Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council

Ed: 33: November/2008

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Rome and Jerusalem Categories: Europe, Holocaust/ War Crimes, International Jewry, Israel     Author: Amotz Asa-El

The papacy of Pius XII represented a low point in the history of Catholic-Jewish relations, but several years after it ended, a theological rapprochement between Catholicism and Judaism ensued, eventually producing a political honeymoon between the Holy See and the Jewish state.

Crash Course Categories: Iraq, Middle East     Author: Jonathan Spyer

The first and most obvious reason why the Arab world is particularly vulnerable to the financial crisis is that a disproportionately large amount of Arab wealth is invested in global stock markets. Since the 1970s, the Arab world (or parts of it) has enjoyed a long windfall of oil wealth.

Ballot Box Fever Categories: Israel     Author: BICOM

This analysis looks into the events leading up to Livni's announcement, the procedure and time-frame for general elections, and the state of affairs in the three major parties - Kadima, Likud and Labor - as the prospect of early elections looms.

AIR New Zealand: Key and the Kiwi Election Categories: Australasia     Author: Miriam Bell

The members of New Zealand's small Jewish community have differing views on the domestic issues which have dominated the campaign, but nonethless have a particular interest in following the fortunes of National party leader John Key. Key would become New Zealand's third Jewish prime minister if the


Editorial: Election Fever Categories: Iraq, Israel, Middle East, United States     Author: Colin Rubenstein

Whether the person inaugurated in Washington is Senator Barack Obama or Senator John McCain, and whoever emerges as prime minister in Israel, it is already clear that the new leadership in each country will immediately face a myriad of challenges.

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