- published: 18 Jul 2017
- views: 29550
Muhammed Fethullah Gülen (born 27 April 1941) is a Turkish preacher, former imam, and writer. He is the founder of the Gülen movement (known as Hizmet meaning service in Turkish). He currently lives in self-imposed exile in the United States, residing in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania.
Gülen teaches an Anatolian (sort of Hanafi) version of Islam, deriving from Sunni Muslim scholar Said Nursî's teachings. Gülen has stated that he believes in science, interfaith dialogue among the People of the Book, and multi-party democracy. He has initiated such dialogue with the Vatican and some Jewish organizations.
Gülen is actively involved in the societal debate concerning the future of the Turkish state, and Islam in the modern world. He has been described in the English-language media as an imam "who promotes a tolerant Islam which emphasises altruism, hard work and education" and as "one of the world's most important Muslim figures."
Gulen is accused of attempting to overthrow the democratically elected Turkish government through a judicial coup in December 2013. He is currently on Turkey's most-wanted terrorist list. A Turkish criminal court issued an arrest warrant for Fetullah Gulen on the basis that sufficient solid evidence has been discovered. Turkey is demanding the extradition of Fetullah Gulen from the United States, and he is expected to face a life sentence.
Gulen is a municipality in the southwestern part of Sogn og Fjordane county, Norway. It is part of the traditional district of Sogn. The administrative center of the municipality is the village of Eivindvik. Other villages in Gulen include Brekke, Byrknes, Dalsøyra, Dingja, Instefjord, Mjømna, Rutledal, and Ytre Oppedal.
The municipality of Gulen sits to the south of the Sognefjorden and it surrounds the Gulafjorden, which is considered to be the place where Norway's west-coastal Vikings met for the Gulating, a governing body. The area along the Gulafjorden called Flolid (just east of the village of Eivindvik) is now a national historic place, where an open air theater and annual summer play commemorates the Vikings who gathered there 1000 years ago to accept Christianity.
Evindvig was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). The municipality of 1838 was created to be identical to the Evindvig parish (prestegjeld) that included the three sub-parishes (sokn) of Eivindvik, Brekke, and Husøy. The sub-parish of Brekke (population: 898) was separated from the municipality in 1850 to form a municipality of its own, leaving a total of 3,944 residents in Evindvig. (Later, Brekke was merged with Lavik as the municipality of Lavik og Brekke. This was short-lived and Brekke later became a separate municipality once again.)
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN In an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24, Fethullah Gulen - who is accused by Ankara of masterminding the July 2016 coup bid in Turkey - admits meeting a key figure in the failed coup. But the Turkish cleric says that a mere visit from one of his followers isn't proof he orchestrated the attempt to topple President Erdogan. Gulen, who has lived in exile in the United States since 1999, says he is "not worried" about the possibility of being extradited, despite Turkey’s extradition request. ►► On France24.com: Gulen admits meeting key figure in Turkey coup plot, dismisses Erdogan’s ‘senseless’ claims http://www.france24.com/en/taxonomy/emission/18004 Visit our ...
Fethullah Gulen laid the groundwork for an organisation called Hizmet or Service in the 1970s. His religious credentials gained him a strong and loyal following around the world which he later exploited for his own agenda. In the 1990s he went into self-imposed exile from Turkey and has been living in Pennsylvania in the US ever since. Turkey has accused him of being the mastermind behind the 15 July 2016 failed coup attempt. A Night of Defiance Special Coverage: http://www.trtworld.com/july15/ Subscribe: http://trt.world/subscribe Livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive Facebook: http://trt.world/facebook Twitter: http://trt.world/twitter Instagram: http://trt.world/instagram Visit our website: http://trt.world
Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, haftanın Bamteli sohbetinde şu konuları anlattı: * “Allah neyi dilerse, o mutlaka olur; O’nun olmamasını dilediği de asla olmaz.” * Eğer insan güneşe doğru yürürse gölgesini arkasına almış, sırtını güneşe dönerse bu defa da gölgesinin arkasında kalmış olur; gözlerimiz hep sonsuz ışık kaynağında olmalıdır ki benliğimize takılıp kalmayalım!.. * “Yüzde ısrar etme, doksan da olur / İnsan dediğinde, noksan da olur / Sakın büyüklenme, elde neler var / ‘Bir ben varım’ deme, yoksan da olur!.” * Cebrî hicret dualarınıza icâbetin bir neticesi de olabilir; inşaallah bu sayede damladan deryaya, sızıntıdan çağlayana, bir tohumdan yedi, yetmiş, yedi yüz veren başaklara yürüyorsunuz!.. * Aslında, bela ve musibetlerin ekşi simalarının arkasında rahmetin ve hikmeti...
