Local Updates, Bargaining and Organizing!

With a contract set to expire June 10, the Washington Post Guild unit has established a bargaining committee: Freddy Kunkle (Newsroom chair), David DeJesus (Commercial chair), Pat Jacob, Sarah Mark, Stephen Richardson, Tim Smith, and Tom Jackman (alternate). The current Guild contract at the Post covers more than 850 workers. Rick Ehrmann has been the […]

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Number of BBNA Workers Under Guild Jurisdiction to Grow

Bloomberg-BNA is absorbing the separate Bloomberg Government operation, which will result in 40 additional bargaining-unit employees, putting the number of workers in the  Guild’s jurisdiction at more than 700. About 10 BBNA employees will relocate to BGOV offices on K Street. Meanwhile, in a move affecting about 90 Guild-covered employees, BBNA is moving its Bethesda-based […]

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Jobs with Justice Unit Has New CBA

The 18-member unit at Jobs with Justice has ratified a two-year contract extension. The agreement, retroactive to Jan. 1, features a wage increase in the first year and a wage reopener in 2018.

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