Monthly Archives: November 2014

Pregnant refugees from Nauru protesting on bus near Darwin detention centre, group says

Two pregnant women brought from Nauru to Darwin to give birth are refusing to get off a bus with their families near the Wickham Point Detention Centre, asylum seeker advocates say. Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said the families … Continue reading

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Now the G20 is over and the fever has passed we’ve got other afflictions to contend with .. such as INSURRECTO-RIOTOSIS . This is the name of the latest show from The Stimulator we play the first half straight up … Continue reading

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Indigenous Australia knows the cynicism exposed by Michael Brown’s killing in Ferguson

By Larissa Behrendt an academic, writer, film maker and Indigenous advocate After a Missouri grand jury declined to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, prosecuting attorney Bob McCulloch said that the decision was based upon … Continue reading

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Seminole Tribe Fights Florida Power Company to Save Panther

Originally posted on Warrior Publications:
Indian Country Today, Nov 6, 2014 First it was oil companies eyeing fracking potential in the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, and now it’s the Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL), which is pondering a…

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Well Brisbane ‘Australia’s new world city’ hosted the G20….. the media hyped it up for months all the world’s anarchists were coming to Brisbane to smash shit up and kill your grandmother. What ended up happening was that it was … Continue reading

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Exclusive: ARIA Nominees Links to Mistreatment of Asylum Seekers Revealed

Originally posted on Manusleaks:
Sheppard’s song Geronimo features in the current Subway ad Brisbane pop band Sheppard have had a stellar year. In the space of 12 months the eponymously named group – centred around siblings George, Amy and Emma…

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The event we had all spent years waiting for was finally on. The #G20 security ring of steel had been erected. South Brisbane was in serious LOCK DOWN… the media said the barricades were intimidating, South Bank a fortress. All … Continue reading

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