Chand-led dissident Maoist group officially forms CPN Maoist

[The people of Nepal have a long history of revolutionary struggle, in the course of which they have been repeatedly betrayed by bourgeois nationalists, revisionists, and opportunists of many stripes.  Yet they continue to rise and struggle forward, through and over so many obstacles.  Now, a new Maoist party has been announced, aiming to serve the revolutionary interests of the Nepalese people, beginning with openly challenging those who have failed to serve those revolutionary interests since the open reversal and destruction of the People’s Liberation Army and liberated zones in the countryside in 2006.  We share with the Nepalese people the hope that this new effort will truly meet the difficult challenges ahead by rebuilding the base in the countryside and nationwide, reestablish the instruments of struggle and power, and carry through the struggle against revisionism and opportunism.  The Nepalese people have contributed much to revolution throughout the world, and will, we believe, find the ways to carry that struggle to new heights. — Frontlines ed.], Tuesday, 02 December 2014
Netra Bikran Chand ‘Biplav’-led breakaway faction of the CPN-Maoist Monday announced the official formation of a new party Communist Party of Nepal Maoist.

Netra Bikran Chand ‘Biplav’-led breakaway faction of the CPN-Maoist Monday announced the official formation of a new party Communist Party of Nepal Maoist.

Netra Bikran Chand ‘Biplav’-led breakaway faction of the CPN-Maoist Monday announced the official formation of a new party Communist Party of Nepal Maoist.

Organising a press conference in Kathmandu on Monday, December 1, 2014, the newly formed party urged the ruling coalition parties to implement in full the 12-point understanding, the interim constitution and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

The group, which had recently announced it had severed ties with CPN-Maoist led by Mohan Baidhya, appealed to the parties to set change its attitude of treating Maoist forces peremptorily, and try and not isolate the former insurgent-fighters from the political process and deprive the people of their rights. Continue reading

Bangladeshi Maoists open critical discussion with Nepali Maoists

[Developments and struggles between revolutionary and revisionist political lines in Nepal, among many who have identified themselves as Maoists (in one sense or another), continue to spark polemics among revolutionaries in South Asia as well as throughout the world.  In this Open Letter from Maoists in Bangladesh, recent moves and statements by the new (and newly restored) Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) are questioned and challenged for their clarity and direction.  In the course of this Letter, critical (still-unexamined and unresolved) issues for the worldwide Maoist movement are raised.  —  Frontlines ed.]

CPMLM-BD: An Open Letter to the Sincere Comrades of Nepal

(14 August 2013)

Comrades and friends,

Red Salute!

We are sending this letter at a time when the sun of revolution in Nepal has already gone down long before. The people’s war that was earth shaking event in contemporary world that even after liberating eighty percent areas of the country has collapsed because of the betrayal line of the leaders, and as a consequence, all the achievements were lost. Now there is no People’s War, no Liberated Areas and no People’s Liberation Army. There is no hope remaining except the people. Besides, there are many sincere revolution seeking leaders and cadres who generally exist in every country as a result of revolutionary process.

The former Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)-being a member of Revolutionary Internationalist Movement rose against Maoism, abandoned the Path of Revolution, disarmed people and dismantled Base Areas. RIM committee hided those betrayal, advocated a secret Two Lines struggle, upheld coexistence with opportunism and adopted an incorrect method of restricting Line Struggle, and thus RIM committee resigned leading role of RIM. By presenting ideology as ’ Maoism or Mao thought’, led by Prachanda-Baburam the revisionists transformed Communist party of Nepal (Maoist) to Unified communist party of Nepal (Maoist). It was final rejection of Maoism. Prachanda-Baburam revisionists showed that present world and domestic situation is not favorable for revolution, so, compromise should be made. They said of so called bourgeoisie democracy instead of New Democracy. Through the so called peace talk, they made People’s Liberation Army surrender to reactionary army, and by surrendering achieved land and power to the exploiters, became imperialist- expansionists’ lackey the fascist Bureaucratic Bourgeoisie. On the other side, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA also made leap to their own revisionism. Both CPN (Maoist) and RCP USA, seeing only the outer appearance of globalized named imperialist world, and not by seeing its contradictory and moribund essence, presented it as unipolar and showed that war or revolution is not inevitable. They declared Marxism as insufficient. Both of them abandoned the concept of Proletarian Dictatorship that is a basic tenet of Marxism. Even RCP branded the confidence on Marxist Philosophy as Political Truth and hoisted the flag of non-Political Truth.

