More Effective Web Advertising with Orthodontic PPC

Officite’s pay-per-click (PPC) marketing for orthodontists targets your advertising to particular Web users, such as those within a 5-, 10- or 50-mile radius of your practice. Appearing at the top right of search engine results pages, PPC ads invite users to your site, where custom landing pages invite them to take an action, be it calling your office, clicking for more info or making an appointment.

How Orthdontic PPC Can Help Your Office

With our PPC campaigns, your orthodontic office can see improved Web traffic and an increase in new patients. What’s more, because PPC ads are only displayed to targeted users and you only pay when those users click your ads, this form of advertising is both relevant and cost-effective.

Why Use Officite

Officite offers a wide array of benefits to our orthodontic PPC clients, including:

  • Decade of experience
  • Google-trained search team
  • Total campaign organization and management
  • Assigned search specialists
  • Complete campaign transparency
  • Keyword research and selection methodology
  • Simple bid and budget process
  • Effective ad copywriting
  • Enhanced conversions through strategic landing pages
  • Tracking and reporting of conversions
  • Regular refinement of campaigns
  • ROI tracking
  • Increased Web traffic to your site

Technical Insights: Learn more about how PPC works.