Expert Orthodontic Search Engine Optimization

Officite has spent an entire decade working with search engine optimization (SEO)—and we use that expertise to benefit your orthodontic practice. Our orthodontic SEO program provides many advantages, as it boosts your search engine rankings, brings in quality traffic to your site and increases new patient appointments.

Officite’s SEO for orthodontists includes a wide range of powerful services, such as:

  • Keyword research
  • Quality link building
  • Title tags and meta tags
  • Sitemap
  • Keyword-rich content development
  • Directory submissions
  • Article and press release syndication
  • Systematic and comprehensive campaign refinement
  • Awareness of changes in search engine algorithms

Why Officite’s Orthodontic SEO Is Effective

Officite combines our extensive experience and knowledge to provide SEO strategies that we can continually refine and adjust as the world of SEO changes. Our orthodontic SEO has been shown to be effective because of the following:

  • Power of the Internet. In today’s Internet society, your potential patients aren’t searching the Yellow Pages to find an orthodontist; they’re typing terms in search engines—which means that’s where you need to be.
  • Popularity of Social Media. Tapping into the widely used social networks of Facebook, Twitter and other review websites only makes sense for an orthodontic practice. We’ll help you work your SEO program to engage people in your community, benefiting your practice in the process.
  • Increase of Trust. Search engine optimization can boost your practice higher in search results, which has been shown to be effective to users, who seen organic, natural search results as more trustworthy. When they see the results as worthy of trust, they’re that much more likely to click through to your site to learn more.

Technical Insights: Learn more about how SEO works.