% pay increase for the miners.

Production control in Japan

Post-war Japan saw a major strike wave. Due to shortages of nearly all necessities, some of the strikes took the form of 'production control' where workers occupied workplaces and continued production to meet direct needs.

Anger from the underground: Bulgarian miners in wildcat strike

The miners from Obrochishte - the third largest manganese mine in the world, located in eastern Bulgaria, went on wildcat strike on 01.06.2017. The strike was supported by the anarchosyndicalists from ARS (Avtonomen Rabotnicheski Sindikat / Autonomous Workers Union), while the bureaucratic union in the mine opposed the strike and sided with the bosses.

IWW strike timeline, 1905-1920

Oliver Steel strike demonstration, Pittsburgh, 1911-12

A timeline of strikes led supported by the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States 1905-1920.