Google Genomics

Ask bigger questions by efficiently processing up to petabytes of genomic data


Power Your Science

Google Genomics helps the life science community organize the world’s genomic information and make it accessible and useful. Big genomic data is here today, with petabytes rapidly growing toward exabytes. Through our extensions to Google Cloud Platform, you can apply the same technologies that power Google Search and Maps to securely store, process, explore, and share large, complex datasets.

Get Results Sooner

Query the complete genomic information of large research projects in seconds. Process as many genomes and experiments as you like in parallel.

Scale to Power Any Project

Whether you are working with one genome or one million, Google Genomics provides access to the power and flexibility you need to advance your work.

Open and Interoperable

Google Genomics supports open industry standards, including those developed by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, so you can share your tools and data with your group, collaborators, or the broader community, if and when you choose.

Reliable Information Security

Google's infrastructure provides reliable information security that can meet or exceed the requirements of HIPAA and protected health information.

Google Genomics Features

Our implementation of the open standard from the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health is interoperable across multiple genome repositories and it’s backed by Google technologies like Bigtable and Spanner.
Fully Integrated
Google’s cloud infrastructure for your bioinformatics needs, including fast virtual machines, scalable storage, and a choice of fully managed SQL and NoSQL databases like Bigtable and Datastore.
Security & Compliance
Covered by our HIPAA Business Associates Agreement. Available via FedRAMP ATO for the National Cancer Institute Cancer Cloud Pilots.
Real-time Data Processing
Genomic data processing and analysis in real-time with BigQuery, in literate programming style with Cloud Datalab, in batch with GATK on Google Genomics, with Apache Spark or Cloud Dataflow, or with a Grid Engine cluster.
High Scalability
You can load up petabytes of sequence reads, variants, references, and annotations, and process them all efficiently.

“ The insight and expertise the Google team has brought to the table has been unmatched. Our work with them has been a game-changer for the MSSNG project. Together, we hold the capability of accelerating breakthroughs in understanding the causes and subtypes of autism in ways that can advance diagnosis and treatment as never before. ”

— Dr. Rob Ring Autism Speaks


Google Genomics is for ...


Build what you want, not just what you need, using open standards.


Speed up your research, ask new questions and share data in a secure, online environment.


Rest easy knowing that you have the resources you need to meet computational demand, secure data and ensure system reliability.

“ We’re getting 4-second turnaround times on very complex searches with BigQuery, compared to tens of seconds or even minutes previously,” he adds. “That fulfills our need for a scalable system. ”

— Marc Fiume CEO and founder of DNAstack

Engage with the Google Genomics community

There are many ways to get involved, whether you want to learn from other bioinformatics developers and community resources, contribute to open source projects, file feature requests, or share your own knowledge and experience.

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Google Genomics Pricing

Google Genomics charges for data storage. Loading and exporting genomic data are free of charge. Other cloud resources consumed while using Google Genomics are billed at the standard rates. Learn more in our pricing guide.

Resource Cost (in US$)
Genomics storage* $0.022/GB Per Month