Acid attack survivor Katie Piper describes the 'life sentence' she is serving after undergoing 250 operations to repair her face in heartfelt plea for tougher sentencing

  • Katie Piper has described the 'life sentence' she was given in moving open letter 
  • In March 2008 man arranged for accomplice to throw sulphuric acid in her face
  • Yesterday gang pulled up to victims on mopeds and sprayed acid in their faces
  • Ms Piper is arguing for longer sentences for people who use acid in attacks

Katie Piper has described the 'life sentence' she was given when she was scarred for life in an acid attack, as she pleads for tougher sentencing laws.

In a moving open letter Ms Piper, 33, talked about the nine years it has taken her to get used to her scars and the hundreds of operations she has needed to live a normal life.

Her letter comes after a gang of moped thieves sprayed acid in the faces of up to five takeaway delivery men during a 72 minute crime spree across east London last night.

In a moving open letter Ms Piper talked about the nine years it has taken her to get get used to her scars and the hundreds of operations she has needed
Ms Piper  pictured in 2009, a year after the attack

In a moving open letter Ms Piper talked about the nine years it has taken her to get get used to her scars and the hundreds of operations she has needed. Ms Piper is pictured left today and right in 2009, a year after the attack 

The campaigner (pictured with husband James Sutton) is now arguing for longer prison sentences for people who use acid in attacks

The campaigner (pictured with husband James Sutton) is now arguing for longer prison sentences for people who use acid in attacks

In March 2008, when she was 24 years old, Danny Lynch, a man she had been dating, arranged for an accomplice to throw sulphuric acid the aspiring model's face.

The attack left Ms Piper partially blinded, with severe and permanent scarring to her face, chest, neck, arm and hands.

She said she 'couldn’t recognise' herself and, after waking from a coma, 'wanted to commit suicide'. 

Since undergoing more than 250 operations, Ms Piper has built a career as a TV personality
She has appeared in a series of documentaries

Since undergoing more than 250 operations, Ms Piper has built a career as a TV personality and has appeared in a series of documentaries

In her open letter Ms Piper, who is pregant, talked about how fearful survivors are that their attackers will only serve short sentences
She said: 'Survivors of such attacks often have to live with the immediate fear that their attackers may still be at large'

In her open letter Ms Piper, who is pregant, talked about how fearful survivors are that their attackers will only serve short sentences

Ms Piper appeared in documentary 'My Beautiful Friends', which followed her progress after the horrific acid attack and set up a charity to help others living with disfigurement

Ms Piper appeared in documentary 'My Beautiful Friends', which followed her progress after the horrific acid attack and set up a charity to help others living with disfigurement

'Since the attack I have undergone over 250 operations to improve my physical functioning', said Ms Piper. 

'As well as hours of psychological therapy to help me to deal with the trauma of the attack and to accept my ‘new face’. I will continue to need operations and therapy for life.'

The pregnant campaigner is now arguing for longer prison sentences for people who use acid in attacks.

In March 2008, Danny Lynch, a man she had been dating, arranged for an accomplice to throw sulphuric acid in Ms Piper's face
The attack left Ms Piper partially blinded, with severe and permanent scarring to her face, chest, neck, arm and hands

In March 2008, Danny Lynch, a man she had been dating, arranged for an accomplice to throw sulphuric acid in Ms Piper's face. The attack left Ms Piper (pictured left and right) partially blinded, with severe and permanent scarring to her face, chest, neck, arm and hands

Ms Piper (pictured left before the attack) has set up a charity to help hundreds of burn victims

Ms Piper (pictured left before the attack) has set up a charity to help hundreds of burn victims

She said: 'At present, it is all too easy for someone to buy a corrosive substance and throw it, sometimes from a distance, at another person. 

'It is vital that we do everything we can to halt these types of attack. 

'The current legislation does not always recognise the severity of the offence and, therefore, the sentencing does not reflect the severity of the crime in some cases. 

'Tougher sentencing would surely act as a deterrent to further attacks.'

Since undergoing more than 250 operations, Ms Piper has built a career as a TV personality and has appeared in a series of documentaries.

