Tag: iran

Violent Thugs


The count down is on to the G motherfucking 20 and the media is going wild over ‘Anarchists’ and the usage of black bloc style tactics in the sleepy streets of Brisbane. We’ve also been warned to look out for anarchists with nail clippers. What terrifying things could […]

Location of Australia's off shore detention centres

Manus Island Update

Sunday an Iraqi man escaped from Manus Island Detention Centre by jumping over the fences. When he escaped, he ran into the ocean and tried to drown himself. He is still incredibly distressed and wants to kill himself, he is under constant watch with 2 officers with him […]

Street March


Hello and welcome to this episode of Autonomous Action Radio … I’m your Anarchist host Linda and I am ready for action. This is the first show for the year thanks for tuning in or downloading. LISTEN ONLINE DOWNLOAD FROM RADIO4ALL Why am I ready for action? I […]


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