
MLT saw this in the Murray St. Mall and immediately reported it to the authorities. It does look serious! Kill the dog serious.joop

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Mandurah, by Alasdair.manrap.jpg

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Pert City Summit

I attended The Perth City Summit, held at 8:30 am on Saturday, (presumably in order to avoid serving free piss). Fare was scones and mini croissants. Not a mini quiche to be seen! Teh second string Verity James was in the chair, i.e. James Lush. Or was he playing barrel girl to the newsreader that I didn’t recognise? Vo?Voss? Something. There was a palpable anti She-Ra Scaffidi air to the event, falling just short of hisses. It wasn’t all a total waste of time. A lot of mush, like John Carey’s by the numbers played as Ted Talk lite “inspiration”, and a lot of worthy but meaningless proposals. Upliftingly, if I may put it that way, the cablecar was lolled off the agenda. There were some actual specifics that could perhaps get done amongst the “have a strategy for this” or  “be more of this”. It was at the Convention Centre. A Segway tour went by. In summary, everything from red tape to parking fees for events seemed to be She-Ra Scaffidi’s fault somehow. Things I did like:
Night Cat Bus
Swimming Pool in city
Indigenous Mayor (our table)
Night Mayor, (because I could totally be that)

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Outrage Sunday 308 Turnbull

It was going off in Teh Pert yesterday. I saw a South African woman appear in court accused of having cocaine in books when she arrived at the airport. Unusual Book Week idea! Our overlord TLA was at the Perth City Summit with Diana Warnock, Tim Hammond, and the usual envibrancers (but not She-Ra). They talked about a night CAT bus! I popped in on a demo in the shadow of Grow Your Own. Fantastic! You don’t see the WA flag often enough. They said don’t put glitter in the envelope. Outside Toastface Grillah I spoke with a man who told me aliens from Vega had put together a ticket for the local government elections. I’m no expert, but I think as long as they’re renting at least a granny flat they’re ok.

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

The Damage Done

I’m glad to be getting out of the scene, because this is what we have become.  Vegemite on $9 artis-anal black bread. No satire can deal with it at the moment. I’m leaving it to the Stormie Mills and the Wintons and the deserted streets of Fremantle and Subi. The registered lawns and the C&B jockeys. We tried to make a difference, but it just wasn’t enough. 

Posted in worst food, worst of perth | Tagged | 25 Comments

Cutting your Grass


By Casual Observer. Subiaco. It’s kind of calming. I will miss the registered lawns. I note also that The Vic Hotel in Subi is likely closing. Which will add yet another closed business node to the hub. Soon the closed businesses will stretch unbroken all the way to Rockeby, a feature that even Fremantle would be proud of.

Posted in Verges & Registered Lawns, worst of perth | Tagged , , | 4 Comments