'I could not be happier': Terminator star Thomas Dekker comes out as gay and reveals that he is married

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Backstrom actor Thomas Dekker has come out as gay and he also revealed that he married his husband in April. 

The 29-year-old actor shared the information with Twitter followers on Thursday. 

He explained that he felt compelled to come out, after his sexuality was brought into the limelight last week. 

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Backstrom actor Thomas Dekker has come out as gay and he also revealed that he married his husband in April (pictured Feb)

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Backstrom actor Thomas Dekker has come out as gay and he also revealed that he married his husband in April (pictured Feb)

Dekker - who also played Zach on Heroes - explained that people had joined the dots after a comment made at Outfest - believed to be by Heroes writer Bryan Fuller. 

He wrote on Twitter: 'My sexual orientation once again came into question this week when a prominent gay man used an awards acceptance speech to "out" me. While he did not mention me by name, the explicit details of his reference made it easy for the public and media to connect the dots.'

He continued: 'While it is an odd situation, I thank him because it presents a prime opportunity for me to publicly say that I am indeed a man who proudly loves other men. In fact, this April, I married my husband and I could not be happier.' 

Posted: He shared this letter to fans on Twitter on Thursday

Posted: He shared this letter to fans on Twitter on Thursday

Heroes writer Bryan Fuller, who went on to create Pushing Daisies and American Gods, made a comment during an acceptance speech at the Outfest event last week. 

He told the audience about a gay actor on Heroes whose management allegedly did not want him to play gay on the show, which pointed fans to Thomas.

Thomas wrote: 'I have never lied to the press about the fluidity of my sexuality but this man claiming that I came out is not true. Because I have not "officially" until this moment. I simply refuse to be robbed of the glorious by that belongs to me. To say the words myself. "I’m gay". Those words are a badge of honor that no one can steal.' 

He added: 'Sexuality and who you love is a deeply personal and complicated thing. For some of us, it takes time to cultivate, discover and conclude. It is not something anyone should ever be ashamed of and certainly not something anyone should be rushed into.

'I agree with many who believe it is an important responsibility for LGBTQ persons with a platform to come out. It has the power to change minds, challenge beliefs and make others feel understood and supported. It can strengthen the progression of our community and help disarm those who discriminate against us. It is a brave, powerful and important thing to do but it is also a deeply personal decision. One that should only be made when you are ready.

Speaking up: Thomas - seen at a Hallow'een party last October - said he had to speak up after being nearly-outed by someone in the industry

Speaking up: Thomas - seen at a Hallow'een party last October - said he had to speak up after being nearly-outed by someone in the industry

'If we are to stand strong in the gay community, our mission should be support, not exclusion; love, not shame. I choose not to look back on the past with a regretful heart but rather focus on the future with a hopeful one. A future where myself and all others can feel free to express their true selves with honor and dignity.

'I embrace you, any of you, with open arms, kindness, faith and patience. For all of you who have supported me, before and now, I thank you from the bottom of my fledgling heart.Be proud of who you are. No matter how long it takes.' 

Previously, Dekker had told Out Magazine: 'I’ve only really had relationships with women, but I'm certainly not closed to it [gay relationships]. If there are possibilities of being able to do anything in life, why would you say you would never take any up? 

'In the later chunk of my teen years I was so all over the place with sex. It was terrible. I never really had a real relationship at all. During puberty, it's all about sex, and it's all about figuring yourself out. I think I overdid it when I was younger.'


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