Trade Council ‘Central Administration and Finances’ meets in Rome

30 Jun 2017
The re-constitutive meeting of CESI's Trade Council 'Central Administration and Finances' (ACF) following the Congress in December last year took place on June 27 in Rome. With the help of the CESI member organisation CONSFAL-UNSA, the... Read more

CESI contributions to first phase social partner consultations on access to social protection and a possible revision of the Written statement directive

30 Jun 2017
On June 23, CESI delivered its responses to the European Commission's first phase social partner consultations on a possible revision of the Written statement directive and on new measures for a better access to social protection for all. The European... Read more

Reaction by Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Sohst, member of the Board of the German Armed Forces Association, following the European Council Conclusions of 22 – 23 June 2017

27 Jun 2017
On the occasion of the latest European Council meeting which took place last week in Brussels, Member States discussed and took a stance on a number of important topics such as security and defence, migration and digital Europe (cybersecurity strategy).... Read more

Message by CESI on the occasion of the Public Service Day 2017

23 Jun 2017
Since the UN resolution 57/277 adopted by the General Assembly, that designated June 23 as Public Services Day, we have seen annual celebrations all over the world. The UN Public Service Day celebrates the value and virtue of public service to the... Read more

Presidium and Board meet to steer CESI’s continued successful evolution

22 Jun 2017
On June 21 and 22, CESI's Presidium and Board met to take decisions to steer CESI's continued successful evolution as a European trade union umbrella organisation in Brussels.