With the start of the New Year 2013, Communist party of Nepal (Maoist) has again been formed. They had invited us to their founding conference, which is their party’s 7th congress. For that we express our gratitude to them. It is to mention that a significant number of sincere Maoist leaders and cadres have united in this party, many of whom have working experience in International Communist Movement. Some days ago, a party representative of our party had a discussion with two high rank leadership of CPN (Maoist). They are hopeful that CPN (Maoist) will lead the revolution and they emphasized on building a new Communist International and rebuilding organization like Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organizations. All know that internationally we made various joint statement with MLMist Communist Parties of Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, France, Spain, Belgium, Arab and Afghanistan where we struggled the successive opportunism existing in International Communist Movement such as opportunism within the leadership of RIM Committee, Avakianism, Prachandism and Centrism, and at the same time, we put forward the importance of an advance Thought for building a new Communist International. In this context, we want to raise some points to the sincere comrades within Communist party of Nepal (Maoist) and also we want to attract attention of the sincere comrades outside that party to the same points. Continue reading

Nepal: Landless peasants and Maoists (CPN-M) struggle for land, against landlord in government

[This struggle for land has been ongoing for years.  Since the abandonment of the People’s War by the UCPN-M, Maoist defenders of the peasant land seizures have continued to hold and seize the lands of feudal landlords.  See the two articles on recent actions, followed by news of an earlier (2011) confrontation in Bardiya. — Frontlines ed.]


Baidya cadres seize Regmi land

KAMAL PANTHI , The Kathmandu Post

BARDIYA, APR 03 – Workers of the Mohan Baidya-led CPN-Maoist have captured around 6.7 hectares of land belonging to Chairman of the Interim Election Government Khil Raj Regmi in Khairichandanpur VDC-7 in the district.
Around 25 Maoist activists led by district secretary Drabya Shah announced the seizure by hoisting the party’s flags on the land on Tuesday night. They shouted anti-government slogans and demanded Regmi’s resignation. The party claimed it captured around 23 hectares of the land belonging to the Regmi family. Shah said they captured the property as per the party’s policy.
Chief District Officer Dhruba Raj Joshi said the land was registered in the name of Regmi’s wife Shanta.
Police reached the site on Wednesday morning and removed the flags from the land. Continue reading

The Nepalese Revolution in the Clasp of Reformism and Revisionism

[The following is a statement from the Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist Leninist on the current situation facing the international communist movement, with special attention on the effect of the Nepalese abandonment of the People’s War.  It is a very timely assessment based on seriously probing issues that affect not only the Nepalese, but revolutionaries throughout the world. — Frontlines ed.]


Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist Leninist (TKP/ML), October 2012

Following the death of Comrade Mao Zedong, similar to the process that took place after the death of Comrade Stalin, modern revisionism seized the party and the state power, and caused serious damages to the world revolutionary front. Having suffered heavy blows in the hands of modern revisionism, the International Communist Movement (ICM), despite having benefited from a series of class war and struggle practices, including the one waged in Turkey, has not been able to stand against the ideological offensives of imperialism, which gained considerable momentum especially during the 1990s.

In the circumstances where resistance was not organized strongly enough, communist forces sustained severe injuries throughout the process. While some of them sank in their capsized ships, yet some were swept to the opposite shores. Only the few “lucky” survived, considering the survival a major success in the given circumstances. There were several exceptional development by those who came up with accurate analyses and correct policies to advance the people’s war. Even these, however, found it impossible to advance without getting caught by the storm.

The most important defeat in people’s war experiences in recent history was suffered by Gonzalo led Communist Party of Peru (CPP). Despite having shown serious advances in revolution, the CPP failed to carry its success through the final stage. Those who explain the defeat in practical and tactical matters, which led to a severe blow in the leadership, or even in political approaches, are missing the chance to see the reality. Assessments regarding the revolution and people’s war that were revealed by the leadership under the conditions of captivity point out to a drift away from the fundamental philosophical principles of MLM science.