Hakkında çok sayıda yakalama kararı bulunan, 6 davada "1 numaralı sanık" olarak yargılanan Fetullahçı Terör Örgütü/Paralel Devlet Yapılanması (FETÖ/PDY) lideri Fetullah Gülen'in ABD'de dış dünyaya kapalı yaşamı bölge halkında da tedirginliğe neden oluyor. Pennsylvania'nın Saylorsburg kasabasında yaşayan Gülen'in malikanesi, gözlerden uzak bir çiftliğin içinde bulunuyor. Binanın ve müştemilatının bulunduğu bölgeyi dışarıdan görmek mümkün değil. Kompleksin girişinde ise Amerikalı silahlı özel güvenlik görevlileri bulunuyor. Kompleksin girişine ise yeni bir tabela asıldığı görüldü. Tabelada "Golden Generation, Worship and Retreat Center" (Altın Nesil, İbadet ve İnziva Merkezi) ifadesi yer alıyor. Haberin detaylarına ulaşmak için: http://v.aa.com.tr/570318 ANADOLU AJANSI'NI SOSYAL MEDYADA ...
FETÖ elebaşı Fetullah Gülen'in doğduğu köyde yaşayan ve akrabası olan Murat Gülen, terör örgütünün propagandasını yaptı.
Fetullah Gülen ABD ' deki evinde Türk Polis Müdürü tarafından yakalandı.Yargılanmak üzere Türkiye'ye getirilen FETÖ nün müebbet hapis yemesi bekleniyor. ABONE OLUN : https://goo.gl/KafOSD İzlemeniz gereken diğer videolar : TÜRKİYE'NİN İLK YERLİ SÜPER TANKI PALA 01 : https://goo.gl/7hWnTx TÜRKİYE'NİN UÇAN KORALI UFOKORAL DÜNYA ŞOKTA : https://goo.gl/W8DM5u TÜRKİYE'NİN İLK YERLİ ATOM BOMBASI BOREJEN 2017 : https://goo.gl/T7ZJG1 TÜRKİYE'NİN GELİŞTİRDİĞİ 8 ADET GİZLİ SİLAH (İLK KEZ) 2017 : https://goo.gl/FOfUmU TÜRKİYE'NİN ÇOK GİZLİ 2 SÜPER SİLAHI :https://goo.gl/KWKBiI
00:01 0. VAAZ: Giriş 06:49 1. Ümmet-i Muhammed'in dertleriyle iki büklüm Muhterem Hocaefendi'nin, hissiyatını dinleyicilerle paylaşması... 21:10 2. "...Resûlullah'ın (s.a.s.) huzuruna eğer ben davet edilseydim, O'na (s.a.s.) günahına ağlamış insanların gözyaşlarını takdim ederdim..." 30:58 3. Dünya gelecek günler adına emniyet ve güven aramaktadır. Bu emniyet ve güveni sağlayacak nesillerin yetmiş yıllık bir hasreti gidermeleri gerektiği... 35:15 4. Allah Resûlü'nün (s.a.s.) "Keşke kardeşlerimi görebilseydim!" temennisi... 40:11 5. "Ama onlar, Allah'ın kudret ve azametini hakkıyla takdir edemediler, O'na layık tazimi göstermediler..." (Zümer sûresi, 39/67) âyeti... 46:38 6. Bir kediyi evinde hapsedip ölümüne sebep olan ve neticede cehenneme giren bir kadın.....
M. Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi - Okul kapatan Ülkeler Bamteli: SADÂKAT İKSİRİ VE DURAĞANLIK ZEHRİ
Türk Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Başbakan Binali Yıldırım, Adalet Bakanı Bekir Bozdağ, Ankara Belediye Başkanı Melih Gökçek ve daha nice AKP'liler..
GÜLEN’DEN ÇARPICI AÇIKLAMALAR O askerlerden biri arasaydı ‘Cinayet işliyorsunuz’ derdim AKP iktidarı tarafından 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin arkasında yer almakla itham edilen Fethullah Gülen, ‘Eğer o askerlerden herhangi biri beni arayıp planını anlatsaydı, ‘Cinayet işliyorsunuz’ derdim.” açıklaması yaptı. 15 Temmuz’un yıldönümünde Amerikan kamu radyosu NPR’a çarpıcı açıklamalar yapan Gülen, “Ordu için duyduğum saygı bir yana, her zaman müdahalelere karşı oldum’ sözlerini kullandı ve “15 Temmuz darbesine kalkışanları bilmiyorum. Beni biliyor olabilirler, bazı sohbetlere katılmış olabilirler – bir fikrim yok. Binlerce insan buraya ziyarete geldi, aralarında 50 milletvekili, eski Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, eski Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu gibileri vardı. Bu sebeple birçok insan beni b...
