
Editorial Why is Macron rolling out the red carpet for Trump?

Trump in particular appears to delight in being pitched as the underdog, the outsider. There is a degree of sense, therefore, in seeking to bring him inside the diplomatic tent where he will be forced to speak to people beyond his inner circle of lackeys

Editorial Al Jazeera should not be shut down

For its rivals to require that the plug be pulled on the Doha-based service is a remarkable and outrageous step; and ultimately an assault on press freedom, precious little of which exists in the region 

Editorial It's time for action on the blocks at risk like Grenfell

Nicholas Holgate quit following harsh criticism of Kensington council’s inadequate response, although he claimed he had been asked to stand down by the Local Government Secretary Sajid Javid. Javid’s office denied the contention. Is anyone prepared to take responsibility for anything?

Editorial What we can learn from the Finsbury Park Mosque attack

Though little, in reality, can ever be done about a single terrorist driving a vehicle into any group of innocent people, there are already some lessons that emerge from this episode, and arguably ones that should have occurred to the authorities before