Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council

Ed: 42: June/2017

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End of the 40-year "Likud era"?

End of the 40-year "Likud era"? Categories: Israel     Author: Amotz Asa-El

"Thank God who heard our pleas," said Israel's Prime-Minister-elect to his euphoric followers on the night of 17 May 1977, as the unthinkable became fact: Menachem Begin, Leader of the Opposition for 28 consecutive years and the loser of eight straight general elections, was elected to lead the Jewi

Noted and Quoted - June 2017 Categories: Australasia, Media/ Academia    

The Australian (May 20) ran two articles from the Economist magazine looking at the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War with a subtext that accused Israelis of living the good life whilst Palestinians suffer... Although the main article noted that Israelis wrongly expected the Arabs would sue for p

Print edition
Europa Europa: Mutual Mistrust

Europa Europa: Mutual Mistrust Categories: Europe, Israel     Author: Douglas Davis

After the horror of the Holocaust and the creation of Israel, relations between the two nations would not, could not, ever be "normal". Like it or not, Israel and Germany would be forever locked in a unique diplomatic embrace. So, it was not altogether surprising that Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on hi

Asia Watch: The high price of religious sensitivities

Asia Watch: The high price of religious sensitivities Categories: Asia, Islamic Extremism     Author: Michael Shannon

When the North Jakarta District Court sentenced outgoing Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama to two years in prison for blasphemy for suggesting that some people had misused a Koranic verse to block his re-election bid, it added dramatic confirmation of the paradox surrounding South East

Essay: Inside a War Cabinet

Essay: Inside a War Cabinet Categories: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Middle East, Syria     Author: Yaakov Lozowick

The security cabinet of 1967 appears in these never-published transcripts as a group of serious, professional and responsible decision-makers. While the ministers brought their worldviews to the table, they often didn't vote on party lines, often did listen to one another, and generally managed to m

The strategic burden of a great victory

The strategic burden of a great victory Categories: Israel, Middle East     Author: Efraim Inbar

The swift and decisive victory of 1967 became the standard to which the IDF aspired - and the kind of victory expected by Israeli society in future engagements. This is problematic, considering the ways Israel's opponents have changed and the means they now deploy.

Another win for the system in Iran

Another win for the system in Iran Categories: Iran     Author: Eyal Zisser

The Iranian tragedy is that it is entirely uncertain whether Rouhani is even capable of ushering in the desired change. After all, Iran is not a democracy, and the elections are far from expressive of the public's true wishes. The election race was limited to establishment insiders who were vetted a

Trump wins friends in Israel

Trump wins friends in Israel Categories: Israel, United States     Author: David Horovitz

Surely nobody but Donald J. Trump could get a warm laugh from an audience of Israeli notables within seconds of highlighting the Iranian regime's desire to destroy our country. That's what happened deep into the main speech of the President's May 22-23 Israel visit, at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem

Beyond "50 Years of Occupation"

Beyond "50 Years of Occupation" Categories: Israel, Middle East, Palestinians     Author: Einat Wilf

A simple counting of 50 years of military occupation might lead reasonable people to believe that it can no longer be considered temporary. But that fails to take account of an alternative time frame: the Arab and Muslim countdown until the end of Zionism and the State of Israel.

Scribblings: Was 1967 an Accident?

Scribblings: Was 1967 an Accident? Categories: Egypt, Israel, Middle East, Palestinians     Author: Tzvi Fleischer

This special edition of the AIR contains several different essays and articles looking back on the historical watershed that was the 1967 Six Day War from the perspective of half a century. However, I would strongly like to recommend one more important essay that we simply could not fit in this edit

Assad's Hollow Crown

Assad's Hollow Crown Categories: Syria     Author: Jonathan Spyer

The mortar shells came early in the morning. At about five. At regular intervals. Solemn and sinister. They were a reminder of how close it all was. We were in the Damascus Old City. There was still fighting in Jobar, about two kilometres away. The rebels had also counter-attacked from the east... T

Six Days and Fifty Years

Six Days and Fifty Years Categories: Israel, Middle East, Palestinians     Author: Asher Susser

The 1967 War was a watershed in Middle Eastern history. Israelis call it the Six Day War, which is symbolic of the euphoric sense of victory that Israeli Jews felt in the aftermath of the war. The Arabs don't call it the Six Day War; for them it's the "June War", or the "67 War". It was the most hum

Editorial: June 1967 to June 2017 Categories: Israel, Palestinians     Author: Colin Rubenstein

The 1967 war was the product of the refusal of the Arab world to accept Israel's right to exist. Yet since then, many have come to assert that Israel's presence in the West Bank as a result of the 1967 war is the root cause of the conflict. This ignores not only what happened before 1967, but the fa

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