Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council

Ed: 32: October/2007

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The Petraeus-Crocker Report: An Assessment Categories: Iraq     Author: Michael Eisenstadt

In mid-September, a series of congressional hearings and media interviews by Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the multinational forces in Iraq, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, US Ambassador to Iraq, offered insights into the US strategy in Iraq, and several yardsticks by which future progress there ma

Head to Head Categories: Australasia, Immigration/ Multiculturalism, International Jewry, International Security, Iraq, Middle East, Terrorism, United Nations     Author: AIJAC staff

As has become traditional in the lead-up to a federal election, the Australia/Israel Review posed a series of questions to Prime Minister John Howard and Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd focusing on international security, the Middle East, and domestic polices of special interest to the Australian Jewis

Editorial: Mention the War Categories: Australasia, International Security, Terrorism     Author: Colin Rubenstein

A few weeks ago, former High Court Chief Justice Sir Gerard Brennan told a Law Council of Australia conference that some incursions on individual freedom and the values of the common law as part of counter-terrorism laws may be essential to combat the risk of terror.

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