In her open letter, Ms Piper (pictured shortly after the attack) talks about how she contemplated suicide and how fearful survivors are

In her open letter, Ms Piper (pictured shortly after the attack) talks about how she contemplated suicide and how fearful survivors are

She has since found love with James Sutton, who she married in 2015 and with whom she has a daughter, Belle Elizabeth.

Ms Piper, has set up a charity to help hundreds of burn victims. Helped by Simon Cowell as well as the doctor who gave her her face back, the Katie Piper Foundation offers medical treatment and support. 

In her open letter she talked about how fearful survivors are that their attackers will only serve short sentences.

She said: 'Survivors of such attacks often have to live with the immediate fear that their attackers may still be at large, and in the longer term—even if the attackers are caught and sentenced—may be released to potentially live alongside them after serving a minimum term. 

'I meet many inspiring individuals who have worked hard to rebuild their lives after an attack; however, it can be hard to stay motivated when the justice system does not always reflect the severity of these crimes.'

A survivor’s perspective of acid attacks in the UK: The full open letter from Katie Piper

Through her charity work, and via social media, says she has spoken 'to many others who have been attacked'

Through her charity work, and via social media, says she has spoken 'to many others who have been attacked'

My name is Katie Piper and I’m an acid attack survivor. 

Attacks with various corrosive substances appear to be on the rise in some parts of the UK and I’m sharing my experiences below in the hope that it may help to shape the future and prevent further attacks on others. 

I am writing in an openaccess medical journal to reach out to experts, as well as the general public and lawmakers. 

In March 2008, when I was 24 years old, a man I had been dating arranged for an accomplice to throw sulphuric acid in my face. 

This attack left me partially blinded, with severe, permanent scarring to my face, chest, neck, arm and hands. 

I couldn’t recognise myself when I woke up from a coma and I wanted to commit suicide.

I also swallowed some of the acid in the attack, damaging my throat, and I still require ongoing surgery on my throat to help me swallow and prevent scars closing it entirely; I suffered dangerous complications from one of these surgeries and my life was at risk once again. 

Since the attack I have undergone over 250 operations to improve my physical functioning, including operations to help me breathe through my nose, as well as hours of psychological therapy to help me to deal with the trauma of the attack and to accept my ‘new face’.

 I will continue to need operations and therapy for life. For acid attack survivors, the aftermath is a life sentence. 

Soon after I left hospital, I set up a charity to help adults with burns from any cause, with the goal of setting up a residential burn rehabilitation centre in the UK. 

Ms Piper said 'tougher sentencing' would act as a 'deterrent to further attacks'

Ms Piper said 'tougher sentencing' would act as a 'deterrent to further attacks'

Through my charity work, and via social media, I have met or spoken to many others who have been attacked with corrosive substances and whose lives have been shattered by the trauma of the attack, their permanent change in appearance and the loss of their identity; some have also lost vision and physical function. 

Through my charity’s support and rehabilitation work I see that it is not only the individuals, but also their families and friends, who are affected. Lives can be destroyed in moments. 

Survivors of such attacks often have to live with the immediate fear that their attackers may still be at large, and in the longer term—even if the attackers are caught and sentenced—may be released to potentially live alongside them after serving a minimum term. 

I meet many inspiring individuals who have worked hard to rebuild their lives after an attack; however, it can be hard to stay motivated when the justice system does not always reflect the severity of these crimes. 

At present, it is all too easy for someone to buy a corrosive substance and throw it, sometimes from a distance, at another person. It is vital that we do everything we can to halt these types of attack. 

The current legislation does not always recognise the severity of the offence and, therefore, the sentencing does not reflect the severity of the crime in some cases. 

Tougher sentencing would surely act as a deterrent to further attacks. The issue of penalties for carrying corrosive substances needs to be addressed and restrictions on the sale of corrosive substances need to be looked at seriously and methodically through a scientific and well-resourced approach that leads to swift action. 

This situation cannot be allowed to continue or escalate and this is my plea to prevent more lives being destroyed. 

My sincere thanks to those who are already proactively looking at these difficult, but important, issues and working towards solutions.

Piper K. A survivor’s perspective of acid attacks in the UK: an open letter from Katie Piper. Scars, Burns & Healing, Volume 3, 2017.

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