Report on AdWords Sitelink Extensions

You can request different types of reports that contain metrics for AdWords sitelink extensions:

  • A segmented adGroup or campaign report that shows the number of clicks, impressions, and other data for each sitelink in an ad group or campaign.

  • A conversion or visit report that shows raw data about individual visits and conversions, including the IDs of any sitelinks that were clicked and attributed for the visit/conversion.

  • A feedItem report that shows metrics and configuration details for each sitelink across all campaigns and ad groups that it's been applied to.

Request a segmented adGroup or campaign report

To see the number of clicks, impressions, and other data for each sitelink in an ad group or campaign, request an adGroup or campaign report and include one of the sitelink segmentation columns, such as sitelinkDisplayText.

Example request

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "20700000000000123", // Replace with your IDs
    "advertiserId": "2170000012345", // Replace with your IDs
    "engineAccountId": "700000000042201" // Replace with your IDs
  "reportType": "campaign",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "account" },
    { "columnName": "campaign" },
    { "columnName": "sitelinkDisplayText" },
    { "columnName": "feedItemId" },
    { "columnName": "clicks" },
    { "columnName": "clicksWithFeedItemShowing" },
    { "columnName": "adWordsConversions" }
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2014-07-21",
    "endDate" : "2014-08-19"
 "downloadFormat": "csv",
  "maxRowsPerFile": 6000000,
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

Example report

Here's an example of a campaign report in the CSV format segmented by sitelinkDisplayText:

Hooper's - Google,Accessories,Summer 2014,33700000014504870,10895,12895,1157
Hooper's - Google,Accessories,$30 and Under,33700000014504871,10816,12816,1145
Hooper's - Google,Accessories,Tote Bags,33700000014504872,12790,12790,1147

Request a conversion or visit report with sitelink data

To see raw data about individual visits and conversions, including the IDs of any sitelinks that were clicked and attributed for the visit/conversion, request a conversion or visit report and include the feedItemId column in the request.

Example request

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "20700000000000123", // Replace with your IDs
    "advertiserId": "2170000012345", // Replace with your IDs
    "engineAccountId": "700000000042201" // Replace with your IDs
  "reportType": "conversion",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "account" },
    { "columnName": "campaign" },
    { "columnName": "floodlightActivity" },
    { "columnName": "feedType" },
    { "columnName": "feedItemId" }
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2014-07-21",
    "endDate" : "2014-08-19"
 "downloadFormat": "csv",
  "maxRowsPerFile": 6000000,
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

Example report

Here's an example of a conversion report in the CSV format with some feed item columns:

Hooper's - Google,Bedroom,Thank you page,Sitelink,33700000014504870
Hooper's - Google,Bedroom,Thank you page,Sitelink,33700000014504871
Hooper's - Google,Bedroom,Thank you page,Sitelink,33700000014504872

To get more information about the sitelinks in the conversions, request a feedItem report. Then use the feedItemId to find the sitelinks that were referenced in the conversion or visit report.

Request a feedItem report

To see metrics and configuration details for each sitelink across all campaigns and ad groups that it's been applied to, request a feedItem report.

Example request

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "20700000000000123", // Replace with your IDs
    "advertiserId": "2170000012345", // Replace with your IDs
    "engineAccountId": "700000000042201" // Replace with your IDs
  "reportType": "feedItem",
  "columns": [
     { "columnName": "feedItemId" },
     { "columnName": "sitelinkDisplayText" },
     { "columnName": "sitelinkDescription1" },
     { "columnName": "sitelinkDescription2" },
     { "columnName": "sitelinkLandingPageUrl" },
     { "columnName": "clicks" },
     { "columnName": "clicksWithFeedItemShowing" },
     { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" }
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2014-07-21",
    "endDate" : "2014-08-19"
 "downloadFormat": "csv",
  "maxRowsPerFile": 6000000,
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

Example report

Here's an example of a feedItem report in the CSV format:

33700000014504870,Summer 2014,,,,10895,12895,141653.25421900
33700000014504871,$30 and Under,,,,10816,12816,143600.27534400
33700000014504872,Tote Bags,,,,12790,12790,140178.19750400

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