Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council

Ed: 34: June/2009

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The Myth of a Secular Palestine Categories: Palestinians     Author: Benny Morris

The Palestinian national movement started life with a vision and goal of a Palestinian Muslim Arab-majority state in all of Palestine - a one-state "solution" - and continues to espouse and aim to establish such a state down to the present day.

Print edition

Peace through Security Categories: Palestinians     Author: Gen. Keith Dayton

My name is Keith Dayton, and I head a small team of Americans, Canadians, British, and a Turkish officer who were sent to the Middle East to assist in bringing some order to the Palestinian Authority's security forces.

Bibi's New Mideastern Brew Categories: Israel     Author: Amotz Asa-El

On the face of it, diplomatic commotion the morning after Binyamin Netanyahu's return to power followed familiar patterns of cordiality with neighbours and affection with allies amid continued friction with veteran enemies.


When Bibi Met Barack Categories: Israel, Middle East, United States     Author: Herb Keinon

When the dust settles, what will likely be remembered from Netanyahu's maiden trip to the US in his second term as prime minister is that the talks led neither to a breakdown of relations with the US, nor a breakthrough in Middle East diplomacy.

Europa Europa: Blowing Hot and Cold Categories: Europe, Israel     Author: Douglas Davis

Israel's 60th birthday produced a treasure trove of gifts from Europe. There was excited talk about the prospect of a strategic dialogue and more excitement about a business dialogue.

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