Bureau of Meteorology
Australia's national weather, climate and water agency.
Australia's national weather, climate and water agency.
Bureau of Meteorology さんの投稿

Our June to August climate outlook favours wetter-than-average conditions for parts of Western Australia, but warmer and drier than usual in eastern Australia.

More on what’s ahead here: http://bom.is/co

Want the basic facts on El Niño? Check out our infographic – the key information all on one page. Find out more here: http://bom.is/enso

Trading thermometers and theodolites for rifles and gas masks, we’re celebrating the courage and dedication of 18 Bureau meteorologists who joined the Anzac frontline 100 years ago.

To remember and respect the incredible stories of these pioneers for years to come, we’ve restored a wooden honour board. Find out more here: http://bom.is/ba23b0

Fifty years ago today, a significant group of women became some of Australia's first female forecasters on 30 April 1965—following in the footsteps of Barbara Florence Daniel, our first female meteorologist four years earlier.

From the Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force during the Second World War to our female leaders of today, including Dr Sue Barrell, Deputy Director Observations and Infrastructure—take a look at a history of women in the Bureau here: http://bom.is/afb0ff

We’ve just released the National Water Account 2014 for Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and South East Queensland regions!

More on water stores and flows, rights and use in these regions for 2013–14 here: http://bom.is/nwa2014. Still to come: Murray-Darling Basin.

A team of enthusiasts, Pittwater Weather, have joined our Weather Observations Website network!

Boaties in Pittwater, North of Sydney, can now access important weather info from four new weather stations located at Palm Beach (Observation Point), Scotland Island East, Church Point (The Quays Marina) and Mona Vale. With three sites to come, view recent additions here: http://bom.is/wow

Well done to all involved in this excellent initiative!

Our May to July climate outlook favours warmer than average conditions over the tropical north, southeast and far southwest of Australia.

It’s likely to be wetter than normal due to warm Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures. More on what’s ahead here: http://bom.is/co

From 10-hourly black and white radar images in 1974 to sophisticated satellite images, with 10-minute updates expected next year—cyclone forecasting has come a long way since cyclone Tracy four decades ago.

More about our advancement in tropical cyclone forecasting here: http://bom.is/ce785d

This month marks the 40th Anniversary of cyclone Tracy—the most devastating cyclone in Australian history.

Over coming weeks we're exploring Tracy’s impact on cyclone forecasting and hearing a few first hand experiences—but here’s a scientific look at the event that made a lasting impression to start: http://bom.is/ce5160