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The one tennis lesson Tomic never learnt

Bill O'Chee

Published: July 11 2017 - 9:46PM

Bernard Tomic is a man who is not making many friends, neither inside tennis nor outside it.  His tantrums on and off the court, his lack of respect for the game, and his lack of respect for the fans who ultimately pay his lifestyle, show that he is not listening to many people.  Tomic is clearly a lost soul.  That's why he needs to talk to former US Olympic gold medallist Jimmy Shea, and sooner rather than later.   Shea is the real deal. The grandson of a double Olympic gold medallist, and the son of an Olympian, Jimmy was the world's first third-generation Olympic athlete, who won his own gold medal at the 2002 Salt Lake Games.   He has some lessons Tomic really needs to learn. I first met Jimmy at a bobsled track in Austria, when we were both competing in a skeleton World Cup event.  We became travelling companions, occasional roommates and lifelong best friends. It would be easy to think Jimmy Shea was born with a sporting silver spoon, but it wasn't so.  When he was at school he was considered a slow learner, and was put in a special school.  I get the strong impression that he was treated very poorly during this time in his life, but he would never be one to say that; it's just not his way.  A fierce competitor on the track, Jimmy is universally known as a gentleman by his fellow competitors.    When he won his Olympic gold medal, he famously said that he wasn't a hero.  The real praise, he said, should go to the athletes from the smaller nations, who didn't grow up anywhere near a bobsled track and had little chance of winning a gold medal, but did the sport for the pure love of it. That's a lesson Tomic needs to learn.  One day, perhaps not very far away, he won't be an athlete any more. What will he have to show for it?  Will he really be happy with his cars and flashy house?  I doubt it.  That's when it will dawn on him that the greatest gift tennis could bestow was the chance to win the love and friendship of his fellow competitors.   Bernard Tomic also needs to learn to respect his sport.  I remember arriving in St Moritz one year for a World Cup race.  It was a time before Jimmy became a legend.  He lined us all up and insisted we go to the local delicatessen to visit Nino Bibbia, the oldest surviving Olympic gold medallist in our sport.  His reason was simple: true sportsmen respect their sport, and respect its history.   Can Tomic say the same thing?  Hardly. He shows no respect for his sport.  He shouldn't be surprised if the sport, ultimately, doesn't respect him. Tomic's problem is that he thinks money equals respect.  It doesn't.  Prize money, and even sporting achievement itself, are only ever part of the story.  The great sportsmen and women shine on and off the field.   I love sport for the way it lets us transcend our other limitations; for the way it lets us dream, and the way those dreams occasionally come true.  But true greatness, as my friend Jimmy Shea demonstrates every day, is what we do with that achievement when we step away from the track.  True greatness is how we inspire greatness in others, and how we consider and care for those around us. I hope, one day, Bernard Tomic will understand this too.

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