The same situation appears to be present in the process of Nepalese revolution as well. What is even more concerning is the fact that similar dangers are reproduced in the cases of certain components of the ICM, which inevitably leads to serious negative consequences in terms of absorbing and practicing Marxist ideology. As an action guideline, the Marxist ideology must first be correctly understood as a philosophy; as a reasoning method. Based on this comprehension, it can be applied for the analysis of class struggle and transferred to political arena.

Truth must be derived from the facts but in order to achieve this one needs appropriate methods and know-hows.   The materialist character of dialectic is shaped according to the correct conception of economic, social and political laws. Marxism is not a heap of dogmas but rather a science that breaks down the codes of today’s system; it contains a set of thesis and diagnoses that are proven to be correct and valid. Thanks to its ageless essence, its power to explain the transformation, and its structure that is open to further development, its light hasn’t dimmed; its mission as a guide is still on. Continue reading

Nepal: Badiya faction-led alliance announces growing challenge to ‘fascist govt’

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Revolutionaries in Nepal protest against liquidation and surrender of PLA
Revolutionaries in Nepal protesting against UCPM-M Party Headquarters’ decision to liquidate and surrender of the People’s Liberation Army

Baidhya faction spills PLA handover anger on streetsKathmandu Post, KATHMANDU, APR 11 – Miffed by the Special Committee decision to hand over the PLA cantonments, weapons and combatants to the Nepal Army, Maoist hardliners led by senior Vice Chairman Mohan Baidhya on Wednesday took to the streets all across the country against party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai.

The faction burnt effigies of Dahal and Bhattarai as well as took out a torch rally and staged an one-hour long chhakajam. Accusing Dahal and PM Baburam Bhattarai of betraying ‘revolution’, the hardline faction has launched protests against its own government. Hundreds of cadres close to the radical faction staged chakkajam for an hour at 10 am, bringing vehicular movement in various parts of country to a standstill. Similarly, they organised a torch rally and burnt effigies of Dahal and Bhattarai throughout the country.

However, police broke up a torch rally at Ranta Park rally in the Capital, which was led by party General Secretary Ram Bahadur Thapa. Security personnel from the Metropolitan Police Range Hanumandhoka used force to disrupt the rally after protesters attempted to burn effigies.

“Police baton-charged during our rally in an attempt to foil our protest,” said a Maoist Central Committee member close to Baidya Maheshwor Dahal. However, police said minimum force was used as the protesters who tried to violate the rules and regulations. The faction has been saying that bringing the PLA combatants and cantonments under the Army without concluding the process of integrating Maoist combatants was a surrender by the party. It has also threatened not to participate in the process of bringing the PLA fighters, cantonments and arms under the NA control.

Posted on: 2012-04-12 Continue reading

Nepal–“Party Could Split if We are Suppressed”: Gajurel

Sunsari, Sep 15: UCPN (Maoist) Secretary CP Gajurel has warned that the party might split if the establishment does not correct its course. Stating that they do not want the party to split, Gajurel said, “We are trying hard not to split the party but if the establishment tries to suppress the others it might split.”Condemning the establishment for resorting to physical violence, Gajurel said that it would not yield any positivity. “Can’t we even have a healthy debate within the party? If the establishment wants to dominate we would not keep mum,” said Gajurel.Addressing a convention of Baidya-faction at Sunsari, Gajurel also accused Prime Minister and party Vice Chairman Baburam Bhattarai of deviating from his ideologies after being elected as the prime minister. Continue reading

Nepal PLA Integration with National Nepal Army: UCPN(M) formally agree to Army-proposed modality

[Maoist Revolutionaries in the UCPN(M) are questioning and challenging this week’s agreement–is it more of a surrender or defeat than a successful peace move and step forward? — Frontlines ed.]


The UCPN (Maoist) on Thursday formally decided to accept the modality offered by Nepal Army—a separate directorate within the Army for the integration of its former combatants.

The party’s Standing Committee took the decision after its proposal for a separate or a mixed force for the combatants was rejected by the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML.  The decision comes amid growing pressure on Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal to expedite the peace process before the May 28 deadline of the Constituent Assembly.

The Standing Committee decided that the proposal to set up the Directorate of National Development and Security forwarded by Nepal Army early this year was “an appropriate” integration modality.

Dahal went ahead with his proposal with support from Vice Chairman Baburam Bhattarai and Narayan Kaji Shrestha. This left the hardliners in the party fuming. Continue reading