Two CDRs of material by the late Damian Bisciglia have started turning up. To my surprise, the Ri Be Xibalba logo appears on the disc faces. But I have nothing to do with these releases and only heard about them after reviews started popping up. I would like to hear from anyone that knows more about these discs.

I am unpacking unsold items from Anomalous Records and Dissonant Plane that have been boxed up for several years. Many of these obscure and wonderful titles are otherwise long out of print now. You can see the list in the mail order section of this web site. Most of these things I only have one copy of. I will be adding titles every few days for a while. So check often or sign up for the newsletter. Also, I have been putting up excerpts from a few Anomalous Records titles on SoundCloud.

The No-Neck Blues Band is celebrating its 20th year of existence in 2013. In time for this, the very long awaited and delayed releases for Ri Be Xibalba are finally coming out. The first will be a 10" record called Gitanjali. The second will be an LP called Gitanjali + The Nascent Stigma. Despite the similarity in title, the 10" and LP have completely different music. The 10" is out now in edition of 314 copies. I am down to around 30 copies of it. The LP will not be out until some mysterious time in the future.

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NNCK has made their entire back catalog (including many very rare items that have been impossible to hear) available as downloads via De Stijl. Even if you are against the digital representation of music, I highly recommend clicking that link as there is an enormous amount of text there revealing an amazing amount of NNCK history and trivia. Lots of great videos linked there too.

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