No Progress 

This is Northam. But you might have guessed that. 

About The Lazy Aussie

Commended Haiku writer. A lover of The West's Worst. Perth stand-up comedian, photographer and writer.
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5 Responses to No Progress 

  1. Rong1 says:



  2. you'll get wet says:

    Anyone know Hickson, from a port city south of Perth known as Fremantle?

    ‘Striking statues that have kept watch over Warriu Park in Western Australia’s majestic Kimberley for 28 years are being restored to their former glory…original commissioning of the statues that took Fremantle sculptor Andrew Hickson a year to create…Mr Hickson, who is based at Fremantle, a port city south of Perth, was this week back at Warriu Park working with a team of local men to repair damage to a spear, dingo, snake and child.’


    • Sir Bill International says:

      YGW , your quote is taken from
      Andrew Hickson is also responsible for the Big Ram at Wagin, and the Big Crocodile at Wyndham. He also has mesothelioma.


      • you'll get wet says:

        tnx. if you get a chance tell him that worsts can be improved. eg Big Croc.

        My mate Stick fell off the Wyndham meatworks wharf and was taken. First year skipper of the Port Grey, from a well known, respected Gero maritime family, doing Indian Bananas in JBG when they were first discovered. E.Kimberley Shire should place a list of it’s victims at Big Crocs paws, in remembrance. You know, connect with history. One day they may even get around to Forrest River.


  3. Zuben says:

    What we get now are shiny big birds next to future cable car stops in already vibrant urban waterfront wonderlands … portentious really , to be ok to be popular


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