Richard Di NataleVerified account


Authorised by Senator Richard Di Natale, Leader of the Australian Greens and Victorian Senator, Parliament House Canberra 2600

Joined May 2009


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  1. 2h

    Our thoughts are with , his amazing team, and the . The Greens family are with you today.

  2. Retweeted

    hey everyone. i'm sorry about this, but it's a thing. i'll really miss it, but there are other ways to make trouble. love and thanks.

  3. 2h

    Devastated by ’s resignation. Scott’s decision shows his absolute integrity. The Senate will be so much poorer without him.

  4. Retweeted

    So apparently I'm on some posters around town. Here's a short statement I provided to . Because even tho I'm overseas,

  5. It's coal or the reef. puts a clear choice to Malcolm Turnbull over the Adani mine.

  6. Good on you Sydney for calling out these disgraceful posters for what they are: bigoted, racist and sexist.

  7. It's an honour to feature in Scott Marsh's Archibald prize entry, "Compassion is Not a Sign of Weakness"

  8. Retweeted
    Jul 10

    Calling out racism does not constitute a graver offence than racism itself - last Friday's speech ICYMI

  9. We must call out bigotry, racism and hate speech when we see it.

  10. With the recent German vote, we have seen how fast can be come a reality. It's time for a vote in Parliament.

  11. Jul 7

    Proudly joining members & supporters across Melbourne today for our doorknock.

  12. A tremendous outcome at the UN overnight with the ban treaty. Australia should have been there.

  13. Jul 6
  14. There's a terrific crowd gathering for the march here in Melbourne, we're about to set off.

  15. We're visiting the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service ahead of today's March

  16. Government refusing to release a year’s worth of pollution data. Something to hide, Malcolm?

  17. Report shows a NAIF loan to Adani ‘would likely be unlawful’. The Govt needs to rule out funding for this project.

  18. Deescalation needs to be a central part of addressing tension on the Korean Peninsula, tells Lateline

  19. Good on for recognising that the future is in clean, green technology and not dirty old combustion engines!

  20. More reports from showing govt confusion over the Medicare data breach. An Inquiry needed to get facts.

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