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR Dans un entretien exclusif à France 24, Fethullah Gülen, considéré par Ankara comme l'instigateur du putsch manqué de juillet 2016 en Turquie, admet qu'il a rencontré un personnage clé de la tentative de coup d'État. Mais le prédicateur turc nie avoir orchestré l'opération contre le président Erdogan. Celui qui vit en exil aux États-Unis depuis 1999 dit ne pas craindre une extradition, malgré la demande déposée par Ankara. ►► À lire : Gülen a rencontré un homme lié coup d'État, mais rejette les accusations d'Erdogan Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/ Rejoignez nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.videos Suivez nous sur Twitter : https://twitter...
İkili arasındaki konuşmalar da çok ilginç ayrıntılar mevcut, birçok konunun konuşulduğu toplantıda Galatasaray'dan da bahsediliyor.
Fethullah gülenin 15 temmuz 2016 paralel askeri darbe hakkındaki basın açıklaması
Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi elli sene önce aldığı notları yazdığı defterini inceliyor.
[Hizmet (Gulen) Movement | Fethullah Gulen | Salman Al-Ouda] Saudi scholar Salman al-Ouda reflects on his latest visit to Turkey during which he had the opportunity to explore the Hizmet Movement in its native country. Al-Ouda is very much impressed with Fethullah Gulen's teachings and the Hizmet spirit that he believes to be what the Muslim world is in need of. More videos on Fethullah Gulen & Gulen Movement: http://gulen-videos.blogspot.com Latest news, academic excerpts, commentary, book reviews and interviews on the Hizmet Movement (aka the Gulen Movement) and Fethullah Gulen: http://hizmetmovement.blogspot.com
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/bbcnews Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/bbcnews In the interview, Mr Gulen denied using his influence to start investigations into alleged corruption among senior members of Mr Erdogan's AK Party which have led to a number of police commissioners being sacked and to some of Mr Erdogan's allies being arrested. Turkey's 'second most powerful man' breaks silence
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN In an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24, Fethullah Gulen - who is accused by Ankara of masterminding the July 2016 coup bid in Turkey - admits meeting a key figure in the failed coup. But the Turkish cleric says that a mere visit from one of his followers isn't proof he orchestrated the attempt to topple President Erdogan. Gulen, who has lived in exile in the United States since 1999, says he is "not worried" about the possibility of being extradited, despite Turkey’s extradition request. ►► On France24.com: Gulen admits meeting key figure in Turkey coup plot, dismisses Erdogan’s ‘senseless’ claims http://www.france24.com/en/taxonomy/emission/18004 Visit our ...
Fethullah Gülen der Strippenzieher des Putsches oder ein gebrechlicher, alter Mann? ZDF-Reporter Kamran Safiarians schildert im Studiogespräch seine Eindrücke. Mehr Informationen gibt es hier: http://www.heute.de/45349416.html
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/bbcnews Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/bbcnews In the interview, Mr Gulen denied using his influence to start investigations into alleged corruption among senior members of Mr Erdogan's AK Party which have led to a number of police commissioners being sacked and to some of Mr Erdogan's allies being arrested. Turkey's 'second most powerful man' breaks silence
Ray Sanchez (CNN) Fethullah Gulen, the reclusive cleric accused by Turkey of hatching a military coup attempt, concedes that his supporters could have been involved in the putsch but again denied any direct connection. "There might have been some sympathetic people [to Gulen] among them," he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an interview. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pointed the finger of blame for the failed uprising squarely at Gulen. A bitter rival of the embattled President, Gulen is the leader of a popular movement called Hizmet. But the government refers to his group as the "Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization." The 77-year-old imam, who left Turkey for the United States in 1999, has been living in self-imposed exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania. In the CNN interview, he cal...
Fethullah Gülen interview -- 16/7/2016
Fethullah Gülen gilt als medienscheu. Interviews mit ihm sind selten. Seit Erdogan ihn für den Putschversuch verantwortlich macht, gibt Gülen Pressekonferenzen. Veit Medick über einen denkwürdigen Besuch. Hier gibt es weitere Infos: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fethullah-guelen-zu-besuch-bei-staatsfeind-nummer-eins-a-1103433.html
In an exclusive interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talks to Charlie Rose about the followers of Pennsylvania-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, whose alleged followers are accused of plotting to take power from Erdogan. The full interview aired April 28, 2014 on PBS and is available on www.charlierose.com. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE Connect with Charlie Rose Online: Visit the Charlie Rose WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseDotCom Like Charlie Rose on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseFacebook Follow Charlie Rose on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseTwitter Follow Charlie Rose on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseInstagram About Charlie Rose: Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as ...
