

How to have a conversation about money that actually goes somewhere

Like most couples, Andrew Courtney and his wife, Sophie, don't always see eye-to-eye when it comes to money. While both are fairly frugal in their day-to-day spending, conversations about investing in property have been trickier to negotiate. "My wife is very risk averse whereas I'm a bit gung-ho," says Courtney.

Courtney, who is a financial planner with Plenitude Wealth, says Sophie often focused on the worst-case scenario such as what might happen if one of them lost their job:  "Whereas I look at the opportunity of what we can achieve first."

The couple have been together for 12 years and married for three. Over time Courtney has learned to appreciate their differences when they talk about money. He is immersed in the financial field while his wife works in medical research.

"It is actually quite handy to have my wife be quite cynical about it because I need to ensure that I've done my homework to defend the position," he says. "I've learnt that I'm not infallible either. We've made a few mistakes and now we've got this happy medium where we're helping one another make decisions."

Focusing on their common goals makes conversations run more smoothly. Every four months they sit down with an Excel spreadsheet and review how they are tracking; and where they might need to make changes.

"It really comes down to bringing that common goal together and understanding that we are trying to create a better future."


"A satisfying conversation is one that makes you say something you've never said before," according to English historian and philosopher Theodore Zeldin. Unfortunately, all too often our conversations about money are the complete opposite. We get bogged down in the same old ruts; avoid the topic altogether; or at the very worst, they can lead to verbal or physical abuse.

Research by comparison website shows more than one in two couples admit to fighting about money some, or a lot of the time, with 7 per cent having weekly rows about money and one in six having them every two to three weeks.  

It's not just couples. The ageing population and housing affordability are thrusting people into all kinds of situations where communicating productively about financial issues with parents, children and siblings is a must.

Relationships Australia launched its Elder Relationship Services in 2016 to offer counselling and mediation services to help families to have those conversations. As Simon Curran, senior manager, Kew and business and service development, Relationships Australia Victoria, says, it can be like "Christmas writ large" as families try to talk about these issues. "Long-standing rifts or tensions and unresolved sibling rivalries: all these issues can surface very quickly and it can be quite destructive."

So how do couples and families increase their chances of having a conversation about money that actually goes somewhere?

Don't wait for a crisis

"If you regularly talk to one another about money goals and expectations then when money issues arise you are more likely to be able to talk about it rationally without it becoming heated," says Bessie Hassan, a money expert at

Planning when and where to have the conversation can help make it more harmonious. Julie Kun, chief executive of Women's Information and Referral Service (WIRE), says couples often have these conversations when they are at a flashpoint. A bill needs to be paid by the following day, the children are yelling and you've just arrived home from work.

The environment, your mindset and your expectations about the conversation are all important if you're going to have a "valuable and fruitful" conversation, she says.

Stay on topic

Agree on a structure for what you want to discuss. "These conversations can become amorphous," says Kun. "It can be like punching a marshmallow it's so big." For instance, you might agree just to discuss ways to manage the escalating telephone bill.

Having the facts in front of you will help. In the case of the escalating phone bill that might mean having the last five phone bills in front of you, suggests Kun.

Allow everyone to be heard

Allow each person to share their point of view without interruption. If someone says they want to buy a house, for instance, don't butt in and tell them it's a stupid idea. "Even if you vehemently disagree with them, hear them out," says Kun.

Practising active listening by restating what they have said also helps each person feel that their viewpoint has been heard.

If you still disagree with them, respond in a way that doesn't involve personal attacks. No calling someone an idiot.

Instead, explain the reasons you don't agree with their point of view. "Try and look for solutions and compromises that will work for everyone," says Kun. For instance, "We may not be able to buy a house in five years but maybe it's something we can work towards in the next 10 years."

Curran acknowledges it is hard for families to suddenly adopt new ways of communicating: "You've got to make a conscious effort to be curious; ask questions; not make assumptions about where the other person sits; to allow each person time to say what they want to say or to clarify what they want to say; and to make sure that the older person is really heard and not talked over."

Acknowledge progress

Conversations may conclude with definite outcomes: you are going to research other telcos to see how you can reduce your phone bill and have another conversation in a week. Or in the case of an older parent, siblings might commit to sharing information about how money is being spent by sharing bank statements and agreeing to catch up more regularly, says Curran.

But a productive conversation is not just about definite outcomes. "It could just be that you understand each other better," says Kun.

Recognise when you need help

Enlisting the help of a third party – a friend, neighbour or a mediator – could help you make headway if a conversation has run into a stalemate.

But it's important to also recognise when having a conversation about money with your partner may not be safe. If talking about money leads to physical or verbal abuse, threatening or belittling behaviour, or your partner (or family member) refuses to share financial information, these are red flags and you should get help, says Kun.

For more information

Contact WIRE on 1300 134 130 or 1800 RESPECT if you're concerned about your safety.

WIRE has developed a website, Women Talk Money, ( which includes topics such as talking about money and dealing with negative responses.

Relationships Australia 1300 364 277