- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 9700
Dawson Earle Trotman (March 25, 1906–June 18, 1956) was an evangelist and founder of The Navigators.
Trotman founded The Navigators in 1933 and through this worldwide Christian organization supported various Christian ideals: maintaining the basic disciplines of the Christ-centered Spirit-filled life, abiding in the Word of God, the importance of personal follow-up, one-on-one discipleship training, scripture memorization, and principles for multiplying Christian disciples, laborers, and equippers around the world. He lost his own life on June 18, 1956 while rescuing a girl, Allene Beck, from drowning during water-skiing in Schroon Lake, New York.
Dr. Billy Graham said: "I think Daws has personally touched more lives than anybody I have ever known." His work and writings were instrumental in the creation of the Campus Outreach ministry, which focuses on discipleship as a method of building up the community of Christians on college campuses.
Trotman married Lila Mae Clayton on 3 July 1932. Lila, who was born on 12 December 1913 in Buffalo Valley, Tennessee, died on 27 October 2004 at the age of 90. The couple had four children.
A navigator is an individual responsible for guiding a vehicle to its destination.
Navigator may also refer to:
Property Of.. is the fourth album by Swedish Heavy Metal band Syron Vanes, released in 2007. It was produced by Rimbert Vahlstroem.
The album is the only Syron Vanes album without Anders Hahne who left the band for a long break right after the album Insane in 2003.
Property Of.. was released 2007. The album got some nice reviews, Gary Hill at Music Street Journal wrote: Well, as strong as this disc is, I can sure see why. If you are a fan of old school metal you’ll certainly love this album. It rocks out with the best of them and will probably be near the top of my list of best metal discs of the year.
Syron Vanes
The Wheel is an album by singer-songwriter Rosanne Cash. Most of the songs on the album reflected Cash's feelings on embarking on a new relationship after the dissolution of her marriage to Rodney Crowell. Though neither of its two singles, "The Wheel" and "You Won't Let Me In", charted on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart, the album received considerable critical acclaim. A video was produced for the "The Wheel".
All songs by Rosanne Cash, except as indicated.
Born to Reproduce - Early History of The Navigators
Jim Downing meets Dawson Trotman
Wandering around heaven with Dawson Trotman
John Crawford and Dawson Trotman
Born to Reproduce (1-25-15 Sermon by Pastor Roger Olsen)
Wandering around heaven with Dawson Trotman
The Wheel Illustration - for New Believers
15 Dia - O Legado de Dawson Trotman
Cápsula MeToca A Mí: Dawson Trotman 3/15
Tekerlek açıklaması - for New Believers in İsa Mesih! (Turkish)
The foundations of The Navigators, as told by founder Dawson Trotman
Jim Downing vividly recalls the day he met Navigator founder Dawson Trotman
During 44 days in 2013, I experienced some exciting times thinking about heaven while undergroing radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I have created several short videos about this experience. Please check out the other videos in this series.
Early Navigator John Crawford tells a colorful encounter with Navigators ministry founder Dawson Trotman
"Born to Reproduce" - Sermon by Pastor Roger Olsen on Sunday, January 25, 2015. As Christian's who have been born again, we have been born to reproduce other believers and help them grow. Pastor Roger also discusses the moral decline in our society with some recent examples.
So, what's next after receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? The Wheel Life... Suggested discipleship website - http://www.discipleshiplibrary.com The original Wheel Illustration was created by Dawson Trotman, the founder of the Navigators. More resources - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEZKrOfAaqQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkFkZESvcWI Music #1: Property of Matt Redman, "For your glory" Music #2: Property of Hillsong, "Hosanna" Uploaded from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia November 20th, 2011.
Décimo quinto dia do culto familiar do projeto 50 Dias Transformados Pela Oração - www.50Dias.com Em 1933, Dawson Trotman fundou o ministério, "The Navigators" (Os Navegadores), que foca o discipulado cristão, ao auxiliar pessoas a conhecerem melhor a Deus e desenvolverem um relacionamento mais íntimo com o Criador ao eles "navegarem" pela vida.
Cápsulas resumen de los testimonios de vida que forman parte del libro It´s My Turn, publicado por Kingdom Building Ministries. Cada uno es ejemplo de vidas que dicen Me Toca A Mí. Las cápsulas fueron parte del Congeso Nacional de Jóvenes y Estudiantes Bautistas, (CONAJEBA), edición 2015 #CCM15 en la Ciudad de México. Música original de Addan Onee para Conajeba 2015 Me Toca A Mí.
So, what's next after receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Tekerlek açıklaması (The Wheel Life) This video is dedicated to the Turkish new believers who open their heart to Jesus watching the Bridge Illustration -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pheRwLY8HxQ. Your brothers and sisters in Christ from across the ocean send you their love and prayers. The original Wheel Illustration was created by Dawson Trotman, the founder of the Navigators. More resources - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkFkZESvcWI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDdPAr3xSy4 Music #1: Property of Matt Redman, "For your glory" Music #2: Property of Christy Nochels, "By Our Love" Uploaded April 6th, 2012.
The foundations of The Navigators, as told by founder Dawson Trotman
During 44 days in 2013, I experienced some exciting times thinking about heaven while undergroing radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I have created several short videos about this experience. Please check out the other videos in this series.
Cowbridge Grammar School celebrated it's 400th anniversary in September 2008.
Dr. Waylon Moore sat down with the student from Colorado Mesa University to share some of his stories from when he was a young man working with Dawson "Daws" Trotman.
http://christmasterplan.com/ Dr. Waylon B. Moore is a guy who has strived to follow Jesus for many years. He is around 85 years old and still very active. There is one thing for sure, and that is Dr. Moore enjoys life and is passionate about discipleship! Enjoy the interview! To see the show notes, please visit http://christmasterplan.com/ Christ Master Plan CMP Show 003 Waylon Moore Interview about Discipleship
TTN-HD Reporter KATIE UHLMANN interviews DIRECTOR DAVID L. DAWSON about his DOCUMENTARY FILM "THE BRUSH, THE PEN & RECOVERY" at the HAMILTON FILM FESTIVAL in HAMILTON, ONTARIO, 11/11 INTERVIEW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnjxZCPd-50&feature;=colike DAVID L. DAWSON THE BRUSH, THE PEN & RECOVERY HAMILTON FILM FESTIVAL, 11/11 WEBSITES: http://www.galleryonthebay.com/ http://www.bridgeross.com/ http://www.cuttingforstone.com/ HAMILTON FILM FESTIVAL: http://www.hamiltonfilmfestival.com/
The Navigators' vision for spiritual generations going to the "ends of the earth" in the South Pacific.
Reporter Chase Senior sits down with field hockey senior forward Amber Youtz in the latest "In The Zone" segment.
Bill Tell, Chief of Staff for The Navigators, once suffered from burnout and clinical depression so severe that he could do little more than get out of bed in the morning. Here's the story of how God changed Bill's life and helped him find his true identity in Christ.
An informational video about the UNI Navigators. Footage of a "Nav Night" meeting, with student and staff comments on the work of the Navigators and what they've done in their lives.