Malcolm Turnbull ready to fight Silicon Valley on encryption

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Attorney-General George Brandis are expected to  legislate for an obligation among ...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Attorney-General George Brandis are expected to legislate for an obligation among messaging platform operators to cooperate with investigators looking to access communications between suspected individuals. James Brickwood

Harking back to the days of legal wire taps and intercepting criminal communications, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has laid down the gauntlet to global technology companies, urging them to co-operate fully when law-enforcement agencies request access to user communications data.

On Friday morning, the Prime Minister announced new laws compelling companies to hand over communications intelligence for investigations into things like global paedophile networks, major organised crime or terrorism.

"The bottom line is we've got a situation where law-enforcement agencies and police used to be able to lawfully  intercept communications and no-one's argued about that," Mr Turnbull said in Canberra on Friday.

"And now because of this end-to-end encryption, all of that information, all of that data, that communication is effectively dark and out of the reach of the law.

"And that's not acceptable. We are a society, a democracy, under the rule of law, and the law must prevail online as well as off-line."

The new laws are expected to bear some resemblance to the United Kingdom's Investigatory Powers Act 2016, which legislated for an obligation among messaging platform operators to cooperate with investigators looking to access communications between suspected individuals.

Encrypted communication channels are known to facilitate malicious terrorist groups to organise and deploy acts of violence, away from the watchful eyes of law enforcement.

Worldwide human trafficking rings and paedophile groups also organise themselves by way of scrambled communications.

But debate has raged in recent months over the responsibilities of companies like Facebook and Apple, whose products facilitate this type of communication, and whether they ought to un-encrypt and release conversations between individuals on their platforms.

"I can't understand why these companies viscerally rail against helping protect their customers," said Alastair MacGibbon, special adviser to the Prime Minister on cyber security.

"We are not asking them to modify their products, instead we are asking for help. On specific individuals, we're asking these tech companies to offer us as much as they can, instead of blanket refusing."

How it works

But the companies have, in the past, pointed to the nature of end-to-end encryption as a shield against the requests of international police.

Facebook and Apple scramble communications data between their users – including photos, videos, group chats, voice calls and text messages – into gibberish, hiding the message from third-party eyes.

Every time a message is encrypted a pair of keys is generated: a public key and a private key. The public key is used to do the scrambling, while only the private key can unscramble the data.

Apple and Facebook maintain the private key remains in the possession of each individual user on their handset and the companies themselves are not able to access what's said inside.

But experts argue it is entirely possible, at least for Facebook, to reveal the contents.

"Facebook, for example, has to make data recoverable by them on their own servers, because that's how their systems work," says Simon Ryan, chief technology officer at Firstwave Cloud Technology and an expert on encryption and data flows.

"There's no doubt they have access to any communication that happens on their platforms. But to be sure, end-to-end encryption is a very clever design that makes it difficult for third parties, even hosts, to access the contents of what has been encrypted."

The Coalition's proposed legislative package is expected to be put to Parliament by the end of the year, but whether the Australian government's reach could extend to compel American companies to comply is still up in the air.

"The extent to which Australian legislation would be enforceable against overseas companies would depend on how the legislation is framed," says Cheng Lim, partner King & Wood Mallesons, and an expert on privacy and data security.

"It may well be enforceable if it applied to overseas companies carrying on business in Australia."

Labor has supported the government's move, though has questioned how the proposals will work in practice.