The FT's James Fontanella-Khan travels to Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, for a rare interview with the man Turkish President Recap Tayyip Erdogan accuses of masterminding the failed coup that rocked Turkey. Erdogan's clash with a 75-year-old living in remote Pennsylvania has put in jeopardy America’s ties with a key ally in its fight against Isis. ► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes
CNN's Ivan Watson looks at Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish cleric living in the US who President Erdogan squarely blames for the deadly failed Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/breakingnews/who-is-fethullah-gulen/vi-BBurrrG
[Hizmet (Gulen) Movement | Fethullah Gulen | Salman Al-Ouda] Saudi scholar Salman al-Ouda reflects on his latest visit to Turkey during which he had the opportunity to explore the Hizmet Movement in its native country. Al-Ouda is very much impressed with Fethullah Gulen's teachings and the Hizmet spirit that he believes to be what the Muslim world is in need of. More videos on Fethullah Gulen & Gulen Movement: http://gulen-videos.blogspot.com Latest news, academic excerpts, commentary, book reviews and interviews on the Hizmet Movement (aka the Gulen Movement) and Fethullah Gulen: http://hizmetmovement.blogspot.com
http://www.rumiforum.org, http://rumiforum.blogspot.com, http://www.youtube.com/user/RumiForum, http://twitter.com/#!/rumiforum http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rumi-Forum/270743316210 http://picasaweb.google.com/110222538312634006729
Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, Türkiye’de yaşanan meşum darbe girişimi sonrası bir basın toplantısı yaptı. New York Times, Financial Times, Sky News ve The Guardian başta olmak üzere dünya medyasında önemli yer tutan kuruluşların temsilcileri röportaj talebiyle Hocaefendi’yi ziyaret ettiler. 9-10 gazetecinin her sorusunu içtenlikle yanıtlayan Hocaefendi, “Askeri müdahaleye hiçbir zaman olumlu gözle bakmadım. Demokrasi bu yöntem ile sağlanmaz.” dedi. Bugün yaşananların ta yirmi sene evvel söylenen “Evvela bunların (Hizmet Hareketi’nin) hakkından gelmek lazım!” sözünün yansımaları olabileceğini dile getirdi.
CNN TÜRK'te yayınlanan 'Ne Oluyor?' programına katılan Şivan Perwer, Şirin Payzın'ın Fethullah Gülen'le ilgili sorusuna ilginç bir yanıt verdi. Programın tamamını izlemek için: http://tv.cnnturk.com/video/2013/03/23/programlar/ne-oluyor/ne-oluyor/2013-03-22T2240/index.html
Fethullah Gulen laid the groundwork for an organisation called Hizmet or Service in the 1970s. His religious credentials gained him a strong and loyal following around the world which he later exploited for his own agenda. In the 1990s he went into self-imposed exile from Turkey and has been living in Pennsylvania in the US ever since. Turkey has accused him of being the mastermind behind the 15 July 2016 failed coup attempt. A Night of Defiance Special Coverage: http://www.trtworld.com/july15/ Subscribe: http://trt.world/subscribe Livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive Facebook: http://trt.world/facebook Twitter: http://trt.world/twitter Instagram: http://trt.world/instagram Visit our website: http://trt.world
Fethullah Gülen, 16 yıl aradan sonra ilk televizyon mülakatını BBC'ye verdi. Gülen Pensilvanya'daki inziva merkezinde, yolsuzluk operasyonu, Hizmet hareketi, Kürt meselesi, Alevilerle ilişkiler, Mavi Marmara ve Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'e gönderdiği mektup konularında sorularımızı yanıtladı. Fethullah Gülen, Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan için, "Bir mabeyni hümayun var herhalde zannediyorum çevresinde. Mabeyn, padişahların etrafındaki insanlara deniyordu. Çevresinde zannediyorum meseleleri farklı intikal ettiriyorlar... Bir yönüyle, böyle rahatsız edici şeylere sevk ediyorlar sanıyorum arkadaşı" dedi. Ancak Gülen "İcabında sükût dururuz." diyerek uzlaşmaya açık olduğu mesajını da verdi. Gülen, Kürt sorununun çözümü için Abdullah Öcalan'la ya da "dağdakilerle" müzakereye karşı olmadığını...
July 22 -- U.S. President Barack Obama answers questions on the fallout of the attempted coup in Turkey at a joint-press conference with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in Washington, D.C. Like this video? Subscribe to Bloomberg Politics on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BloombergPolitics?sub_confirmation=1 And subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube for the latest business news: http://www.youtube.com/Bloomberg?sub_confirmation=1 Bloomberg Politics is the destination for smart, non-partisan political coverage, offering breaking news and analysis, exclusive interviews, videos from the campaign trail, and more: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/ ‘With All Due Respect’ with Mark Halperin and John Heilemann airs every weeknight from 5 – 6 pm ET on Bloomberg Television: http://www....